City Code Section
- A. As used in this Chapter, “lighting revenues” means that portion of Clean & Safe District revenues collected under Subsection 6.06.200 A.7. as adjusted each year under Subsection 6.06.200 A.8.
- B. As used in this Chapter, “lighting program” means the design, acquisition, construction, installation, operation, and maintenance of all components, including but not limited to electrical connections and decorative lighting fixtures, necessary for a seasonal and decorative lighting system within portions of the District.
- C. As used in this Chapter, “district amenities revenue” means that portion of Clean & Safe District revenues collected under Subsection 6.06.200 A.7. as adjusted each year under Subsection 6.06.200 A.8. in excess of amounts necessary to fund the lighting program in a given year.
- D. As used in this Chapter, “district amenities program” means the design, acquisition, construction, installation, operation, and maintenance of all components of amenities that improve the safety, function, and appearance of downtown sidewalks including but not limited to:
- 1. Trash receptacles, including solar trash compactors.
- 2. Co-located publication boxes.
- E. Notwithstanding Section 6.06.010, lighting revenues and district amenities revenues will be used only:
- 1. For the lighting program and district amenities program as set forth above, including but not limited to the pledging of the revenue as provided under Section 6.06.215;
- 2. For a proportionate share of the Division’s costs of administration of the license fee directed by the Council to be recovered from license fee revenues, based on the ratio of lighting revenue and district amenities revenues to total District revenues; or
- 3. If a qualified contractor determines that lighting revenue and district amenities revenues in a license year will exceed or have exceeded the costs and expenses of the lighting program and the district amenities program in that license year and that the excess revenues will not be needed to fund a prudent reserve or for the costs and expenses of the lighting program and district amenities program in future license years, then the excess can be used to fund any item(s) in Section 6.06.010.