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Climate, Resilience, and Land Use Committee

The Committee meets the second and fourth Thursday of each month from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Subject matter: 

  • Zoning and other land use decisions; parks, urban forestry, and open space.
  • Climate change prevention and mitigation; community resilience.
  • Superfund cleanup.
  • The needs, programs, policies, and bureaus addressing zoning, environmental justice, and the use of land within the City.

Committee Chair

Steve Novick (square)
Steve NovickDistrict 3 City Councilor
Angelita Morillo (square)
Angelita MorilloDistrict 3 City Councilor

Committee Members

Candace Avalos (square)
Candace AvalosDistrict 1 City Councilor
Dan Ryan (square)
Dan RyanDistrict 2 City Councilor
Sameer Kanal (square)
Sameer KanalDistrict 2 City Councilor

February 13, 2025 Climate, Resilience, and Land Use Committee Agenda

City Hall, Council Chambers, 2nd Floor – 1221 SW Fourth Avenue, Portland, OR 97204

In accordance with Portland City Code and state law, City Council holds hybrid public meetings, which provide for both virtual and in-person participation. Councilors may elect to attend remotely by video and teleconference, or in-person. The City makes several avenues available for the public to listen to and watch the broadcast of this meeting, including the City's YouTube Channel, the Open Signal website, and Xfinity Channel 30 and 330.

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Interpretation and Accommodations

Request interpretation or an accommodation online or call 503-823-4000 (please make your request at least 5 days in advance of the meeting). 

In this agenda


Document number
Introduced by
Councilor Angelita Morillo
Councilor Steve Novick
Time requested
30 minutes


Document number
Introduced by
Councilor Angelita Morillo
Councilor Steve Novick
Time requested
90 minutes

Assigned documents

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