City Council

October 16, 2024 Council Agenda

1900 SW Fourth Avenue, Room 2500, Portland, OR 97201

In accordance with Portland City Code and state law, City Council holds hybrid public meetings, which provide for both virtual and in-person participation. Members of council elect to attend remotely by video and teleconference, or in-person. The City makes several avenues available for the public to listen to and watch the broadcast of this meeting, including the City's YouTube Channel, the Open Signal website, and Xfinity Channel 30 and 330.

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In this agenda

Agenda Updates - Morning Session

Last updated October 15, 2024 at 5:10 p.m.

Scheduled absencesMayor Wheeler. Commissioner Gonzalez will preside in the Mayor’s absence.
Item 882Item has been requested to be referred back to Mayor Wheeler's office.
Cancelled meetingsCouncil meetings are cancelled November 6 and December 25-26.

Verbal and Written Testimony Information

Verbal Testimony: City Council welcomes public testimony. Members of the public must sign up in advance to comment on an agenda item during the meeting by completing the "testify on this item" link below or by calling 311 (learn more about testifying on agenda items). Request interpretation or an accommodation online or call 503-823-4000 (please make your request at least 5 days in advance of the meeting). To address Council about a topic of your choosing, request a communication spot for an upcoming Council meeting (same-day registration is not available, the deadline to request a communication spot is Tuesday at noon for the following week's meeting).

Registration for virtual testimony closes one hour prior to the Council meeting. In-person testifiers must sign up before the agenda item is heard.

View testimony order

Written Testimony: Click the agenda item title to submit written testimony for ordinances, resolutions, and reports. Written testimony will be distributed to members of Council and added to the public record if received before Council votes unless otherwise stated during the meeting or on the agenda.

View written testimony


Time Certain


Introduced by
Mayor Ted Wheeler
City department
Spectator Venues and Visitor Activities Program
Time certain
9:45 am
Time requested
30 minutes
    Testify on this item


    Introduced by
    Mayor Ted Wheeler
    Commissioner Carmen Rubio
    Time certain
    10:15 am
    Time requested
    15 minutes

      Consent Agenda



        Regular Agenda


        Time requested
        15 minutes
          Testify on this item


          Introduced by
          Mayor Ted Wheeler
          City department
          Time requested
          10 minutes
            Testify on this item


            Second reading agenda item 855.


              Second reading agenda item 856.


                Second reading agenda item 857.
                Item has been requested to be referred back to Mayor Wheeler's office.


                  Second reading agenda item 858.


                    Introduced by
                    Mayor Ted Wheeler
                    City department
                    Revenue Division
                    Second reading agenda item 859.


                      Introduced by
                      Mayor Ted Wheeler
                      City department
                      Revenue Division
                      Second reading agenda item 860.


                        Second reading agenda item 861.


                          Second reading agenda item 862.

                            Agenda Updates - Afternoon Session

                            Last updated October 15, 2024 at 2:45 p.m.

                            Updated start timeWednesday afternoonmeeting will start at 3:00 p.m. 
                            Scheduled absencesMayor Wheeler. Commissioner Gonzalez will preside in the Mayor’s absence.
                            Item 888

                            Item has been requested to be referred back to Commissioner Gonzalez's office.

                            Proposed Amendments to Exhibit A - Commissioner Mapps

                            Proposed Amendment to Exhibit A - Commissioner Rubio

                            Cancelled meetingsCouncil meetings are cancelled November 6 and December 25-26.

                            Verbal and Written Testimony Information

                            Verbal Testimony: City Council welcomes public testimony. Members of the public must sign up in advance to comment on an agenda item during the meeting by completing the "testify on this item" link below or by calling 311 (learn more about testifying on agenda items). Request interpretation or an accommodation online or call 503-823-4000 (please make your request at least 5 days in advance of the meeting). To address Council about a topic of your choosing, request a communication spot for an upcoming Council meeting (same-day registration is not available, the deadline to request a communication spot is Tuesday at noon for the following week's meeting).

                            Registration for virtual testimony closes one hour prior to the Council meeting. In-person testifiers must sign up before the agenda item is heard.

                            View testimony order

                            Written Testimony: Click the agenda item title to submit written testimony for ordinances, resolutions, and reports. Written testimony will be distributed to members of Council and added to the public record if received before Council votes unless otherwise stated during the meeting or on the agenda.

                            View written testimony

                            Time Certain


                            Time certain
                            2:00 pm
                            Time requested
                            1 hour
                            Item has been requested to be referred back to Commissioner Gonzalez's office.


                              Introduced by
                              Mayor Ted Wheeler
                              Time certain
                              3:00 pm
                              Time requested
                              1 hour
                                Testify on this item

                                Session Status
                                No session scheduled