Safe Blocks Program

Photo of kids celebrating during National Night Out event in Portland
The goal of the Safe Blocks Program is to help all Portlanders feel safe and connected. The program supports community members through trainings and education, place-based security assessments, community building activities, and resources and referrals.

***Take the Safe Blocks Community Survey***

Our Services

Professional Training

We are professional trainers who develop community safety trainings to educate you, your neighbors, businesses, and the larger Portland community. Each training is provided from a trauma informed approach and includes bias awareness training. 

Request A Training 

Security Assessments 

We are certified Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) practitioners who provide assessments of properties to reduce vulnerability to harm and increase positive activity in public and private spaces. Environmental design can reduce vulnerability to unwanted activity in a space. Trimming tree branches up to six feet in height, for example, can create good visibility across a natural space, like a park. 

Request A Security Assessment 

Community Building Activities

We work with communities to promote safe spaces and community building. We support community-led “placemaking” projects — activities that community members feel are important for safety and community building. Our special events and place-based work also help us serve those in the most need. 

Request Help with Community Building Ideas 

Resources and Referrals 

We help community members problem-solve safety issues and find resources and services. 

Contact us at 503-823-4064 or to be connected with a Safe Blocks Program coordinator who serves your area. 

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Upcoming Events


Past Events
