*Authorize sixty-one month lease with Murase Properties, LLC for Office of Management and Finance Community Safety Division office and community space at 2712 N Mississippi Ave for an average of $133,000 annually
The City of Portland ordains:
Section 1. The Council finds:
- Effective July 1, 2022, Mayor Wheeler assigned the Safe Blocks Program (“Safe Blocks”) and the Office of Violence Prevention (“OVP”) to the Office of Management and Finance’s (“OMF”) Community Safety Division (“CSD”). These two programs provide different, yet complimentary services to the community and are now aligned under CSD.
- Safe Blocks is located at OMF’s Portland Building and provides services focused mainly on primary prevention which aims to prevent violence before it occurs. Staff work with the greater community to offer prevention trainings and education on a number of safety topics, to conduct security assessments of properties based in the practice of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (“CPTED”) and provide project management of place-based interventions to reduce gun violence.
- OVP is located at OMF’s Walnut Park Retail Center and provides services focused on primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. Secondary involves treating immediate injury and harm resulting from violent incident and tertiary refers to a range of activities aimed at addressing the medium and long-term effects of violence and abuse which includes therapy and other rehabilitation efforts.
- Safe Blocks and OVP are expanding and CSD desires that the programs co-locate in a property that offers both a welcoming community space for public meetings and trainings but also has separate office space for staff to collaborate and catalyze their work. The property at 2712 N Mississippi Ave is approximately 4,500 square feet and has an existing floorplan that can accommodate these space needs with little tenant improvement required. In addition, it includes an enclosed parking area, is inclose vicinity to other City operations and can be leased effective June 1st, 2023.
- City Binding Policy ADM 13.01 directs bureaus to locate their operations in City owned or controlled facilities when these facilities reasonably meet the business need of the bureaus. Resolution No. 37017 reaffirmed ADM 13.01 and directed OMF to work with bureaus to fully implement relevant policies by bringing City operations back into City-owned facilities when cost effective to do so, and to bring leases or rental agreements to Council for approval.
- OMF and CSD have strategically assessed the operational needs and have concluded there are no viable options within City-owned facilities to provide sufficient space to accommodate CSD’s current space needs. OMF wishes to support CSDand facilitate a new lease agreement with commercially reasonable rental rates and terms.
- The expected financial impact for the first year is estimated at $10,281 monthly which is already built into the proposed budget for FY 23/24. Annual increases over the term are estimated at 3%. The bureau anticipates inclusion of annual lease expenses in future FY budgets and payment through General Fund. OMF will negotiate lease terms to reflect any non-appropriation contingency.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Council directs:
- The Chief Administrative Officer or designee is authorized to execute any relevant documents including, but not limited to, amendments and extensions necessary to lease property for the Community Safety Division’s purposes. Subject to OMF strategically assessing availability of City-owned properties first and consistent with Section 1 findings, all documents will be reviewed by the Office of Management and Finance’s Planning and Portfolio Management team for commercially acceptable terms and condition and approved as to form by the City Attorney prior to execution.
Section 2. The Council declares that an emergency exists in order that this lease agreement may occur without delay due to the scarcity of suitable options available to accommodate the Community Safety Division’s operations and to capitalize on potential opportunities; therefore, this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage by the Council.
Official Record (Efiles)
An ordinance when passed by the Council shall be signed by the Auditor. It shall be carefully filed and preserved in the custody of the Auditor (City Charter Chapter 2 Article 1 Section 2-122)
Passed by Council
Auditor of the City of Portland
Simone Rede
Impact Statement
Purpose of Proposed Legislation and Background Information
The purpose of this ordinance is to authorize Office of Management and Finance to negotiate and execute a lease agreement for office and community space for the Community Safety Division’s Safe Blocks and OVP’s programs which would allow them to co-locate and provide a welcoming space for the community for training and meetings.
Financial and Budgetary Impacts
Co-locating OVP and Safe Blocks is the most efficient allocation of CSD”s resources to deliver the community based work that is required.
Community Impacts and Community Involvement
There are significant needs for a community drop-in meeting space in the north side where both the Office of Violence Prevention and the Safe Blocks Program can be easily accessible to the community. This location will provide free parking and create a welcoming space for communities most impacted by gun violence to come together and receive support from these programs and contribute as critical partners in the work to reduce gun violence.
100% Renewable Goal
Not applicable.
Financial and Budget Analysis
This action authorizes OMF-Community Safety Division to execute a lease for office space for CSD's Office of Violence Prevention and Safe Block's programs. The lease at 2712 N Mississippi Ave is estimated to cost $133,000 a year, with 3% annual increases. CSD has included lease cost within their FY 2023-24 Requested Budget.