*Authorize Intergovernmental Agreements with the State of Oregon on behalf of Portland State University for the use of parking permits and access cards at the 4th Ave Garage not to exceed $650,000 annually
The City of Portland ordains:
Section 1. The Council finds:
- The Bureau of Development Services (BDS), Bureau of Environmental Services (BES), Bureau of Technology Services (BTS), Fire & Rescue (FIRE), Bureau of Parks and Recreating (PARKS), Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) and the Portland Water Bureau (PWB), collectively, COP, has a need for parking spaces and access cards at the 4th Avenue Garage. COP staff’s City assigned vehicles have a need to park in the garage. BES and PBOT also utilize personal vehicles in order to conduct field inspections.
- BDS inspection staff has parked in PSU's 4th Avenue Garage parking facility, which is adjacent to the Development Services Building, since BDS moved into the Development Services Building in 1999. BES, BTS, FIRE, PARKS, PBOT, and PWB also found that they have a need to park City owned vehicles and personal vehicles (used for inspections) to conduct daily business activities, when necessary. The parking structure is the most convenient and efficient in terms of access and proximity to the Development Services Building.
- The Bureau of Development Services currently has an interagency agreement with BES, BTS, FIRE, PARKS, PBOT and PWB to handle and process all the parking invoices and customer service issues with Portland State University Transportation and Parking Services.
- The costs of these parking permits, for the period July 2022 through June 2023, fall within two tiers: 1. Non-Reserved parking permits are charged at a monthly rate of $215 per space, and 2. Parking spaces reserved all hours are charged a monthly rate of $280/space.
The monthly cost for non-reserved permits during Fiscal Year (FY)2022-23 will increase by $10 over the FY2021-22 rate to $215 per permit. Permits with spaces reserved all hours, for electric charging stations, will decrease by $11 per month from the FY2021-22 rate to $280 per permit. This IGA provides for a maximum of 126 non-reserved parking permits and 44 reserved permits.
- Funds for this IGA have been made available in the FY2022-23 budget.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Council directs:
- Notwithstanding the limitation on director authority contained in PCC 5.33.060.D, the Director of the Bureau of Development Services (BDS) is hereby authorized to execute intergovernmental agreements (IGA) in an amount not to exceed $650,000 annually with the State of Oregon, acting by and through the State Board of Higher Education, on behalf of Portland State University (PSU), in a form similar to the agreement attached as Exhibit A.
- The Director is authorized to execute amendments to the IGAs identified in Section a above provided that no amendment may increase the City’s annual financial obligation under an IGA over $650,000.
- The Mayor and the City Auditor are hereby authorized to make payments due under this IGA, and subsequent IGAs, from the Bureau of Development Services Budget, account 544000, various cost centers, when demand is presented and approved by the proper authorities.
Section 2. The Council declares that an emergency exists in order to prevent delays in timely payment to PSU; therefor, this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage by Council.
Official Record (Efiles)
An ordinance when passed by the Council shall be signed by the Auditor. It shall be carefully filed and preserved in the custody of the Auditor (City Charter Chapter 2 Article 1 Section 2-122)
Passed by Council
Auditor of the City of Portland
Simone Rede
Impact Statement
Purpose of Proposed Legislation and Background Information
The Bureau of Development Services (BDS), Bureau of Environmental Services (BES), Bureau of Technology Services (BTS), Fire & Rescue (FIRE), Bureau of Parks and Recreating (PARKS), Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT), and the Portland Water Bureau (PWB) have a continuing need for parking spaces and access cards at the 4th Avenue Garage in order for inspection staff to continue parking City-assigned and personal vehicles (used for inspections) in the parking structure. The 4th Avenue Garage structure is the most convenient and efficient in terms of access and proximity to the Development Services Building. The current IGA expired on June 30, 2022.
Financial and Budgetary Impacts
The Bureau of Development Services currently have interagency agreements with BES, BTS, FIRE, PARKS, PBOT and PWB to handle and process all parking invoices and customer service issues with Portland State University Transportation and Parking Services. Having a single point of contact has been an efficient process for all the bureaus involved.
Monthly parking permit costs during FY2022-23 fall within two tiers: 1. Non-Reserved parking permits are charged at a monthly rate of $215 per space, and 2. Parking spaces reserved all hours are charged a monthly rate of $280/space. The reserved spaces provide electric charging stations for City vehicles.
The resulting City costs in FY2022-23, for full utilization of this contract, will be approximately $41,500 per month for 170 parking permits. Funds for this IGA with PSU are available in the Bureau of Development Services FY 2022-23 budget.
Community Impacts and Community Involvement
The Bureau of Development Services, Bureau of Environmental Services, Bureau of Technology Services, Fire & Rescue, Bureau of Parks and Recreation, Portland Bureau of Transportation and the Portland Water Bureau did not engage in any public involvement as parking in Portland State University's 4th Avenue Garage is adjacent to the Development Service Building and is the most convenient and efficient in terms of access and proximity to the Development Services Building.
Document History
Item 261 Consent Agenda in April 5, 2023 Council Agenda
City Council
- Aye (4):
- Rene Gonzalez
- Mingus Mapps
- Carmen Rubio
- Dan Ryan
- Absent (1):
- Ted Wheeler