*Authorize request for proposal process and contract for architecture and engineering services with selected firms for the NE MLK Blvd Safety & Access to Transit Project, NE 122nd Ave Safety & Access: Beech St – Wasco St Project and the Stark & Washington Safety: SE 92nd Ave - SE 109th Ave Project
The City of Portland ordains:
Section 1. The Council finds:
- The Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) applied to the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) for grants for the NE MLK Blvd Safety & Access to Transit Project, the NE 122nd Ave Safety & Access: Beech St – Wasco St Project, and the Stark & Washington Safety: SE 92nd Ave - SE 109th Ave Project on 6/21/2019; and
- On March 16, 2022, Council passed three ordinances to accept grants from the Oregon Department of Transportation and authorize Intergovernmental Agreements for the NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Safety & Access to Transit Project in the amount of $2,623,000 (Ordinance # 190742), for the NE 122nd Ave Safety & Access: Beech St – Wasco St Project in the amount of $4,543,700 (Ordinance # 190740), and for the Stark & Washington Safety: SE 92nd Ave - SE 109th Ave Project in the amount of $5,332,000 (Ordinance # 190741).
- Additional funding for the NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Safety & Access to Transit Project comes from the PBOT’s Transportation System Development Charge Program in the amount of $850,000 and Approved General Transportation Revenue in the amount of $1,250,000.
- Additional funding for the NE 122nd Ave Safety & Access: Beech St – Wasco St Project comes from the PBOT’s Transportation System Development Charge Program in the amount of $1,947,016.
- Additional funding for the Stark & Washington Safety: SE 92nd Ave - SE 109th Ave project comes from the PBOT’s Transportation System Development Charge Program in the amount $1,200,000, from the Fixing Our Streets 2 Program in the amount of $5,030,000, and from Approved General Transportation Revenue in the amount of $711,629.
- The Bureau of Transportation has funds budgeted FY 2021/22 and FY 2022/203 for design of the projects.
- The project numbers and grant numbers are as follows: T00999 and TR000333 for the NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Safety & Access to Transit Project, T01034 and TR000336 for the NE 122nd Ave Safety & Access: Beech St – Wasco St Project, and T01035 and TR000337 for the Stark & Washington Safety: SE 92nd Ave - SE 109th Ave Project.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Council directs:
- The Chief Procurement Officer is authorized to facilitate the competitive sealed proposals process in accordance with City Code 5.33 to determine the highest ranked proposers.
- The Chief Procurement Officer is authorized to award, negotiate, and execute a contract, provided the contract has been approved as to form by the City Attorney’s Office.
Section 2. The Council declares that an emergency exists because a delay would unnecessarily delay the Bureau’s ability to perform the activities authorized by the Fixing our Streets Program; therefore, this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage by the Council.
Official Record (Efiles)
An ordinance when passed by the Council shall be signed by the Auditor. It shall be carefully filed and preserved in the custody of the Auditor (City Charter Chapter 2 Article 1 Section 2-122)
Passed by Council
Auditor of the City of Portland
Mary Hull Caballero
Impact Statement
Purpose of Proposed Legislation and Background Information
To allow the NE MLK Blvd Safety & Access to Transit Project, the NE 122nd Ave Safety & Access: Beech St – Wasco St Project, and the Stark & Washington Safety: SE 92nd Ave - SE 109th Ave Project to proceed through the Request for Proposal and Contract Award processes.
Financial and Budgetary Impacts
NE MLK Blvd Safety & Access to Transit Project:
- Total project cost: $4,287.600
- Regional Flexible Funds grant award: $2,623,000 (grant number TR000333)
- Approved Transportation Development Charge fund: $850,000
- Approved General Transportation Revenue: $1,250,000
NE 122nd Ave Safety & Access: Beech St – Wasco St Project
- Total project cost: $6,490,716
- Regional Flexible Funds grant award: $4,543,700 (grant number TR000336)
- Approved Transportation Development Charge fund: $1,947,016
Stark & Washington Safety: SE 92nd Ave - SE 109th Ave Project
- Total project cost: $12,273,629
- Regional Flexible Funds grant award: $5,332,000
- Approved Transportation Development Charge fund: $1,200,000 (grant number TR000337)
- Fixing Our Streets 2 funds: $5,030,000
- Approved General Transportation Revenue: $711,629
Costs for these projects will be posted to PBOT Capital Projects T00999.D61, T01034.D61, and T01035.D61, which are included in PBOT’s FY 21-22 and 22-23 budgets and five-year CIP forecast.
There is no additional funding requested.
Community Impacts and Community Involvement
- For the NE MLK Blvd Safety & Access to Transit Project:
- This corridor is a major hub for Portland’s Black community and is home to a diverse mix of small and major businesses, community-based-organizations, and major affordable housing developments. As more development occurs on the corridor, there is a need to invest in better and more frequently spaced crossings to improve access to important places all along NE MLK Jr Blvd.
- This project was developed in partnership with the Soul District Business Association (formerly N/NE Business Association) – which has a long history of advocacy towards closing the racial wealth and opportunity gap in Northeast Portland through small business development and outreach.
- Locations selected along the corridor for new crossings are in areas where there are clusters of small businesses, affordable housing, and social service organizations.
- This corridor is a major hub for Portland’s Black community and is home to a diverse mix of small and major businesses, community-based-organizations, and major affordable housing developments. As more development occurs on the corridor, there is a need to invest in better and more frequently spaced crossings to improve access to important places all along NE MLK Jr Blvd.
- For the NE 122nd Ave Safety & Access: Beech St – Wasco St Project:
- The project will provide four signalized pedestrian crossings along NE 122nd Avenue between NE Beech Street and NE Wasco Street, improving safety and accessibility for vulnerable users of the transportation system.
- This corridor is in “East Portland” and is lined by census tracts with proportions of people of color and lower-income households that are higher than the city average.
- This project will design and construct four of the pedestrian crossing improvements recommended in PBOT’s 122nd Avenue Plan. This plan engaged surrounding communities from 2017 through 2022 and is scheduled for finalization in spring 2022.
- Locations selected along the corridor for new crossings will help fill long gaps between safe crossings and assist transit users in safely reaching existing bus stops.
- The northernmost crossing, at NE Beech Street, will support development at the Rossi and Giusto Farm sites, a 30-acre area that was planned through the city’s Parkrose-Argay Development Strategy in 2019. However, this signal will not directly serve the development sites, nor will it necessarily preclude additional signals or access to the development sites.
- The project is likely to remove the existing pedestrian overcrossing at NE 122nd Avenue and NE Sacramento/Brazee Streets, which is an aging asset and not accessible to people with mobility challenges. It will be replaced with an at-grade signalized crossing.
- Additional public involvement with surrounding community members will occur during design and construction of the project.
- For the Stark & Washington Safety: SE 92nd Ave - SE 109th Ave Project:
- The Stark/Washington couplet is one of the major business hubs in Gateway but is currently very auto-oriented and sees high rates of crashes, with three to four lanes in each direction, difficult pedestrian crossings, and narrow sidewalks and bike lanes.
- The project invests in high-priority pedestrian safety and accessibility improvements along both streets between 92nd and 109th.
- The Growing Transit Communities Plan adopted in 2017 prioritized a set of improvements, based on community feedback, along the couplet to support increased bus service on the Line 20.
- Prosper Portland’s Gateway Action Plan, which calls for investment in the Stark/Washington couplet, is also a reference document for the Stark/Washington project.
- This project was presented to the Bicycle Advisory Committee and Pedestrian Advisory Committee in April-May 2019.
- Gateway Area Business Association (GABA) and East Portland Land Use and Transportation Committee (EPLUTC) were both engaged in summer 2019 and will continue to be engaged during the design phase.
- PBOT’s promise to the public during the design phase is to consult. PBOT will keep stakeholders and community well informed and will provide opportunities to provide public input and concerns. Furthermore, PBOT will let stakeholders know how input influenced project decisions.
- The Stark/Washington couplet is one of the major business hubs in Gateway but is currently very auto-oriented and sees high rates of crashes, with three to four lanes in each direction, difficult pedestrian crossings, and narrow sidewalks and bike lanes.
100% Renewable Goal
Not applicable.
Financial and Budget Analysis
No fiscal impact. The three associated projects are included in the FY2021-22 and FY2022-23 Adopted Capital Improvement Plans. No additional funding is requested as a result of this legislation.