Winter weather: office closure, emergency shelters and city services
  • City offices, community centers, arts centers, and city recreation facilities are closed Thursday, Feb. 13, due to winter weather.
  • Shelters are open until at least noon Friday. More information: Multco.us/Cold.
  • City services information
Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.


Emergency Ordinance

*Accept grant in the amount of $789,000 from the State of Oregon, authorize Intergovernmental Agreement for SW Taylors Ferry Rd and SW 17th Ave and appropriate $220,000 in FY2022-23


The City of Portland ordains:

Section 1.  The Council finds:

  1. Nonprofit community group SW Trails, Inc. applied to State of Oregon for a grant in the amount of $789,000 for improvements to SW Taylors Ferry Road and SW 17th Avenue in 2021; and
  2. State of Oregon has notified the City of Portland that it will award a grant for the SW Taylors Ferry Road and SW 17th Avenue improvements to Bureau of Transportation in the amount of $789,000;
  3. The project number for this is T01213.  The grant number is TR000347.

NOW, THEREFORE, the Council directs:

  1. The Commissioner-in-Charge is hereby authorized to accept on behalf of the City of Portland a grant from the State of Oregon for the SW Taylors Ferry Road and SW 17th Avenue improvements in the amount of $789,000.
  2. The Commissioner-in-charge to execute an Intergovernmental Agreement in the amount of $789,000 in a form similar to the contract attached as Exhibit A.
  3. The Commissioner-in-Charge is authorized to execute amendments, approved as to form by the City Attorney, to the scope of the services or the terms and conditions of this Agreement, provided the changes do not increase the total project cost by twenty percent (20%) or greater.  
  4. The FY 2022 / 2023 budget is hereby amended as follows:

    Fund: 217
    Business Area – TR00
    Bureau Program Expenses – 220,000
  5. The OMF Grants Office is authorized to perform all administrative matters in relation to the grant application, grant agreement or amendments, requests for reimbursement from the grantor, and to submit required online grant documents on the Commissioner-in-Charge’s behalf.

Section 2.  The Council declares that an emergency exists because a delay would unnecessarily delay the City’s ability to meet the grant deadline; therefore, this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage by the Council.

An ordinance when passed by the Council shall be signed by the Auditor. It shall be carefully filed and preserved in the custody of the Auditor (City Charter Chapter 2 Article 1 Section 2-122)

Passed by Council

Auditor of the City of Portland
Mary Hull Caballero

Impact Statement

Purpose of Proposed Legislation and Background Information

  • Accept grant from State of Oregon in the amount of $789,000 to construct SW Taylors Ferry Road and SW 17th Avenue

Financial and Budgetary Impacts

  • The proposed project will cost $789,000 to create improvements to the Hillsdale to Lake Oswego Trail. The grant agreement with State of Oregon which would include design and construction of two elements; (1) A marked pedestrian crossing and ancillary sidewalk at SW Taylors Ferry Road and SW 17th Avenue; and (2) Sidewalk on one side of Capitol Hill Road between SW 19th Avenue and SW Nevada Court.
  • The project budget of $789,000 will be assigned to PBOT’s FY22-23 and FY23-24 budgets.
  • The Project Number is T01213.  The grant number is TR000347.
  • There is no match required.
  • The FY 2022 / 2023 budget is hereby amended as follows:
    Fund: 217
    Business Area – TR00
    Bureau Program Expenses – 220,000

Community Impacts and Community Involvement

  • TheSW Taylors Ferry Road and SW 17th Avenue is supported by SW Trails and community members to create safer walking conditions along SW Taylors Ferry Road. PBOT will perform outreach to affected property owners and residents in the project area.

100% Renewable Goal

  • This project promotes the use of walking for transportation and recreation and is therefore in support of the city’s climate and renewable resource goals.

Budgetary Impact Worksheet

FundFund CenterCommitment ItemFunctional AreaFunded ProgramGrantSponsored ProgramAmount

Financial and Budget Analysis

No fiscal impact. The acceptance of this grant from the State of Oregon accounts for the entirety of the project budget of $789,000. The project budget will be assigned to PBOT's FY2022-23 and FY2023-25 budgets. There is no match requirement for this grant and no additional funding is requested as a result of this legislation. 

Document History

Agenda Council action
Consent Agenda
City Council

  • Aye (5):
    • Mingus Mapps
    • Carmen Rubio
    • Ryan
    • Jo Ann Hardesty
    • Ted Wheeler

City department

Requested Agenda Type


Date and Time Information

Requested Council Date
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