Authorize competitive solicitation and contract with the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for Berrydale Park Improvements for an estimated $3,300,000
The City of Portland ordains:
Section 1. The Council finds:
- Portland Parks & Recreation (PP&R) promotes health, livability, and economic vitality through the effective management of the City’s award-winning parks and recreation system. Berrydale Park is a 5.5-acre park located in the Montavilla Neighborhood of East Portland. The park is bound by SE Taylor St to the north, SE 92nd Ave to the east, SE 89th Ave to the west, and Clark Elementary directly to the south. Currently, the park is comprised primarily of turf with mature trees scattered throughout. There are existing seating areas and playground structures that are in poor condition and in need of repair. Some existing park elements do not meet current ADA standards.
- The 2008 Skatepark System Plan identified Berrydale Park as the next skatepark to be designed and constructed and was subsequently allocated System Development Charge (SDC) funds for construction of a new skatepark.
- PP&R and its design consultants engaged the public through open houses and online surveys to reach the final preferred design for the project. Community engagement for the Project began in July 2021 and was completed in June 2022. In July 2021, PP&R held the first in-person community gathering to discuss design options for the skatepark at Berrydale Park. Throughout the community engagement process, we clearly heard the desire for increased lighting to help address safety, new pathways to allow better access and mobility, and the desire for a new playground to replace the existing sub-standard playground existing on site today.
- Based upon feedback received from the community and following an initial feasibility study for the project, it was identified that the existing park elements, such as seating areas, playground structures and drinking fountains, did not meet current ADA standards. The existing equipment was inaccessible or in need of repair or replacement.
- After careful consideration, it was determined that the focus of the park upgrades and use of the SDC funding should not only include the building of a new skate park, but also should prioritize ADA improvements and address the barriers identified in the ADA Transition Plan.
- Following the approved request for additional funding for the ADA improvements, PP&R re-engaged the public to set community-supported priorities for the design and construction of park improvements, which comprise the current Project bid package.
- An in-person community gathering was organized in April 2022 and PP&R shared design options for the amenities that the community identified as priorities during the July 2021 community engagement period in addition to the new skatepark. Due to the community feedback surrounding the new playground, an additional and final open house was held in June 2022 in which the team shared two (2) alternative designs based on feedback from the previous community gathering.
- Through an Early Assistance (EA) application, PBOT determined that all park frontages should be improved due to the limited site access from the right‑of-way. Improvements include new sidewalks, curb ramps, roadway, and stormwater upgrades. The right-of-way work was expedited by the formation of a Local Improvement District (LID) partnership between PBOT, PP&R and any resident within the LID boundary who wanted to participate in the LID process.
- The PBOT 89th & Taylor, SE LID Ordinance #191117 has been previously approved by Council. Directive ‘f’ within the ordinance directs staff to advertise for bids for the LID portion of construction.
- As a result of the community feedback and frontage improvement requirements, the preferred design was finalized in November 2022 and shared on the project website. The project maintains an active website that will allow the community to provide feedback through construction.
- The construction cost estimate (completed by PP&R staff) for Park Improvements is $3.3 million. The PBOT LID improvement costs (completed by PBOT staff) are $400K for a combined total construction bid estimate of $3.7 million. PP&R’s confidence level in the cost estimate is medium due to the current bidding and construction market, low contractor labor availability, and pricing risk from uncertainties in material supply chains for estimates and project bids.
- This LID work combined with Park work provides an efficient contracting arrangement as the project will be both bid and constructed by one contractor reducing bureau staffing needs and coordination through the construction process.
- Funding for this Project is included in the 5-year Capital Budget through PP&R System Development Charges, the ADA Transition Plan, PP&R PRMS, and PP&R Major Maintenance Fund with a total Project Budget of $4,775,000 million.
- PP&R seeks Council’s authorization for Procurement Services to issue a competitive solicitation and execute a contract for the construction of the Project.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Council directs:
- The Chief Procurement Officer is authorized to conduct a competitive solicitation process in accordance with Chapter 5.34 of the Portland City Code to obtain the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the construction of the Berrydale Park Improvements and the PBOT 89th & Taylor, SE LID (T01261).
- Upon Council acceptance of the Chief Procurement Officer’s Report recommending the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, the Chief Procurement Officer, or designee, is authorized to negotiate and execute a contract, provided the contract has been approved as to form by the City Attorney’s Office.
- The Mayor and Auditor are hereby authorized to draw and deliver checks chargeable to the PP&R System Development Charge funds when demand is presented and approved by the proper authorities.
Official Record (Efiles)
An ordinance when passed by the Council shall be signed by the Auditor. It shall be carefully filed and preserved in the custody of the Auditor (City Charter Chapter 2 Article 1 Section 2-122)
Passed by Council
Auditor of the City of Portland
Simone Rede
Impact Statement
Purpose of Proposed Legislation and Background Information
Council approval is required for construction projects with a value over $1 million. Approval of this action will authorize the Chief Procurement Officer to proceed with bid solicitation and awarding a contract for construction improvements at Berrydale Park which will be bid with PBOT LID T01261. The PBOT LID Ordinance #191117 has been previously approved by Council. Directive ‘f’ within the ordinance directs staff to advertise for bids for the LID portion of construction. PBOT LID construction cost is estimated at $400K, for a total combined project bid estimate of $3.7 million.
In April 2008, Portland Parks & Recreation (PP&R) began a planning process to identify several different locations in which to build skate parks throughout the City. This planning effort was accompanied by a robust public input process and culminated in a city-wide skate park system plan which identified Berrydale Park as the next skate park to be designed and constructed.
The initial feasibility study for the planned skate park project at Berrydale Park identified that the park lacked elements that meet current ADA standards. As a result, the design focused on the new skatepark and ADA access improvements. Following the approval for additional funding and feedback collected during the community engagement gatherings, improvements such as new accessible pathways, site furnishings, and playground structures was added to the project scope. The new funding also allows for the inclusion of new site lighting for increased safety and frontage improvements in addition to the improved site access and new skatepark area.
Financial and Budgetary Impacts
Contract Price: The construction cost estimate for the total project is $3.7 million. PP&R’s confidence level in the cost estimate is medium due to the current bidding and construction market, low contractor labor availability, and pricing risk from uncertainties in material supply chains for estimates and project bids.
The Total Project budget: The funding source is from PP&R System Development Charges (SDC) funding, the ADA Transition Plan funding, PP&R PRMS, and the PP&R Major Maintenance fund. No positions will be created, eliminated or re-classified because of this legislation.
Total Berrydale Park Project Funding | Amount |
PP&R SDC (LID funding of $800k) | $4,000,000 |
ADA Transition Plan | $650,000 |
PP&R Major Maintenance Fund | $25,000 |
PP&R PRMS | $100,000 |
Total | $4,775,000 |
Funding for SE 89th Avenue and Taylor Street Local Improvement District (LID) in the amount not to exceed $800,000 is a result of the contribution made by PP&R through the System Development Charge (SDC) funds. This financial contribution by PP&R provides the necessary funding to complete the LID proposed by the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) adjacent to the Berrydale Park Improvement project. Budgeted costs are based on the PBOT-prepared Project Estimate Report dated February 13th, 2024.
This Project will not result in any new or modified financial obligations through Intergovernmental Agreements or Memoranda of Understanding, and all capital costs are included in the 5-year Capital Budget. The anticipated Operations and Maintenance cost will be approximately $61,000 per year which will be paid for by levy funding with the expectation that PP&R, through its Sustainable Future efforts, will work with City Council to identify a successor resource to address this ongoing cost, post Levy.
The construction resulting from this Ordinance will not impact current or future revenues for the Bureau. Future operations and maintenance costs for built objects will be addressed through the PP&R annual budget process.
Community Impacts and Community Involvement
PP&R and its design team engaged the public through three (3) in-person open houses and online surveys to reach the final preferred design for the project. Community engagement for the Project began in July 2021 and was completed in June 2022. To best reach diverse communities, PP&R partnered with the Community Engagement Liaisons Services (CELs) for event recruitment and on-site translation and interpretation in Spanish, Vietnamese, and Chinese.
In July 2021, PP&R held an in-person community gathering to discuss design options for the Berrydale Park Improvement Project. The session was hosted by the PP&R project managers, the Community Engagement teams, and the design team. While the main improvement at the time continued to focus on the proposed skatepark, PP&R’s goal was to also gain a general understanding of the Berrydale Park community priorities for the park improvements to help inform the project design proposals to be shared at the second open house. Survey responses indicated the type of action sport most practiced at the park and the design style that the community was most interested in seeing. When asked about additional amenities that were most important, responses indicated improved park lighting, site furnishings, and accessible pathways. Responses also showed an overwhelming interest in improved play equipment.
Following the approval of additional SDC funding for additional park improvements, PP&R hosted a second open house in April 2022 to discuss design options for these new amenities in addition to the new skatepark. The community weighed in on three (3) alternative designs. Due to the community feedback surrounding the new playground, an additional and final open house was held in June 2022, in which the team shared two (2) alternative designs based on feedback from the previous open house.
As a result of the open houses and culmination of the feedback received at each meeting, the preferred design was finalized in November 2022 and shared on the project website. The project maintains an active website that will allow the community to provide feedback through construction. To date the proposed improvements at Berrydale have been met with wide community support.
100% Renewable Goal
Financial and Budget Analysis
This bid will have a total planned project budget of $4,775,000 coming from the following sources: Parks System Development Charges (SDC's) - $4,000,000, ADA Transition Plan - $650,000, PP&R Major Maintenance Fund - $25,000, PP&R PRMS - $100,000. Operations and Maintenance costs of approximately $61,000 per year will be paid for by Parks Levy funding.