Engage with Council

Register to provide testimony on an agenda item, request a public communication spot, submit written testimony, or provide feedback on policy or actions of the City of Portland to a member of Council.
White icon on purple background.  Three people with talk bubbles.

Will depend on the type of engagement, but submission is immediate

On this Page

Location update - City Hall renovations

City Council will meet at 1900 SW Fourth Avenue, Portland, OR 97201 in Room 2500 while Council Chambers in City Hall are closed for renovations. 

Learn more about attending a meeting at the 1900 Building

Contact a member of Council 

Provide feedback on policy or actions of the City of Portland or request a meeting with the mayor or a city commissioner. 

Contact an Elected Official Form

Register to provide verbal testimony on an agenda item

City Council welcomes public testimony. Verbal public testimony registration for agenda items opens when the Council agenda is published by 9:00 a.m. on the Friday before the meeting. Council will hear verbal testimony during Council meetings on the following agenda items:

  • Resolutions
  • Emergency ordinances
  • First readings of non-emergency ordinances (listed on the agenda as “ordinance” – if the ordinance states it is a second reading, testimony will not be heard)
  • Reports
  • Agenda items appearing on the Consent Agenda are passed by a single unanimous vote without Council discussion. To pull one of the above agenda item types from the Consent Agenda for discussion:
    1. Email your name and the agenda item number to councilclerk@portlandoregon.gov before the start of the meeting.
    2. The Council Clerk will add the agenda item to the testimony registration form to register for verbal testimony on the item. Members of the public must sign up in advance to provide verbal testimony during the meeting. 
    3. Join the meeting to explain why the item was pulled for discussion. Testifiers will have three minutes to testify unless otherwise stated at the meeting. The item will typically be heard following all other Council business.

Testimony is not taken on communications, second readings of ordinances, proclamations, or presentations in accordance with City Code Subsection 3.02.040 F. and G. 

View ARA-7.02 Policy for more information about public testimony

How to register for verbal testimony:

Register online

  1. Visit the Council agenda to sign up to provide testimony on a specific agenda item. Only items with a "testify on this item" button are available for verbal testimony. 
  2. Select the registration button and complete the required information on the form.
  3. For those providing testimony virtually, Zoom login information will be emailed at least one hour before the meeting. 
  4. The testimony order for each agenda item is available in real-time on the Council agenda.

Register in-person

  1. Visit the 311 Customer Service Center on the first floor of the Portland Building at 1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Portland, OR 97204.
    Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. except holidays.
  2. Visit the Auditor's Office on the first floor of City Hall at 1221 SW 4th Avenue, Room 130, Portland, OR 97204. 
    Hours: Tuesday - Thursday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. except holidays.

Register by phone

  1. Call 311 to speak with a representative to register to testify over the phone.

Testifiers have three minutes to testify unless otherwise stated at the meeting. Presentation materials must be emailed to councilclerk@portlandoregon.gov before the meeting. 

Submit written testimony

Written testimony may be submitted for specific agenda items by visiting the Council agenda or by mail to: Council Clerk, 1221 SW 4th Avenue, Room 130, Portland, OR 97204. Written testimony is accepted for ordinances, resolutions, and reports. 

Written testimony is not read out loud into the record during the meeting. Written testimony will be distributed to members of Council and added to the public record if received before Council votes unless otherwise stated during the meeting or on the agenda. 

View written testimony for current agenda items

Request a public communication spot

Public communications provide an opportunity for individuals to address Council on a subject of the requester's choosing for three minutes. Communications are the first item heard at the Wednesday morning meeting and five spots are available. The deadline for scheduling a communication is noon on Tuesday for an available spot at the following week’s meeting.Individuals may sign up for a communication once a month.

Community members are encouraged to resolve issues directly by contacting the appropriate City department or Council member for assistance prior to requesting a communication spot. The Ombudsman's Office may also be helpful in resolving concerns.

View ARA-7.02 Administrative Rule for more information about communications

How to request a communication spot:

  1. Complete the communications request form
  2. The available dates for a communication spot are listed on the form. Select your preferred available date and complete all required information.
  3. The Council Clerk will email you directly to confirm the date of your communication.
  4. On the Monday before the meeting, you will receive an email with instructions on how to join the Council meeting to provide your communication in-person or virtually.

Request interpretation or accommodation

Request interpretation or an accommodation online or call 503-823-4000 (please make your request at least 5 days in advance of the meeting). Community members using interpretation services to address Council during a Communication or public testimony will be allotted additional time to speak.

QR code to provide more information about participating in-person

Tap the QR code to access the Council agenda, sign up to testify, and view other helpful resources.


Council Clerk

The fastest way to reach us is by email.
councilclerk@portlandoregon.govPlease submit written testimony by visiting the Council Agenda (testimony is not accepted by email).

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