Emergency Ordinance

*Authorize competitive solicitation not to exceed $2,600,000 for a body-worn camera implementation for police officers

Amended by Council

The City of Portland ordains:

Section 1.  The Council finds:

  1. Law enforcement agencies are adopting body-worn cameras in an effort to improve public trust, police accountability, risk management, and training opportunities;
  1. The Portland Police Bureau has been interested in and actively researching options for some form of body-worn camera program since FY 2013-14;
  1. The United States Department of Justice (DOJ) stated in a letter to the City that a properly implemented body-worn camera program by the Portland Police Bureau would be an important remedy for the noncompliance it cites with the United States v. City of Portland Amended Settlement Agreement;
  1. The Police Bureau has conducted research into body-worn camera technology options to determine which type would be most effective and appropriate given the bureau’s needs in a larger deployment;
  1. The Police Bureau has determined that the best option is to conduct a broader pilot of body-worn cameras to select the most appropriate solution prior to a full implementation of the system;
  1. Council appropriated one-time funding of $2,600,000 in the FY 2021-22 Fall Budget Monitoring Process (BMP) for the initiation of a body-worn camera program;
  1. The Police Bureau will use the one-time funding and existing general fund dollars for a potential pilot and later full implementation including the equipment purchase, maintenance and support;
  1. The Police Bureau wishes to issue a solicitation for a body-worn camera system in an amount not to exceed $2,600,000;
  1. Time is of the essence to begin the solicitation process within this fiscal year.  For this reason, it is in the interest of the City that this be an emergency Ordinance to be in full force and effect from and after its passage by the Council.

NOW, THEREFORE, the Council directs:

  1. The Chief Procurement Officer is authorized to facilitate the use of the competitive solicitation process in accordance with Portland City Code 5.33 in order to obtain the most responsible and responsive offers providing contracts for the purchase of a body-worn camera system in a form similar to Exhibit A, a draft request for proposal for body worn cameras.
  2. The Chief Procurement Officer is authorized to use a Contract-Specific Special Procurement procedure in accordance with Portland City Code 5.33 to enter into contracts to pilot test body-worn cameras from proposers within the solicitation’s Competitive Range.
  3. Upon Council acceptance of the Chief Procurement Officer’s Report, Procurement Services is authorized to negotiate and execute the contract awarded to the selected proposer for implementation, provided the contract has been approved as to form by the City Attorney’s Office.
  4. The Chief Procurement Officer will consult with City Attorney’s Office and the Director of Community Safety Transition to ensure that the proposed contract is consistent with pending policy deliberations and collective bargaining obligations regarding usage of the system, including but not limited to the administrator of data usage and access held outside the Portland Police Bureau.
  5. Mayor and City Auditor are hereby authorized to pay for the contract from the Police Bureau’s general fund appropriations when demand is presented and approved by the proper authority.

Section 2.  The Council declares that an emergency exists because undue delay may result in the City being unable to complete the solicitation and purchase transactions within this fiscal year; therefore, this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage by the Council.

An ordinance when passed by the Council shall be signed by the Auditor. It shall be carefully filed and preserved in the custody of the Auditor (City Charter Chapter 2 Article 1 Section 2-122)

Passed as amended by Council

Auditor of the City of Portland
Mary Hull Caballero

Impact Statement

Budget Office Financial Impact Analysis

This legislation authorizes a competitive solicitation for up to $2.6 million for a body worn camera program in the Portland Police Bureau. Council appropriated $2.6 million in one-time General Fund resources in the FY 2021-22 Fall Budget Monitoring Process (BMP) for a body-worn camera program in response to the Department of Justice’s requirement that a program is necessary to comply with the United States v. City of Portland Amended Settlement Agreement. The FY 2021-22 Fall BMP also increased the Portland Police Bureau’s ongoing General Fund discretionary resources as a Current Appropriation Level target adjustment in the amount of $300,000 to support the Department of Justice Settlement Agreement related in part to body worn cameras, technology oversight, as well as the training dean in the Portland Police Bureau. Per the terms of the Department of Justice settlement, the City is obligated to fund the ongoing costs of a body worn camera program which is currently estimated at $2 million annually, however, the total ongoing portion of the body worn camera program is currently unfunded.   

Agenda Items

55 Regular Agenda in January 26, 2022 Council Agenda

Continued As Amended

Motion to amend Directive A in the Ordinance to include Exhibit A, a draft Request for Proposal for body worn cameras: Moved by Wheeler and seconded by Hardesty. (Y-5)

Continued to February 9, 2022 at 9:30 a.m. The oral record is closed, the written record will remain open until February 9, 2022 at 9:30 a.m.

84 Regular Agenda in February 9, 2022 Council Agenda

Passed As Amended

Motion to approve the amendments to the ordinance: Moved by Rubio and seconded by Hardesty. (Y-5)
  • Commissioner Carmen Rubio Yea
  • Commissioner Dan Ryan Yea
  • Former Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty Yea
  • Commissioner Mingus Mapps Yea
  • Mayor Ted Wheeler Yea

Introduced by


Requested Agenda Type


Date and Time Information

Requested Council Date
Time Requested
20 minutes