
Construction Menu
9 projects found
Design has been completed. Construction began in June of 2024 and should take about six months to complete.
Environmental Services, in partnership with the Portland Water Bureau, is constructing a project to upgrade infrastructure in NW Portland. This project will increase system capacity, reduce the risk of sewer discharges, and improve earthquake resilience for our critical infrastructure.

Flanders Connector at NW Naito and Glisan

Engineering And Design
Project schedule under development
The Flanders Connector at NW Naito and Glisan seeks to provide a new crossing for pedestrians and people biking at Naito Parkway, connecting Waterfront Park to the Flanders Greenway.

SW Alder-Harvey Milk Sewer Project

Sewer and Stormwater
Project design continues. Construction is anticipated to begin in July of 2026 and take a year and a half to complete.
Environmental Services is designing a project to repair 9,700 feet, or almost 2 miles, of aging public sewer pipes in downtown Portland. Having provided 140 years of service, the pipes require repairs to reduce risks of basement flooding and sewage releases to downtown buildings and streets.
Repairs began in May of 2024 and should be completed this summer.
Environmental Services is conducting urgent repairs on two force mains inside the Ankeny Pump Station located under the west end of the Burnside Bridge. These repairs will protect public health and the environment by reducing the chance of sewer overflows to Waterfront Park and the Willamette River.