November 2-3, 2022 Council Agenda

Council Agenda Number

City Hall  –  1221 SW Fourth Avenue, Portland, OR 97204

In accordance with Portland City Code and state law, City Council will hold hybrid public meetings, which provides for both virtual and limited in-person attendance. Members of council will elect to attend remotely by video and teleconference, or in-person. The City has made several avenues available for the public to listen to the audio broadcast of this meeting, including the City's YouTube Channel, eGov PDX, the Open Signal website, and Xfinity Channel 30 and 330.

Questions may be directed to

Meeting Minutes

In this agenda

Session Status

Registration is closed. The public can provide written testimony to Council by emailing the Council Clerk at

Council in Attendance
Commissioner Carmen Rubio
Commissioner Dan Ryan
Former Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty
Commissioner Mingus Mapps

Commissioner Mapps presided.

Officers in attendance: Karen Moynahan, Chief Deputy City Attorney; Megan Lehman, Acting Council Clerk

Item 914 was pulled from the Consent Agenda and on a Y-4 roll call (Wheeler absent), the balance of the Consent Agenda was adopted.

Council recessed at 10:55 a.m.



Council action
Placed on File


    Council action
    Placed on File


      Council action
      Placed on File


        Council action
        Placed on File


          Council action
          Placed on File

            Time Certain


            Ordinance number
            Introduced by
            Former Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty
            City department
            Time certain
            9:45 am
            Time requested
            30 minutes
            Council action
            Passed As Amended
            Motion to amend the ordinance not to exceed total funding to $5.5 million and to replace "approximately" with "no less than" in Finding 8. Moved by Hardesty and seconded by Rubio. (Y-4)
            • Aye (4):
              • Carmen Rubio
              • Dan Ryan
              • Jo Ann Hardesty
              • Mingus Mapps
            • Absent (1):
              • Ted Wheeler


            Ordinance number
            Introduced by
            Commissioner Dan Ryan
            City department
            Permitting & Development
            Time certain
            10:15 am
            Time requested
            5 minutes
            Previous agenda item 862.

            Oral and written record closed on October 6, 2022. 

            Council action
            Passed As Amended
            • Aye (4):
              • Carmen Rubio
              • Dan Ryan
              • Jo Ann Hardesty
              • Mingus Mapps
            • Absent (1):
              • Ted Wheeler

            Consent Agenda


            Ordinance number
            Introduced by
            Mayor Ted Wheeler
            Commissioner Dan Ryan
            City department
            City Attorney
            Permitting & Development
            Human Resources
            Management and Finance
            Council action
            • Aye (4):
              • Carmen Rubio
              • Dan Ryan
              • Jo Ann Hardesty
              • Mingus Mapps
            • Absent (1):
              • Ted Wheeler


            Introduced by
            Mayor Ted Wheeler
            City department
            Community Safety Division
            Management and Finance
            Agenda item 914 was pulled from the Consent Agenda to be referred back to Mayor Wheeler's Office.
            Council action
            Referred to Commissioner of Finance and Administration


              Council action
              Passed to second reading
              Passed to second reading November 9, 2022 at 9:30 a.m.


                Council action
                • Aye (4):
                  • Carmen Rubio
                  • Dan Ryan
                  • Jo Ann Hardesty
                  • Mingus Mapps
                • Absent (1):
                  • Ted Wheeler


                Council action
                • Aye (4):
                  • Carmen Rubio
                  • Dan Ryan
                  • Jo Ann Hardesty
                  • Mingus Mapps
                • Absent (1):
                  • Ted Wheeler


                Council action
                • Aye (4):
                  • Carmen Rubio
                  • Dan Ryan
                  • Jo Ann Hardesty
                  • Mingus Mapps
                • Absent (1):
                  • Ted Wheeler


                Ordinance number
                Introduced by
                Former Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty
                City department
                Council action
                • Aye (4):
                  • Carmen Rubio
                  • Dan Ryan
                  • Jo Ann Hardesty
                  • Mingus Mapps
                • Absent (1):
                  • Ted Wheeler


                Council action
                • Aye (4):
                  • Carmen Rubio
                  • Dan Ryan
                  • Jo Ann Hardesty
                  • Mingus Mapps
                • Absent (1):
                  • Ted Wheeler


                Ordinance number
                Introduced by
                Former Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty
                City department
                Portland Fire & Rescue
                Council action
                • Aye (4):
                  • Carmen Rubio
                  • Dan Ryan
                  • Jo Ann Hardesty
                  • Mingus Mapps
                • Absent (1):
                  • Ted Wheeler


                Council action
                Passed to second reading
                Passed to second reading November 9, 2022 at 9:30 a.m.


                  Ordinance number
                  Introduced by
                  Former Auditor Mary Hull Caballero
                  City department
                  Elections Division
                  Second reading agenda item 893.
                  Council action
                  • Aye (4):
                    • Carmen Rubio
                    • Dan Ryan
                    • Jo Ann Hardesty
                    • Mingus Mapps
                  • Absent (1):
                    • Ted Wheeler

                  Regular Agenda


                  Ordinance number
                  Introduced by
                  Former Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty
                  City department
                  Office of Community & Civic Life
                  Second reading agenda item 890.
                  Council action
                  Passed As Amended
                  • Aye (4):
                    • Carmen Rubio
                    • Dan Ryan
                    • Jo Ann Hardesty
                    • Mingus Mapps
                  • Absent (1):
                    • Ted Wheeler


                  Ordinance number
                  Introduced by
                  Former Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty
                  City department
                  Office of Community & Civic Life
                  Second reading agenda item 891.
                  Council action
                  Passed As Amended
                  • Aye (4):
                    • Carmen Rubio
                    • Dan Ryan
                    • Jo Ann Hardesty
                    • Mingus Mapps
                  • Absent (1):
                    • Ted Wheeler

                  Session Status

                  Registration is closed. The public can provide written testimony to Council by emailing the Council Clerk at

                  Council in Attendance
                  Mayor Ted Wheeler
                  Commissioner Carmen Rubio
                  Commissioner Dan Ryan
                  Former Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty
                  Commissioner Mingus Mapps

                  Mayor Wheeler presided.

                  Officers in attendance: Lauren King, Senior Deputy City Attorney; Keelan McClymont, Council Clerk

                  Council recessed at 2:52 p.m.

                  Time Certain


                  Time certain
                  2:00 pm
                  Time requested
                  1 hour
                  Council action
                  Passed to second reading
                  Passed to second reading November 9, 2022 at 10:15 a.m. Time Certain
                  Oral and written record are closed.

                    Session Status

                    Registration is closed. The public can provide written testimony to Council by emailing the Council Clerk at

                    Council in Attendance
                    Mayor Ted Wheeler
                    Commissioner Carmen Rubio
                    Commissioner Dan Ryan
                    Former Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty
                    Commissioner Mingus Mapps

                    Mayor Wheeler presided.

                    Commissioner Rubio left at 6:11 p.m. 

                    Officers in attendance: Wendy Hain, Senior Deputy City Attorney; Keelan McClymont, Council Clerk

                    Council recessed at 3:46 p.m. and reconvened at 4:00 p.m. 

                    Council adjourned at 6:15 p.m.

                    Time Certain


                    Resolution number
                    Introduced by
                    Mayor Ted Wheeler
                    Commissioner Dan Ryan
                    Time certain
                    2:00 pm
                    Time requested
                    3 hours
                    Previous agenda item 899 (1 of 5).
                    Council action
                    Adopted As Amended
                    Motion to include subsection 1.C. under the NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED section, “The Portland Housing Bureau shall work collaboratively with any other City bureau actively acquiring property to explore whether those acquisitions may also be used, in whole or in part, for affordable housing development. This collaborative effort related to property acquisition should continue beyond February 1, 2023 and become a permanent practice between the Portland Housing Bureau and other City bureaus.”: Moved by Rubio and seconded by Hardesty. (Y-5)

                    Motion to include BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED section, “BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the City Attorney shall create an analysis and report back to Council no later than February 28, 2023 on how the City can best utilize its power of eminent domain to rapidly house Portlanders during this housing emergency.”: Moved by Hardesty and seconded by Rubio. (Y-Rubio, Hardesty; N-Mapps, Ryan, Wheeler). Motion failed to pass.
                    • Aye (5):
                      • Mingus Mapps
                      • Carmen Rubio
                      • Dan Ryan
                      • Jo Ann Hardesty
                      • Ted Wheeler


                    Resolution number
                    Introduced by
                    Mayor Ted Wheeler
                    Commissioner Dan Ryan
                    Time certain
                    2:00 pm
                    Time requested
                    3 hours
                    Previous agenda item 900 (2 of 5).
                    Council action
                    Motion to include BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED section, “BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, during the development of this policy there shall be a convening of a group of community experts on employment options for unhoused communities to shape the assistance needed for the City to create a new employment platform; and”: Moved by Hardesty and seconded by Rubio. (Y-Rubio, Hardesty; N-Mapps, Ryan, Wheeler). Motion failed to pass.
                    • Aye (5):
                      • Mingus Mapps
                      • Carmen Rubio
                      • Dan Ryan
                      • Jo Ann Hardesty
                      • Ted Wheeler


                    Resolution number
                    Introduced by
                    Mayor Ted Wheeler
                    Commissioner Dan Ryan
                    Time certain
                    2:00 pm
                    Time requested
                    3 hours
                    Previous agenda item 901 (3 of 5).
                    Council action
                    Adopted As Amended
                    Motion to remove under the NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED subsection 1.A.l., “a maximum of 500 people per campus when divided into quadrants” and replace with, “up to six campuses with a maximum of 250 each when divided up” and under subsection 1.B., remove “three” and replace with “six”: Moved by Rubio and seconded by Hardesty. (Y-Mapps, Rubio, Ryan, Hardesty; N-Wheeler)

                    Motion to include WHEREAS section, “WHEREAS, over 60% of the houseless population in Portland have self-identified disabilities we must ensure that sanctioned large scale campsites have sufficient facilities to address these varied needs[xli]; and” and reference link [xli].: Moved by Hardesty and seconded by Rubio. Motion withdrawn.

                    Motion to include WHEREAS section, “Whereas the City is committed to serving the needs of unhoused individuals with disabilities and connecting them with appropriate services in City shelters and campsites [xli]; and” and reference link [xli].: Moved by Hardesty and seconded by Wheeler. (Y-5)

                    Motion to remove under the NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED section, “complete an operational plan to phase-in over 18 months, once funding has been secured, a citywide ban on self-sited unsanctioned encampments coupled with designated alternative camping sites with services” and replace with, “develop a plan to limit self-sited unsanctioned encampments in consultation with experienced community partners once sufficient capacity exists to assist the City’s houseless population and meet the City’s legal requirements”: Moved by Hardesty and not seconded. Vote not called.

                    Motion to remove under the NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED subsection 1.A.l., “a maximum of 500 people per campus when divided into quadrants”: Moved by Hardesty and not seconded. Vote not called.

                    Motion to remove under the NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED subsection 1.A.l.a., ”on each campus” and replace “18” with “6” months.: Moved by Hardesty and not seconded. Vote not called.

                    Motion to include subsection 1.A.l.b. under the NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED section, “After the establishment of initial camps the City may consider creating a campus model where multiple camps are approved on a single large City controlled property.”: Moved by Hardesty and seconded by Rubio. Motion withdrawn.

                    Motion to include under the NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED subsection 1.B., “that that must be diversely spread across the City”: Moved by Hardesty and seconded by Rubio. (Y-Mapps, Rubio, Hardesty; N-Ryan, Wheeler)

                    Motion to include under the NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED section, “as part of the annual budget process, the SSCC will provide an update to individual Council Offices by the end of each fiscal year regarding the total available beds and the safety of designated alternative camping sites;”: Moved by Wheeler and seconded by Mapps. (Y-5)
                    • Aye (4):
                      • Mingus Mapps
                      • Carmen Rubio
                      • Dan Ryan
                      • Ted Wheeler
                    • Nay (1):
                      • Jo Ann Hardesty


                    Time certain
                    2:00 pm
                    Time requested
                    3 hours
                    Previous agenda item 902 (4 of 5).
                    Council action
                    Adopted - Substitute
                    Motion to accept the substitute resolution: Moved by Wheeler and seconded by Hardesty. (Y-5)

                    Motion to include BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED section, “BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the City shall convene a planning coordination summit between local, county, metro, state, and federal officials to explore how to best utilize available funding and land.”: Moved by Hardesty and not seconded. Vote not called.

                    Motion to include BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED section, ” BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the City calls upon the State of Oregon to consider allocating up to $1 billion of kicker funding towards rent assistance and affordable housing production during the 2023 legislative session.”: Moved by Hardesty and seconded by Rubio. (Y-Rubio, Hardesty; N-Mapps, Ryan, Wheeler). Motion failed to pass.
                    • Aye (5):
                      • Mingus Mapps
                      • Carmen Rubio
                      • Dan Ryan
                      • Jo Ann Hardesty
                      • Ted Wheeler


                    Resolution number
                    Introduced by
                    Mayor Ted Wheeler
                    Commissioner Dan Ryan
                    Time certain
                    2:00 pm
                    Time requested
                    3 hours
                    Previous agenda item 903 (5 of 5).
                    Council action
                    • Aye (4):
                      • Mingus Mapps
                      • Dan Ryan
                      • Jo Ann Hardesty
                      • Ted Wheeler
                    • Absent (1):
                      • Carmen Rubio