Winter weather: office closure, emergency shelters and city services
  • Most City offices are closed Thursday, Feb. 13, due to winter weather.
  • Shelters are open until at least noon Thursday. More information: Multco.us/Cold.
  • City information: road closures, transportation updates, preventing frozen plumbing, tree emergencies
Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

Some of Steve's Favorite Places in District 3

The Mt. Tabor Reservoir with Portland in the background.
Some of Steve's Favorite Places in District 3

The Aladdin Theater

The marquee of the Aladin Theater located in SE Portland.

3017 SE Milwaukie Ave

Opened in 1928, the Aladin Theater has played host to films, theatrical performances, and live music during its nearly 100-year history. I love seeing shows at The Aladin, but am still wondering when Randy Newman is coming back!

Hinterlands Food Carts

Matt's BBQ Tacos food cart at the Hinterland cart pod in SE Portland.

2216 SE 50th Ave 

Food carts are one of the many great culinary treasures of Portland. Migas taco at Matt's BBQ food cart is the best bargain in town. I also love their ad parodying the Shane Company: "you've got a friend in the barbecue business."

Fifty Licks Ice Cream

The front of Fifty Licks Ice Cream on SE Clinton St.

2021 SE Clinton St

Who doesn’t love ice cream? District 3 is lucky to have some of the best parlors in town (looking at you too, Salt & Straw) but for me, Fifty Licks is truly the cream of the crop. So good, in fact, that’s I can’t pick just one favorite flavor!

J&M Cafe

The sign for J&M Cafe located on SE Ash St.

537 SE Ash St

Outstanding waffles! And bacon! And so much more! The J&M is a classic diner complete with stools and steaming hot coffee. If you are in search of a hearty breakfast, look no further.

The Grand Central in Woodstock

The front of the Woodstock location of Grand Central Bakery.

4412 SE Woodstock Blvd

I may be a bit biased because it is in my neighborhood, but the Grand Central Bakery in Woodstock is definitely the best and friendliest! With eight locations across Portland, make sure to check out whichever is closest to you!

Batting A Thousand

The front door and sign of the Batting A Thousand batting cages on SE Stark St.

8829 SE Stark St

Sometimes you just need to hit a baseball. When that’s the case, there’s no other place to go than Batting A Thousand in the Montavilla neighborhood. Grab a helmet, a bat, and swing away!

The Bagdad Theater

The marquee of the Bagdad Theater located on SE Hawthorne St.

3702 SE Hawthorne Blvd

And all of Hawthorne Boulevard, really. Portland wouldn’t be Portland without its independent theaters. The Bagdad is just one example, and I feel like I’m stepping back in time whenever I see a show there. The beer is great as well!

The Laurelhurst Theater

The marquee of the Laurelhurst Theater located on E Burnside St.

2735 E Burnside St

Yet another great independent theater in District 3, but this time you can hop across the street after the show and get a scoop at one of my other favorite places – Fifty Licks Ice Cream. Plenty of other small business and restaurants in the area as well! 

Mount Tabor

The Mt. Tabor Reservoir with Portland in the background.

6336 SE Lincoln St

How cool is it that we are the only district that has a volcano in it? Mt. Tabor is obviously a must visit destination for every Portlander, especially on clear days when you can see Mount Hood as a reward for climbing all those steps.

Music Millenium

A sig in front of Music Millenium record store that reads "heartbreak dead ahead".

3158 E Burnside St

When I was a City Commissioner I installed the nearby "Heartbreak Dead Ahead" sign as a tribute to a song by the Motown band the Marvelettes – “they say that love is blind but it's as clear as a highway sign – danger - heartbreak dead ahead"). 

Albina Press

The front door of the Albina Press coffee shop in SE Portland.

5012 SE Hawthorne Blvd

Every Portlander should have a favorite coffee shop. Albina Press is my go-to meeting place for old friends and new connections, and you’ll often find me hear on weekend mornings catching up with folks. I’ll take a latte and pastry, please!

The Sapphire Hotel

The front door of the Saphire Hotel in SE Portland.

5008 SE Hawthorne Blvd

IT’s not a hotel – its Portland’s best cocktail bar! right next door to Albina Press, the Sapphire Hotel is a hidden gem. One of my favorite places for dinner and drinks. It’s dark, and moody, and always this the spot.

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