Declare surplus real property at three Portland Water Bureau locations and request authorization to dispose of properties
The City of Portland ordains:
Section 1. The Council finds:
- Three properties are no longer needed by the Portland Water Bureau for delivery of water to the citizens of Portland and have been declared surplus. The public would be best served by selling each property at fair market value. The legal description of these properties is attached as Exhibit A.
- These properties are in Portland (refer to Exhibit B) and are known as the following:
- Arrowood Pump Station, SW 34th Ave. & SW Stephenson St., consisting of Tax ID #R331445
- Buddington Tank, 5126 SW Buddington St., consisting of Tax ID #R302727
- Woodward Tank, 3000 SE 109th Ave., consisting of Tax ID #R333885 & R244372
- Portland Water Bureau has offered these properties to other City bureaus, but there was no interest in purchasing these properties.
- The Commissioner-in-Charge of the Portland Water Bureau declared these properties as surplus, refer to Exhibit C.
- A summary of public comments received during the public comment period is attached, refer to Exhibit D.
- All three properties follow the City’s Disposition of City Real Property Policy, approved by Council in August 2015. Two properties are identified as Category 3 status. One property is identified as Category 1 status.
- The properties will be sold for the best price, terms, and conditions in accordance with City Code. Net proceeds from the property sales will be distributed to the Water Fund.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Council directs:
- That the Portland Water Bureau Director is authorized to execute on behalf of the City of Portland, any and all documents required by the City Attorney for conveyance of the title to the properties.
- The properties listed above and described as City-owned properties under the jurisdiction of the Portland Water Bureau are hereby declared surplus, and Portland Water Bureau is hereby instructed to dispose of the same through sale for the best price, terms, and conditions available.
Official Record (Efiles)
An ordinance when passed by the Council shall be signed by the Auditor. It shall be carefully filed and preserved in the custody of the Auditor (City Charter Chapter 2 Article 1 Section 2-122)
Passed by Council
Auditor of the City of Portland
Simone Rede
Impact Statement
Purpose of Proposed Legislation and Background Information
Portland Water Bureau has three properties that are no longer needed to deliver water to the citizens of Portland. Selling these excess properties supports the bureau’s commitment to thoughtful financial planning and efficient property management, allowing the bureau to deposit sale proceeds into the Water Fund and redirect bureau personnel resources currently being used to maintain and secure these properties.
These properties have been deemed surplus by the Commissioner-in-Charge and are in line with the City of Portland’s Disposition of City Real Property Policy. Arrowood Pump Station is a Category 1 property, while Buddington Tank and Woodward Tank are Category 3 properties.
Category 1 properties are City-owned properties that:
- Have been offered to other City bureaus.
- Have been offered to external entities.
- Have been listed on the real property webpage to invite public comment.
- Have had a sign placed on the property notifying the public that the property is being considered for disposition.
- Have an estimated value of less than $50,000, have deed or use restrictions, or are landlocked by an adjacent owner.
Category 3 properties are City-owned real properties that:
- Have been offered to other City bureaus.
- Have been offered to external entities.
- Have been listed on the real property webpage to invite public comment.
- Have had a sign placed on the property notifying the public that the property is being considered for disposition.
- Have had written notice of proposed disposition provided to the neighborhood association, neighborhood coalition, and business association for the area.
- Have had the notice of proposed disposition mailed to property owners within 200 feet of the property and have taken public comments for 60 days.
Financial and Budgetary Impacts
The declaration of surplus property and authority to sell will allow the Portland Water Bureau to discontinue the maintenance of properties no longer actively used for water distribution. Staffing levels will not change because of this action. All three locations have equipment that will need to be removed or become part of the sale. The expense to remove equipment on the individual sites will be negotiated at the time of the sale.
Community Impacts and Community Involvement
The properties have been listed on Portland Water Bureau’s surplus property website in compliance with the Disposition of City Real Property Policy. Portland Water Bureau also provided the opportunity for the public to provide comments on the properties. The public comment period was from March 7, 2023 to May 6, 2023 and all comments regarding the properties are captured in Exhibit D.
100% Renewable Goal
This action does not impact the City’s total energy use or the City’s renewable energy use. All materials that are to be removed when the properties are sold will be properly disposed of per the City’s contract with the purchaser(s).
Financial and Budget Analysis
The properties in the ordinance are Category 3 properties. This ordinance allows the bureau to discontinue the maintenance of the properties and move forward with selling them.
Document History
Item 584 Regular Agenda in July 12-13, 2023 Council Agenda
City Council
Passed to second reading
Item 613 Regular Agenda in July 19, 2023 Council Agenda
City Council
- Commissioner Rene Gonzalez Yea
- Commissioner Mingus Mapps Yea
- Commissioner Dan Ryan Yea
- Commissioner Carmen Rubio Yea
- Mayor Ted Wheeler Absent