
Construction Menu
21 projects found
Construction started in Spring 2024. This project will take a year and a half to complete.
Environmental Services has begun construction on a project to restore wetlands and natural habitat on about 30 acres in the Johnson Creek floodplain. This project will reduce flood risk for local homes and businesses and enhance habitat for sensitive wildlife.
Construction Summer 2025
PBOT will be making crossing improvements along SE Holgate Boulevard at SE 108th Place and SE 117th Street, and building sidewalk infill along the south side of SE Holgate Boulevard from SE 103rd Street- SE 122nd Street.
Construction will begin in fall of 2024
The Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) will build new crossings with signals along NE 122nd Avenue near the intersections with Davis and Clinton streets.

SE 101st Avenue Pump Station Project

Sewer and Stormwater
This project is currently in the design phase. Construction is anticipated in 2025.
Environmental Services is designing a project to update the SE 101st Pump Station in SE Portland. This project will improve reliability, access, and safety will protect public health and the environment.

Foster Rd & 111th: Crossing & Signal, SE

Engineering And Design
Spring 2025
This project will replace the traffic signal on SE Foster Road at 111th Avenue/Drive.
Construction 2025-2026
As part of this project, the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) will make critical pedestrian improvements to 82nd Avenue, including sidewalk infill and street tree planting in select locations between SE Foster Road and SE Clatsop Street.