Amend price agreement with Graybar Electric Company, Inc. to increase annual spending limit for ongoing multibureau procurement of various electrical, lighting, data communications, and security products and services for an annual amount of $2 million (amend Price Agreement 31002395)
The City of Portland ordains:
Section 1. The Council finds:
- Price agreement # 31002395 with Graybar Electric Company, Inc. is utilized by multiple City bureaus for periodic procurement of various electrical, lighting, data communications, and security products and services, with an annual spend limitation of $1 million for each year of the price agreement. Graybar Electric Company, Inc. is both a distributor of goods and a provider of installation, repair, and maintenance services.
- The Bureau of Technology Services (BTS) uses the price agreement for supply of low voltage, network infrastructure, software licensing, and video infrastructure goods and services, for much of the City’s telecommunication systems. The Bureau of Environmental Services (BES) uses the price agreement for stormwater control gates, electrical surge protection, security systems, and radio equipment. The Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) uses the price agreement for supply of traffic signal and street light products and services. Other City bureaus that have used the price agreement in the past year include Portland Fire & Rescue, Portland Parks & Recreation, Portland Water Bureau, and Facilities.
- The City’s average annual spend has steadily increased over the past three years and has significantly increased in the last year due to inflation and increased use. Current projections show that the current spending limitation is expected to be exceed this calendar year.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Council directs:
- The Chief Procurement Officer is authorized to execute an amendment to Price Agreement # 31002395 with Graybar Electric Company, Inc. to increase the annual spending limitation from $1 million per year to $2 million per year, provided the amendment has been approved as to form by the City Attorney’s Office.
- The Chief Procurement Officer is further authorized to execute future amendments to increase the annual spend limit up to a maximum of $3 million per year, provided such amendments have been approved as to form by the City Attorney’s Office.
Official Record (Efiles)
An ordinance when passed by the Council shall be signed by the Auditor. It shall be carefully filed and preserved in the custody of the Auditor (City Charter Chapter 2 Article 1 Section 2-122)
Passed by Council
Auditor of the City of Portland
Simone Rede
Impact Statement
Purpose of Proposed Legislation and Background Information
Portland Procurement Code 5.33.040, Authority of Chief Procurement Officer, limits the CPO’s signature authority to execute price agreements for periodic supply of goods and services, to $1 million annually. Price agreements with estimated expenditures exceeding $1 million annually require approval of Portland City Council.
Price agreement # 31002395 with Graybar Electric Company, Inc. was originally approved with an annual spend limitation of $1 million per year and has since provided multiple City bureaus with goods and services. As a result, usage of the price agreement has increased and current projections show that the current spending limitation is expected to be exceeded this calendar year.
Over the past year, seven City bureaus have issued 88 purchase orders to the contractor, for 88 different projects from 45 different cost centers. Purchase orders vary in dollar amount, ranging from $90 to $574,583. Increasing the annual spending limitation to $2 million per year will allow City bureaus to direct more projects to the contractor with greater efficiency and ease of ordering.
Proposed legislation does not change City policies.
Financial and Budgetary Impacts
No new budget appropriations would be necessary; bureaus would be spending budgeted funds already approved for such goods and services.
Community Impacts and Community Involvement
Procuring such electrical, lighting, data communications and security products and services from a single vendor allows for greater efficiencies in product ordering, shipping, receiving, functionality, and post-sale support and services.
100% Renewable Goal
Not applicable.
Financial and Budget Analysis
The price agreement with Graybar Electric Company, Inc. was originally approved with an annual spend limitation of $1 million per year and has since provided multiple City bureaus with goods and services. As a result, usage of the price agreement has increased, and current projections show that the current spending limitation is expected to be exceeded this calendar year. Over the past year, seven City bureaus have issued 88 purchase orders to the contractor, for 88 different projects from 45 different cost centers. Increasing the annual spending limitation to $2 million per year will allow City bureaus to direct more projects to the contractor with greater efficiency and ease of ordering. No new budget appropriations would be necessary; bureaus would be spending budgeted funds already approved for such goods and services.