Martin Luther King Jr. Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day.


Construction Menu
258 projects found
February 2025
This Project will install approximately 1,400 feet of new ductile iron water main which includes the renewal of six water services and two industrial fire lines and the installation of two new hydrants.

FABA Soft Starts REPL

Sewer and Stormwater

SW Bertha Boulevard (SW Vermont St. to SW Barbur Blvd.)

Engineering And Design
The Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) will reconfigure this roadway as a protected bike lane. The project limits are along S Bertha Blvd. from SW Vermont St. to SW Barbur Blvd. The intent is to reorganize the roadway to provide protected bike lanes.
Paving, new traffic signals, roadway safety redesign, enhanced pedestrian crossings, and enhanced bike lanes on Foster/Woodstock couplet, 96th-101st Aves in I-205 interchange area. Also improve two nearby unpaved streets with pavement and stormwater management systems.

45th Ave: Flower - Vermont, SW

Replace existing asphalt (currently in deteriorating condition) with a 2" grind and inlay, some base repair (5%), concrete sidewalk, striping.
The project is in the design phase. Construction is expected to begin in April 2025.
Bureau of Environmental Services (BES) is designing a project to extend the public sewer system in N Winchell and N Watts Streets east of Fenwick Avenue. This work is part of the City’s ongoing effort to provide a way to directly and independently connect to the public sewer system.

SW 45th Flower Pl. to Vermont St. Pavement Project

Engineering And Design
Construction from May 2025 to August 2025
PBOT will place new Aspalt Concrete along SW 4th. Ave. from SW Vermont St. to SW Cameron Rd. This includes new pedestrian crossings, multi-use paths, ADA Ramps, roadway striping and new sidewalks. In addition, this project will include a raised bike-lane and pedestrian walkway.
This project includes two signal rebuilds at NE 82nd Avenue and NE Glisan Street and NE 82nd Avenue and NE Davis Street. The project scope also includes ADA ramp upgrades, sidewalk widening on the east side of 82nd, concrete median islands, and tree planting.
Heavy rains and saturated soil in February of 2017 caused a shallow landslide at this location. New infrastructure is required to mitigate the resulting slope instability. This project will construct a new retaining wall to mitigate the landslide risk. Design has paused on this project while staff f
Micro surfacing - Protected Bike Lane (Barbur - Vermont) / Shared Street (B-Hwy - 30th) "SWIM project, quick-build style, includes: a bike lane segment (Vermont to Barbur) and; a shared street segment (BHH to 30th); depave? coordinate with BES". Design is scheduled for early 2022, with construction

N Burgard Bridge Replacement

CM/GC pre-construction and construction solicitation. Complete replacement of roadway bridge over railroad in industrial area. Staged construction required to keep existing bridge open during construction.
Install 35 feet of 12-inch ductile (DI) main and 137 feet of 12-inch earthquake resistant ductile Iron Pipe (ERDIP) inside a 22-inch casing pipe.
This project will install 3400’ of 6” DI main, 640” of 8” DI main, renew 52, 1”
service lines, install 6 hydrants, and kill 3 hydrants.
Install 550 feet of 6-inch ductile iron (DI) main and 160 feet of 4-inch DI main and abandon 500 feet of 2-inch galvanized main; and renew five (5) services, transfer one (1) service, relocate one (1) service, and install two (2) hydrants.
Project will install approximately 1030 feet of 6-inch ductile iron (DI) main. This will abandon approximately 510 feet of 2-inch galvanized main. Additionally, nine (9) existing services will be renewed.
Install approximately 2,000 feet of 12-inch ductile iron main and 110 feet of 4- inch DI main. The project will also transfer eleven services and six services will be renewed.

CBWTP Hypochlorite Modification

Sewer and Stormwater
July 2027
This project includes improvements to the CBWTP wet weather clarifiers and hypochlorite systems.


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