City Code Section
- For tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2005, a maximum of four refundable credits of $500 each are allowed for qualifying businesses that employ disconnected youth. For the purpose of this credit, the terms used in this Section are defined below or as defined in written policies adopted under Section 7.02.210 unless the context requires otherwise.
- A. Local business means a business operating in the pursuit of profit, gain or the production of income that:
- 1. has at least one physical location (such as an office, warehouse, store or restaurant) within the geographic boundaries of the State of Oregon and/or Clark County, Washington; and
- 2. is registered to do business in the State of Oregon and said registration has not expired or otherwise been dissolved; or is a sole proprietorship that is not legally required to register to do business in the State of Oregon ; and
- 3. has a current account with the City and has complied with all filing and payment requirements of Portland ’s Business License Law and the Multnomah County Business Income Tax Law.
- B. Disconnected youth means a youth that is
- 1. a resident of the City,
- 2. is 16-24 years old on the date on which the youth begins working with the local business,
- 3. has a household income that is at or below 50 percent of the HUD Portland Area Median Income, and
- 4. one or more of the following apply:
- a. is receiving (or has received in the last six months) or is a member of a family receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families or Aid to Families with Dependent Children or Supplemental Security Income; or
- b. is a 16- to 24-year-old member of a family that is receiving (or has received in the last six months) food stamps; or
- c. is a custodial parent; or
- d. is a high school drop-out; or
- e. is an adjudicated youth, meaning that they are or have been, in the Oregon Juvenile Justice System or the equivalent thereof in another state.
- C. Qualified youth employment organization means an organization that is qualified and funded to operate youth employment and training programs by the youth certifying agency.
- D. Credit certificate means a pre-numbered certificate issued by the Youth Certifying Agency upon fulfillment of the employment contract. A separate certificate is required for each credit granted to a business.
- E. Youth Certifying Agency means an agency that has entered into an agreement or other memorandum of understanding with the City to act as the Youth Certifying Agency for the purpose of this program.
- F. 2005 tax year means a tax year that begins on or after January 1, 2005, and ends on or before November 30, 2006, but does not exceed a 12-month period.
- G. 2006 Tax Year means a tax year that begins on or after January 1, 2006, and ends on or before November 30, 2007, but does not exceed a 12-month period.
- H. Non-exempt means that the local business has not claimed an exemption from the requirements of the Business License Law as defined and provided for in Section 7.02.400.