Accept grant for $100,000 from Metro and authorize Intergovernmental Agreement for the bulky waste collection activities for single and multifamily properties
The City of Portland ordains:
Section 1. The Council finds:
- Metro has notified the City of Portland’s Bureau of Planning and Sustainability (BPS) that Metro will award BPS $100,000 in FY 2022-23.
- Metro funds will support citywide goals for improved efforts in addressing trash in the right of way, waste reduction, and recycling programs.
- No City match is required.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Council directs:
- The Mayor is hereby authorized to accept on behalf of the City of Portland funding from Metro in the amount of $100,000 and to execute an intergovernmental agreement with Metro, substantially similar to Exhibit A.
- The Office of Management and Finance’s Grants Office is authorized to perform all administrative matters related to the grant application, grant agreement or amendments, requests for reimbursement from the grantor, and to submit required online grant documents on the Mayor’s behalf.
- The FY2022-23 budget is hereby amended as follows. The Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability will incorporate $100,000 in grant revenue into the Waste Collections program budget.
- The BPS Director is authorized to execute any subsequent modifications to this intergovernmental agreement, provided such modifications do not increase the City of Portland’s financial obligation or risk. Any modifications that increase the City’s financial obligation or risk must be authorized by the City Council.
Official Record (Efiles)
An ordinance when passed by the Council shall be signed by the Auditor. It shall be carefully filed and preserved in the custody of the Auditor (City Charter Chapter 2 Article 1 Section 2-122)
Passed by Council
Auditor of the City of Portland
Mary Hull Caballero
Impact Statement
Purpose of Proposed Legislation and Background Information
- There has been no previous Council action directly related to this ordinance.
- This ordinance supports specific City waste policies.
Financial and Budgetary Impacts
- No City match is required for these funds.
- No positions will be created, eliminated or re-classified as a result of this legislation. Existing Solid Waste Management Funded positions will be used for staff time associated with this project.
- The funding amount of $100,000 was not included in the FY 2022-23 Adopted Budget for BPS.
- Metro has awarded a $100,000 grant to the City for this project, which will be incorporated into the BPS FY 2022-23 budget under grant number PN000109.
Community Impacts and Community Involvement
Community members will benefit both from increased collection of bulky waste at multifamily and low-income rental properties, they will also benefit from reduced illegally dumped bulky waste materials.
100% Renewable Goal
Not applicable.