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Community Engagement for Safe Rest Villages

Brandy Westerman with person at Clinton Triangle Resource Fair

This page was created Thursday, 11.4.21.  Updated 5.8.23

Engagement Approach

Commissioner Ryan believes that the most important audience for any Safe Rest Village location is the surrounding neighbors. The Safe Rest Villages team has two Community Engagement staff who were hired in the beginning of September 2021. Since then, they have been focused on developing our Community Engagement Plan while working with neighborhoods and stakeholders at Safe Rest Village locations that have been announced. 

There are two elements of our Community Engagement efforts:

  1. General outreach, education, and engagement about the who, what, and why of the Safe Rest Villages initiatives
  2. Targeted, site-specific engagement efforts surrounding locations that will actually become Safe Rest Villages

Calendar of Overall Outreach To Date

Commissioner Ryan and the entire Safe Rest Villages Team have been working hard to share the story about the Safe Rest Villages initiative—what it will be and what it won't be—and how the villages will benefit housed and unhoused Portlanders. This is a partial list of Safe Rest Village outreach efforts, meetings, media events, and other conversations that the Commissioner and the Safe Rest Villages team have been involved in since September. Note: a selected listing of media related to the project are available in the Community Engagement Plan below.


  • Community Engagement Coordinator and Communications Liaison hosted Queer Affinity Community Advisory Committee meeting


  • Community Engagement Coordinator attended a Homelessness Strategies tabling event and talk hosted by the Friends of Multnomah Safe Rest Village


  • Houselessness Strategies Manager and Community Engagement Coordinator met with Friends of Multnomah Safe Rest Village to discuss their program and answer any questions. 


  • Communications Liaison and Community Engagement Coordinator visited Queer Affinity Village as a relationship-building measure


  • Program Coordinator and Community Engagement Coordinator facilitate the Multnomah Safe Rest Village Community Advisory Committee meeting
  • Program Coordinator attends community meeting at the Multnomah Safe Rest Village, with participants, to discuss questions and concerns about the Safe Rest Village program. 


  • Program Coordinator facilitates Queer Affinity Community Advisory Committee meeting
  • Program Coordinator and Communications Liaison facilitate Menlo Park Safe Rest Village Good Neighbor Agreement meeting 
  • Program Coordinate facilitates conversation with Dignity Village about the Safe Rest Village referral process



  • Program Coordinator and Community Engagement Coordinator met with the Queer Affinity Village Community Advisory Committee


  • Program Coordinator and Community Engagement Coordinator met with the Multnomah Safe Rest Village Community Advisory Committee 
  • Program Coordinator and Community Engagement Coordinator met with 311 team to discuss program updates and the referral process
  • Program Coordinator and Community Engagement Coordinator met with Menlo Park Safe Rest Village Good Neighbor Agreement team


  • Navigation Team distributed second flyer to unhoused neighbors in the area around the Peninsula Crossing Trail Safe Rest Village about Phase 2 of construction. 


  • Community Engagement Coordinator  and Program Coordinator met with Dignity Village leadership to discuss Sunderland RV Safe Park 


  •  Program Coordinator gives presentation to Urban Tour Group 
  • SRV Team meets with Multnomah Safe Rest Village Community Advisory Committee


  • Community Engagement Coordinator and Program Coordinator give presentation to South Portland Neighborhood Association



  • Navigation Team distributed first flyer to unhoused neighbors in the area around the Peninsula Crossing Trail Safe Rest Village about Phase 1 of construction. 


  • Homeless Strategies Manager Chariti Montez invited to speak on Safe Rest Village program at local Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc. (SWNI) Meeting


  • SRV team hosts monthly Menlo Park SRV stakeholder group meeting


  • SRV team hosts monthly Sunderland RV Safe Park monthly stakeholder group meeting


  • SRV team hosts monthly Multnomah Village SRV stakeholder group meeting
  • SRV team attends and hosts the Pre-Opening Ceremony for the Menlo Park SRV with Cultivate Initiatives 


  • SRV team hosts monthly Reedway SRV stakeholder group meeting


  • SRV team hosts monthly Menlo Park SRV stakeholder group meeting
  • SRV team hosts monthly Peninsula Crossing Trail stakeholder group meeting


  • SRV team hosts monthly Queer Affinity stakeholder group meeting


  • SRV team hosts monthly Sunderland Safe Park stakeholder group meeting


  • SRV team hosts monthly Reedway SRV stakeholder group meeting


  • SRV team hosts monthly Multnomah Village SRV stakeholder group meeting
  • SRV team attends an outreach event hosted by PDX Saints Love to engage with neighbors near the Reedway SRV site


  • SRV team hosts monthly Menlo Park SRV stakeholder group meeting.
  • SRV team hosts monthly Peninsula Crossing Trail SRV stakeholder group meeting.


  • SRV team hosts monthly NW Naito SRV stakeholder group meeting.
  • SRV team hosts monthly Sunderland Safe Park stakeholder group meeting.


  • SRV Team hosts monthly Queer Affinity stakeholder group meeting


  • SRV team attends a forum hosted by the Pearl District Neighborhood Association to discuss the NW Naito SRV. Watch the recording here. 


  • SRV team hosts monthly Multnomah SRV stakeholder group meeting.
  • SRV team hosts monthly NW Naito SRV stakeholder group meeting.


  • SRV team hosts monthly Reedway SRV stakeholder group meeting.


  • SRV team hosts monthly Peninsula Crossing Trail SRV stakeholder group meeting.


  • SRV team hosts monthly Queer Affinity Village alternative shelter stakeholder group meeting.


  • SRV team hosts monthly Menlo Park SRV stakeholder group meeting.
  • SRV team hosts monthly Sunderland SRV stakeholder group meeting.


  • Commissioner Ryan and SRV team visit Menlo Park SRV site, meet with some community members.


  • Commissioner Ryan and SRV team visit Peninsula Crossing Trail SRV site, meet with some community members.


  • SRV Team presents to Building Bridges, a regional gathering of law enforcement and housing advocates about SRV program.


  • SRV team hosts monthly Multnomah SRV stakeholder group meeting.
  • SRV team hosts monthly NW Naito SRV stakeholder group meeting.


  • SRV team hosts monthly Peninsula Crossing Trail SRV stakeholder group meeting.


  • SRV team presents to Housing Bureau’s North/North East Oversight Committee about SRV program.
  • Commissioner Ryan and SRV staff present about Villages at David Douglas School District Board meeting.


  • SRV team hosts monthly Sunderland SRV stakeholder group meeting.


  • SRV team hosts monthly Menlo Park SRV stakeholder group meeting.


  • SRV team hosts monthly Peninsula Crossing Trail SRV stakeholder group meeting.


  • SRV team hosts monthly Multnomah SRV stakeholder group meeting.
  • SRV team hosts monthly NW Naito SRV stakeholder group meeting.


  • SRV team hosts monthly Reedway SRV stakeholder group meeting.


  • SRV staff attends A Home for Everyone Safety off the Streets Work Group, and reports on progress.


  • SRV team hosts Sneak Peek tour of Multnomah SRV for stakeholder group, Multnomah Neighborhood Association Work Group members, and others before the site opens the following week.


  • SRV staff participates in Old Town Chinatown Community Members and Service Providers meeting, discussing the SRV program.


  • Commissioner Ryan and staff speak at Woodlawn Neighborhood Association meeting, including a discussion of theSRV program.
  • Commissioner Ryan and SRV staff meet with leadersion of Imago Dei Community church to discuss the SRV program, and ways for the faith community to support those experiencing houselessness.


  • SRV team hosts monthly Menlo Park SRV stakeholder group meeting.
  • SRV team hosts monthly Sunderland RV Safe Park stakeholder group meeting.


  • SRV team hosts monthly Multnomah SRV stakeholder group meeting.
  • SRV team hosts monthly NW Naito SRV stakeholder group meeting.


  • SRV staff presented to Metro Policy Advisory Committee on "Addressing Barriers to Shelter Siting." Discussion of Safe Rest Villages and the City/County strategy of meeting people where they are and siting shelters city-wide.


  • SRV staff attends A Home for Everyone Safety off the Streets Work Group, and reports on progress.


  • The SRV team attended a meeting hosted by the Lents Livability Neighborhood Association, to discuss the upcoming SE Reedway site


  • Commissioner Ryan and his staff attended a Town Hall, hosted by the International School and Bridges Middle School to talk and discuss their concerns related to the Queer Affinity Village


  • The SRV team and Commissioner Ryan presented at the Concordia Neighborhood Association meeting


  • SRV team presented at the Doers Meeting. 


  • The SRV team presented at the Metropolitan Exposition Recreation Commission (MERC) Commission about SRV Safe Park and its potential.


  • The SRV team attended a Multnomah Neighborhood General Meeting, to answer more questions from neighborhood members. 


  • The SRV team spoke with the East Portland Action Team and presented on the SRV program. They answered questions about its implementation.
  • The SRV team spoke with the University Park Neighborhood Association Board and discussed updates for the site, as well as answered questions and concerns. 
  • SRV team met with the Multnomah Village Stakeholder Workgroup to discuss and begin negotiating the Multnomah SRV's Good Neighbor Agreement


  • The SRV team met with unhoused neighbors living around the Penninsula Crossing Trail to discuss the future SRV.


  • Commissioner Ryan, with the SRV team, met with HereTogether to discuss the Safe Rest Villages program and its rollout. 


  • The SRV team and Commissioner Ryan met with Cultivate Initiatives onsite at Menlo Park. They learned about what work Cultivate Initiatives is doing in the area already, including their clean streets program, their hygiene truck, and their outreach work.


  • The SRV team and Commissioner Ryan took a tour of University of Portland. They were able to discuss the future Penninsula Crossing Trail Village with the neighborhood, among other topics.


  • The SRV team met with the University Park Neighborhood Association. 


  • The SRV team and Commissioner Ryan met with the Pearl District Neighborhood Association.  
  • Commissioner Ryan and the SRV team toured the future site at Penninsula Crossing Trail. They met the goats and talked to the neighbors about questions and concerns regarding the goat's eventual move, as well as safety concerns in the area. 


  • Site visit with Commissioner Ryan. Neighbors and stakeholders stopped by to ask questions and voice any concerns they had for the site. 


  • Cultivate Initiatives, the shelter operator for the future Menlo Park & Ride site, hosted an Eat & Greet with the Hazelwood neighborhood. The shelter operators and the community got to know each other, and neighbors were able to ask questions to Cultivate about their image for the site. 



  • Mayor Ted Wheeler announced his Emergency Declaration, granting emergency powers to Commissioner Dan Ryan as his delegate to “consolidate and coordinate the implementation of Safe Rest Villages and alternative shelters.” This declaration accelerated the process of establishing Safe Rest Villages (SRVs) throughout Portland.


  • KOIN interview for Eye on NW Politics, with Ken Boddie. (Commissioner Dan Ryan)



  • Site visit to both BIPOC village (serving black, indigenous and people of color) at their new home on NE Weidler (after move in summer 2021) and the current location of the Queer Affinity (QA) village, serving LGBTQIA+ self-identified people.  The QA village will be moving in spring 2022 to their new location at 2300 SW Naito Parkway.  The site visit included a tour of the new carport at each site, providing outdoor covered space, as well as the new flush toilet/shower/laundry buildings, and other new amenities. (Commissioner Dan Ryan and Safe Rest Village staff)



  • Site visit to Old Town temporary outdoor shelter.  Tour with shelter operator, All Good NW;  youth working with Tivnu, a Jewish gap-year social justice program, who have been building accessible ramps to the new restroom and kitchen structures as well as other site amenities; and Fulcrum Construction leaders, who are responsible for site development at all villages.  (Commissioner Dan Ryan and Safe Rest Village staff)


  • Met with Goodwill Industries staff to listen and learn about their jobs program, and future partnership opportunities at the Villages. (Safe Rest Village staff)
  • Announced Cultivate Initiatives as shelter operator for the Menlo Park village. (Safe Rest Village staff)


  • Presentation about the SRV program and responding to the more than 50 questions posed by neighbors and community members at a meeting hosted by the Multnomah Neighborhood Association (MNA).  This stakeholder group included many neighbors, and representatives from the West Hills Christian School, Neighborhood House, and Helping Hands Reentry,  which is anticipated to be the shelter operator at this site. A link to the two hour meeting is here, with a breakdown of topics at key time points available here, courtesy the MNA. Following this meeting, the MNA membership voted 3:1 to move forward with a Good Neighbor Agreement with other stakeholders and the SRV program. (Commissioner Dan Ryan and the Safe Rest Village team)


  • Met with Old Town Chinatown community leaders and service providers to listen and learn. (Safe Rest Village staff)


  • Met with volunteer leadership with the Hillsdale Assistance Team to provide overview of the Safe Rest Villages initiative. (Safe Rest Village staff)


  • Rose City Downtown Collective: Community Call with Commissioner Dan Ryan. Commissioner Ryan was guest of the Rose City Downtown Collective for a conversation about Safe Rest Villages and houselessness. (Commissioner Dan Ryan and Safe Rest Village staff)


  • Site visit and tour at Bybee Lakes Hope Center, to learn about shelter operations and future improvements. (Safe Rest Village staff)


  • Attended coffee with the new Street Roots editor to listen and learn. (Safe Rest Village staff)
  • Safe Rest Village team met with Multnomah Neighborhood Association Chair to answer questions and provide a presentation about the Safe Rest Villages project. (Safe Rest Village staff)


  • United in Spirit Summit II on Homelessness –this gathering hosted by the Jewish Federation of Greater Portland, was a community conversation about data and measurable outcomes related to houselessness along with many other elected officials. (Commissioner Dan Ryan and Commissioner’s staff)


  • Met with Safe Parking Program staff (Beaverton) to discuss RV site management and strategies. (Safe Rest Village staff)



  • Portland Public School Board - Facilities and Operations Committee - attended meeting to answer questions about potential Safe Rest Village site being proposed for a PPS site (former Whitaker Middle School).  Proposal shared with PPS School Board as part of due diligence process.  No decision made at this point. (Commissioner Dan Ryan, Safe Rest Villages and Joint Office of Houseless Services staff.)


  • Safety off the Streets meeting.  Staff present to share and listen to input about the City's fall budget process.  (Safe Rest Village staff)


  • Presented to League of Women's Voters, Housing interest group, about Safe Rest Villages program.  (Safe Rest Villages staff)



  • Discussion about Safe Rest Villages on Think Out Loud (OPB) (Commissioner Dan Ryan)
  • Site visit with Safe Rest Village team and other stakeholders at Menlo Park 'Park & Ride' (Safe Rest Villages & Commissioner Ryan Staff)




  • "Update on Livability from Elected Leaders"—Presentation to Travel Portland members including a Safe Rest Villages update (Commissioner Dan Ryan, Safe Rest Villages & Commissioner Ryan Staff)
  • Meeting with Multnomah County Commissioner Jessica Vega Pederson's staff to discuss Safe Rest Village location at Menlo Park 'Park & Ride' (Safe Rest Villages & Commissioner Ryan Staff)






  • Meeting with Portland Downtown Neighborhood Association and other stakeholders about SW 2300 Naito Parkway Safe Rest Village location (Safe Rest Villages & Commissioner Ryan Staff)
  • Attended A Home for Everyone: Safety of the Streets workgroup—shared an update about Safe Rest Villages program (Safe Rest Villages & Commissioner Ryan Staff)






  • Press Conference announcing new Safe Rest Village locations (Commissioner Dan Ryan, Safe Rest Villages & Commissioner Ryan Staff)
  • Interview on KGW's Straight Talk with Laural Porter about Safe Rest Villages (Commissioner Dan Ryan)


  • KGW Interview about Safe Rest Villages (Commissioner Dan Ryan)



  • C3PO Old Town Site Visit (Safe Rest Villages Staff)


Community Engagement Plan

Our Community Engagement Plan shares the phases of our efforts: pre-planning efforts, site selection, identifying and contracting with shelter operators, and developing relationships with the communities where these innovative outdoor shelters will be placed. The Community Engagement Plan also includes links to Safe Rest Villages media coverage.

Like a barn raising, putting together pallet shelters is a team effort
A team puts together an outdoor pallet shelter similar to those that may be used at Safe Rest Villages.

Learn more about Safe Rest Villages through the links below: 

Funding for Safe Rest Villages

Locations & Siting Criteria for Safe Rest Villages

Project Timeline for Safe Rest Villages

Site Management for Safe Rest Villages

Meet the Streets to Stability Team

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