Election results

Follow along as Multnomah County shares unofficial election results at MultnomahVotes.gov

Veterans Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, November 11, in observance of Veterans Day.


Construction Menu
285 projects found
Install 550 feet of 6-inch ductile iron (DI) main and 160 feet of 4-inch DI main and abandon 500 feet of 2-inch galvanized main; and renew five (5) services, transfer one (1) service, relocate one (1) service, and install two (2) hydrants.
Project will install approximately 1030 feet of 6-inch ductile iron (DI) main. This will abandon approximately 510 feet of 2-inch galvanized main. Additionally, nine (9) existing services will be renewed.
Install approximately 2,000 feet of 12-inch ductile iron main and 110 feet of 4- inch DI main. The project will also transfer eleven services and six services will be renewed.

CBWTP Hypochlorite Modification

Sewer and Stormwater
July 2027
This project includes improvements to the CBWTP wet weather clarifiers and hypochlorite systems.