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Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Feb. 17, to observe Presidents Day.

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Authorize competitive solicitation and contract with the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for construction of the Water Pollution Control Laboratory Facility & Site Renovation Project for an estimated cost of $3,800,000 (BES Project E10902)


The City of Portland ordains:

Section 1. The Council finds:

  1. The Bureau of Environmental Services (BES) needs to construct a new boat storage building, make minor interior improvements to the existing annex building, resurface and expand the existing employee and public parking lot, add perimeter security fencing and gates, and add updates to meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) access requirements.
  2. BES prepared plans and specifications for the WPCL Facility & Site Renovation Project. BES requires the furnishing of materials and labor for this project.
  3. The estimated cost is $3,800,000. The level of confidence is high. Funds will be made available in the Sewer System Operating Fund, FY2024-25 Budget, Bureau of Environmental Services, Project Number E10902

NOW, THEREFORE, the Council directs:

  1. The Chief Procurement Officer is authorized to conduct a competitive solicitation process for the lowest responsive bidder in accordance with Chapter 5.34 of the Portland City Code.  
  2. Upon the Council’s acceptance of the Chief Procurement Officer’s report recommending the lowest responsible bidder, the Chief Procurement Officer is authorized to negotiate and execute a contract, provided the contract has been approved as to form by the City Attorney’s office. 
  3. The Mayor and Auditor are hereby authorized to pay for the contract from the Sewer System Operating Fund Budget when demand is presented and approved by the proper authority.

An ordinance when passed by the Council shall be signed by the Auditor. It shall be carefully filed and preserved in the custody of the Auditor (City Charter Chapter 2 Article 1 Section 2-122)

Passed by Council

Auditor of the City of Portland
Simone Rede

Impact Statement

Purpose of Proposed Legislation and Background Information

The Water Pollution Control Lab (WPCL) building is owned and operated by the Bureau of Environmental Services (BES). The WPCL building is located at 6543 N Burlington Avenue at the foot of the St. Johns Bridge on the east bank of the Willamette River. The 39,000 square foot facility was constructed in 1997 and houses the BES Environmental Information and Environmental Compliance work groups. Today the facility has outgrown the secure fleet parking lot, storage building, main parking lot and accessibility needs to be brought up to the current ADA design standards. 

The scope of this project includes construction of a new 2,712 square foot boat storage building, resurfacing and expansion (10,472 square feet) of the existing employee and public parking lot with new asphaltic concrete overlay, the additional of perimeter security fencing and gates, and additional updates to meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) access requirements. Highlights of the new boat storage building include: 

  • Single story building with concrete mat foundation and load bearing metal stud walls
  • Flat roof with red cinder ecoroof assembly
  • Three overhead doors for access to boat and equipment storage areas 
  • Single user ADA compliant bathroom 

This proposed new building will be used for boat and equipment storage only; it will not be occupied full-time by staff and is not accessible to the public. There will be no direct river access to this portion of the facility and no additional direct river access to the larger site as part of the proposed development. 

The project also includes minor interior tenant improvements in the existing 2,500 square foot annex storage building and resurfacing of the parking lot located in the secure fleet area adjacent to the annex building. The tenant improvements to the building are limited to the south end of the annex building where a new partition wall and interior door will be installed to create separate areas to address operational needs of BES.

Stormwater management facilities include stormwater planters, an ecoroof and associated monitoring vaults for the new impervious area created at the site. Disturbed areas will be restored with native vegetation. Hardscaping also includes new sidewalks connecting the new storage building to the existing site while also maintaining public trail access. The existing employee bicycle parking area located in the northwest corner of the secured fleet area will be expanded by increasing the existing concrete slab footprint and installing new bike racks to increase bicycle parking capacity. The parking area, new storage building, and renovation of existing annex storage building will be all ADA compliant. 

Several security features also are proposed to reduce trespassing, vandalism, and other adverse impacts, particularly during night-time (non-operational) hours. These will include the following:

  • Perimeter security fencing around the entire southern portion of the site.
  • A new gate for motor vehicles associated with the entrance to the site from Burlington Avenue.
  • A new gate for pedestrians who access the WPCL lab facility from the Willamette River Greenway Trail. The gate will be unlocked as needed to allow public access. 

Financial and Budgetary Impacts

This legislation authorizes a contract and allows payment for project with an estimated cost of $3,800,000. Funds will be made available in the Sewer System Operating Fund, with the Bureau of Environmental Services’ FY2024-2025 Capital Improvement Plan. No changes to the BES budget are required.

The proposed project estimate has been assigned a high confidence level.

This project will neither generate nor reduce current or future revenue. No new City positions will be created.

Community Impacts and Community Involvement

The Water Pollution Control Laboratory is a landmark in Portland’s St. John’s Neighborhood. The Willamette Greenway Trail runs along the western portion of the site, parallel to the Willamette River. It connects the site to neighboring Cathedral Park and is used by the public.

The project site is designated as EG2gq-(MU-U); General Employment 2 with Greenway River General and River Water Quality overlays located within the St. John's Plan District. No public comment was received as part of the land use review process. 

100% Renewable Goal

This project neither contributes nor takes away from the City’s goal of meeting 100 percent of community-wide energy needs with renewable energy by 2050.

Financial and Budget Analysis

The funds for this solicitation and contract are available in the bureau’s FY 2024-25 CIP. The project cost estimate has a high confidence level.

Document History

Agenda Council action
Regular Agenda
City Council
Passed to second reading
Passed to second reading May 22, 2024 at 9:30 a.m.
Regular Agenda
City Council

  • Aye (5):
    • Ryan
    • Rene Gonzalez
    • Mingus Mapps
    • Carmen Rubio
    • Ted Wheeler

City department

Requested Agenda Type


Date and Time Information

Requested Council Date
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