Emergency Ordinance

*Ratify a Successor Collective Bargaining Agreement with Portland Police Association relating to the terms and conditions of employment of represented employees in the Bureau of Emergency Communications for 2023-2027


The City of Portland ordains:

Section 1. The Council finds: 

  1. The City and the Portland Police Association (PPA) representing BOEC emergency communications employees are parties to a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) effective July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2023.
  2. The PPA is the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for all classifications set form in Schedule A of the CBA. 
  3. On or about February 1, 2023, pursuant to the requirements of the Public Employees Collective Bargaining Act (PECBA), representatives of the City on behalf of BOEC entered into negotiations for a successor CBA with PPA. 
  4. On July 21, 2023, representatives of the City on behalf of BOEC and the PPA signed a Tentative Agreement (Agreement), attached as Exhibit A, which outlines the terms and conditions of employment for represented employees in the PPA-BOEC bargaining unit for the period of July 1, 2023 to June 30,2027 (2023-2027 CBA).
  5. At all times during the negotiations of the Agreement, the parties committed themselves to transparent information sharing and substantive and respectful dialogue.
  6. This Agreement assists the City in recruiting and retaining highly qualified Emergency Telecommunicators through additional premium pay incentives focusing on training and certifications for qualifying PPA-BOEC members, as follows:
    1. Language Pay Differential effective July 1, 2023. On December 16, 2020, Portland City Council unanimously passed Resolution No. 37525 to authorize a Language Pay Differential policy to compensate qualified multilingual City employees who use their language skill to assist the community within their scope of work.
    2. To address the need for additional Certified Training Officers (CTO), BOEC will increase the full-time CTO premium from eleven percent (11%) to sixteen percent (16%) provided CTO’s are willing to coach all disciplines, including call taking, police dispatch and fire dispatch, with no restrictions on how many hours per day is spent coaching (i.e., can coach a full shift; have no restrictions on which trainees will be coached.) This change will be effective on the first pay period following ratification of the CBA.
    3. One fiscal year extension of the Emergency Communications Dispatch Trainee certification pilot program authorizing all operational overtime hours be paid at 2.0 times the base wage. (Approved by Council on July 12th, 2023, Ordinance #191366).
    4. Effective January 1, 2024, the Bureau will establish a premium pay associated with organizational excellence. Employees will receive a two percent (2%) premium on their base wage when the bureau achieves less than or equal to 10% partial compliance, less than or equal to 10% low compliance, and less than or equal to 7% non-compliance in both Emergency Medical Dispatch and Emergency Fire Dispatch.
    5. Effective July 1, 2025, the Agreement adds a one percent (1%) premium for employees holding a Department of Public Safety and Training (DPSST) Telecommunicator Intermediate certification. Employees holding the Telecommunicator Advanced level certification will receive a premium of two percent (2%).
    6. Effective and retroactive to July 1, 2023, the Agreement increases each tier of longevity pay by one percent (1%) at eleven, thirteen, and fifteen years of service. 
  7. To address recruitment and retention and maintain competitiveness within the market, the Agreement provides a two percent (2%) across-the-board increase for all classifications within Schedule A effective July 1st, 2024.
  8. Employees in PPA-BOEC will receive a Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) of five percent (5%) retroactive to July 1, 2023. Cost of living increases effective July 1, 2024, July 1, 2025, and July 1, 2026 will be tied to the CPI-W West - Size Class A with a minimum increase of one percent (1%) and a maximum increase of five percent (5%).
  9. The terms and conditions of the Agreement shall be reduced to a successor collective bargaining agreement and shall conform substantially to Exhibit A (the 2023-2027 CBA).
  10. The Mayor, the Chief Human Resources Officer, and the City Auditor shall be authorized to execute the 2023-2027 CBA with approval as to form by the assigned attorney from the City Attorney’s Office.

NOW, THEREFORE, the Council directs:

  1. The Tentative Agreement between the City and the PPA is ratified by this Council in a form substantially similar to the agreement attached as Exhibit A.
  2. The Mayor, the Chief Human Resources Officer, and the City Auditor are authorized to execute the 2023-2027 successor CBA between the City and the PPA relating to the terms and conditions of employment for represented employees in the PPA-BOEC bargaining unit for the period of ratification to June 30, 2027, with approval as to form by the assigned City Attorney.
  3. Council directs the City Budget Office to increase the Current Appropriation Level Target for the Bureau of Emergency Communications in Fiscal Year 2024-2025 by $325,448.
  4. This ordinance is binding City policy. 

Section 2. The Council declares that an emergency exists because immediate effectiveness will support labor peace and delay would unnecessarily hinder the orderly implementation of the provisions of this collective bargaining agreement; therefore, this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect after its passage by the Council. 

An ordinance when passed by the Council shall be signed by the Auditor. It shall be carefully filed and preserved in the custody of the Auditor (City Charter Chapter 2 Article 1 Section 2-122)

Passed by Council

Auditor of the City of Portland
Simone Rede

Impact Statement

Purpose of Proposed Legislation and Background Information

The purpose of this ordinance is to ratify a successor collective bargaining agreement (CBA) between the City and the Portland Police Association representing BOEC emergency communications employees effective on ratification through June 30, 2027, in a form substantially similar to the Tentative Agreement (Agreement)).

If ratified by City Council, the Agreement will establish the terms and conditions of the 2023-2027 successor CBA between the City and the PPA-BOEC. 

Financial and Budgetary Impacts

A full cost analysis of the proposed changes in the Tentative Agreement are as follows:

The net fiscal impact for Year 1 (FY 2023-24) is estimated to be an increase of $1,247,000 in annual expenditures, which will cover: the implementation of a sick leave conversion match; a 1% increase to the longevity pay percentage at each milestone; changes to the Coach/Lead premiums structure; a one-year extension of the double overtime provision; a 2% premium for organizational excellence; an opt-in vacation buy-back program; and the $1/hour language pay differential. Note: The cost of the one-year extension of the double overtime provision was authorized by Council through City Ordinance 191366. 

The fiscal impact for Year 2 (FY 2024-25) is an additional expenditure of $927,000 and includes the continuation of the abovementioned items, as well as a 2% across-the-board base wage increase.

The fiscal impact for Year 3 (FY 2025-26) is an additional $1,236,000 and includes the continuation of the above mentioned items, as well as the introduction of premiums for DPSST certification.

The total recurring fiscal impact for Year 4 (FY 2026-2027) is estimated to be $1,330,000 and represents the ongoing cost thereafter for the abovementioned items.

Community Impacts and Community Involvement

There was no community involvement. This action is largely internal to City government processes.

100% Renewable Goal

This action has no impact on the City’s renewable energy goal.

Financial and Budget Analysis

This action ratifies the successor CBA between the City of Portland and the Portland Police Association on behalf of BOEC employees. The agreement extends from FY 2023-24 to FY 2026-27 and includes an increase in bureau expenditures totaling $4.7 million for across the board employee salary increases and additional benefits over the course of the agreement. This action likewise increases the bureau's CAL target for forthcoming budget development year FY2024-25 by $325,448. 

Document History

Item 703 Regular Agenda in August 23, 2023 Council Agenda

City Council


  • Commissioner Rene Gonzalez Yea
  • Commissioner Mingus Mapps Yea
  • Commissioner Carmen Rubio Absent
  • Commissioner Dan Ryan Yea
  • Mayor Ted Wheeler Yea

Introduced by


AnnMarie Kevorkian Mattie

Labor Relations Coordinator

Cydney Khan

Labor Relations Coordinator

Requested Agenda Type


Date and Time Information

Requested Council Date
Time Requested
15 minutes
Portland Policy Document