City Code Section
(Amended by Ordinance 185495, effective July 11, 2012.)
- On or before August 1 of each year, the Bureau will make a preliminary determination of each person engaged in property management activity within the District and subject to the license fee requirement and of the amount of license fee payable by the person for the next license year. On or before August 1, the Bureau will mail to each person preliminarily determined to be engaged in property management activity within the District and subject to the license fee requirement a notice which contains the following information:
- A. That the Bureau has determined the person is engaged in property management activity within the District that is subject to the license fee requirement;
- B. The amount of the license fee the Bureau has determined to be payable by the person for the next license year, including the data and formula used in determining the amount;
- C. The activities which constitute being engaged in property management activities, as defined in Subsection 6.06.020 H.1.-3.;
- D. The activities which do not constitute being engaged in property management activities, as defined in Subsection 6.06.020 H.4.;
- E. The exemption provisions of Section 6.06.050 and the definition of exempt property as set out inSection6.06.020I.and any other provision of this Chapter applicable to the District;
- F. That any appeal from the determinations of the Bureau as to the person’s engagement in property management activity within the District, as to the person’s being subject to the license fee requirement, or as to the amount of the license fee payable by the person for the next license year, must be filed in writing with the Bureau not later than 30 days after the notice is mailed. Appeal information from Section 6.06.100 will be included with the notice.