5.34.890 Construction Manager/General Contractor Services (CM/GC Services).

City Code Section

(Amended by Ordinances 181547, 185898 and 187373, effective October 14, 2015.)

  1. A.  General. The CM/GC Method is a technically complex project delivery system.  City bureaus shall use this contracting method only with the assistance of legal counsel, as well as knowledgeable staff, consultants or both staff and consultants who have a demonstrated capability of managing the CM/GC Method, in the necessary disciplines of engineering, construction scheduling and cost control, accounting, legal, Public Contracting and project management.  Unlike the Design-Build Method, the CM/GC Method does not contemplate a "single point of responsibility" under which the CM/GC is responsible for successful completion of all Work related to a performance Specification. The CM/GC has defined Contract obligations, including responsibilities as part of the project team along with the City and design professional, although with the CM/GC Method there is a separate Contract between the City and the design professional(s). In order to utilize the CM/GC Method, the City must be able to reasonably anticipate the following types of benefits:
    1. 1.   Time Savings. With the CM/GC Method, the Public Improvement has significant schedule ramifications, such that concurrent design and construction are necessary in order to meet critical deadlines and shorten the overall duration of construction. The City may consider operational and financial data that show significant savings or increased opportunities for generating revenue as a result of early completion, as well as less disruption to public facilities as a result of shortened construction periods;
    2. 2.  Cost Savings. With the CM/GC Method, early CM/GC input during the design process is expected to contribute to significant cost savings. The City may consider value engineering, building systems analysis, Life Cycle Costing analysis and construction planning that lead to cost savings. The City shall specify any special factors influencing this analysis, including high rates of inflation, market uncertainty due to material and labor fluctuations or scarcities, and the need for specialized construction expertise due to technical challenges; and
    3. 3.  Technical Complexity. With the CM/GC Method, the Public Improvement presents significant technical complexities that are best addressed by a collaborative or team effort between the City, design professionals, City project management or technical consultants and the CM/GC, in which the CM/GC will assist in addressing specific project challenges through pre-construction services. The City may consider the need for CM/GC input on issues such as operations of the facility during construction, tenant occupancy, public safety, delivery of an early budget or GMP, financing, historic preservation, difficult remodeling projects and projects requiring complex phasing or highly coordinated scheduling.
  2. B.  Authority. The City shall use the CM/GC Method only in accordance with the requirements of ORS 279C.337, when an exemption from Competitive Bidding is approved by Council. See particularly, Section 5.34.820 on "Use of Alternative Contracting Methods".
  3. C.  Selection. CM/GC selection criteria may include those factors set forth above in Subsection 5.34.840 C.  The City shall, in documents the City uses to procure CM/GC Services.
    1. 1.  Describe the selection criteria and the weight of each criterion in the evaluation process;
    2. 2.  Describe how interviews will be used and evaluated, if interviews are to be used in the selection;
    3. 3.  Describe any other criteria that may be considered in selecting a CM/GC;
    4. 4.  Describe how scoring from the evaluation of the written proposals and interviews will be combined to arrive at a Proposer’s final score and ranking;
    5. 5.  State that any Savings the CM/GC realizes in performing the Contract will accrue to the City, unless the Contract provides otherwise;
    6. 6.  Specify terms and conditions that govern how the fixed price, GMP or other maximum price set forth in the Contract will be determined and whether the price includes or is based on unit pricing or allows for Work that is constructed in phases;
    7. 7.  State that the City will not pay any amount that exceeds a fixed price, GMP or other maximum price specified in the Contract unless the amount results from material changes to the scope of work set forth in the Contract and the parties to the Contract agree in writing to the material changes;
    8. 8.  State that the City will conduct the procurement in accordance with model rules the Attorney General adopts under ORS 279A.065 (3); and
    9. 9.  Specify deadlines and time periods for the selection that allow prospective Proposers a reasonable opportunity to submit proposals, including but not limited to:
      1. a.  The date and time by which the City must receive proposals;
      2. b.  The time periods during which the City will conduct interviews, if the City will conduct interviews;
      3. c.  The date by which the City plans to indicate an intent to award the Contract; and
      4. d.  The time period during which the City will meet with Proposers that the City did not select for the Contract, if a Proposer requests a meeting to discuss the procurement.
  4. D.  Basis for Payment. The CM/GC process adds specified Construction Manager Professional, Technical and Expert Services to traditional design-bid-build general contractor Work, requiring full Contract performance within a negotiated GMP, fixed Contract Price or other maximum Contract Price.  For a GMP pricing method, the basis for payment is reimbursable direct costs as defined under the Contract, plus a fee constituting full payment for Work and Professional, Technical and Expert Services rendered, which together shall not exceed the GMP. See GMP definition at Subsection 5.34.810 E. and Pricing Mechanisms in Section 5.34.860.
  5. E.  Contract Requirements. The City shall conform its CM/GC Services contracting practices to the following requirements:
    1. 1.   Nature of the Contracts for CM/GC Services. Since the scope of CM/GC Services includes a pre-construction phase of Professional, Technical and Expert Services and a construction phase Work to be performed by the CM/GC, the City may award one or more Contracts for CM/GC Services.  In general, Contracts for CM/GC Services will include contract provisions that will not only govern the relationship between the City and the CM/GC for the pre-construction Professional, Technical and Expert Services, but will also include provisions that will govern the CM/GC’s providing of the Work necessary to complete the Public Improvement.  The City will only authorize the construction phase or phases of a portion of the project or the entire project upon successful negotiation of the GMP.  For purposes of paying BOLI prevailing wages, a CM/GC Services Contract becomes a public works Contract at the time covered Work activities commence, through authorized Early Work during the pre-construction phase or construction phase Work.
    2. 2.   Setting the GMP, Fixed Contract Price or Other Maximum Contract Price. The GMP, fixed Contract price or other maximum Contract Price shall be set at an identified time consistent with industry practice and project conditions and after supporting information reasonably considered necessary to its use has been developed.  The supporting information for the GMP must define with particularity both what Professional, Technical and Expert Services and Work is included and/or excluded from the GMP, fixed Contract price or other maximum Contracts Price. A set of project drawings and Specifications shall be produced establishing the scope of Work contemplated by the GMP, fixed Contract price or other maximum Contract Price.
    3. 3.  Adjustments to the GMP, Fixed Contract Price or Other Maximum Contract Price. The Contract shall clearly identify the standards or factors under which changes or additional Work will be considered outside of the Work Scope that warrants an increase in the GMP, fixed Contract price or other maximum Contract Price as well as criteria for decreasing the GMP, fixed Contract price or other maximum Contract Price. The GMP, fixed Contract price or other maximum Contract Price shall not be increased without a concomitant increase to the scope of Work defined at the establishment of the GMP, fixed Contract price or other maximum Contract Price or most recent amendment to the GMP, fixed Contract price or other maximum Contract Price.
    4. 4.  Cost Savings. The Contract shall clearly identify the disposition of any Cost Savings resulting from completion of the Work below the GMP, fixed Contract price or other maximum Contract Price; that is, under what circumstances, if any, the CM/GC might share in those Cost Savings, or whether the Cost Savings accrue only to the City’s benefit. Unless there is a clearly articulated reason for sharing the Cost Savings set forth in the Contract, the Cost Savings must accrue to the City.)
    5. 5.  Cost Reimbursement. The Contract shall clearly identify what items or categories of items are eligible for cost reimbursement within the GMP or other maximum Contract Price.
    6. 6.  Audit. Cost reimbursements shall be made subject to final audit adjustment, and the Contract shall establish an audit process to ensure that Contract costs are allowable, properly allocated and reasonable.
    7. 7.  Fee. Compensation for the CM/GC's Personal Services and construction Work where the Contract uses a GMP, shall be paid on the basis of a fee that is inclusive of profit, overhead and all other indirect or non-reimbursable costs. Costs determined to be included within the fee shall be expressly defined  in the Contract terms and conditions at the time the City selects the CM/GC.  The fee, which may be expressed as either a fixed dollar amount or as a proposed percentage of all reimbursable costs, shall be identified during and become an element of the selection process. It shall subsequently be expressed as a fixed amount for particular construction Work authorized to be performed, when Early Work is added to the Contract through an amendment and when the GMP is established. The CM/GC fee does not include any fee paid to the CM/GC for performing preconstruction services during a separate preconstruction phase.
    8. 8.  Incentives. The Contract shall clearly identify any economic incentives, the specific criteria that apply and their relationship to other financial elements of the Contract (including the GMP, fixed Contract price or other maximum Contract Price).
    9. 9.  Controlled Insurance Programs. For projects where an owner-controlled or contractor-controlled insurance program is permitted, the Contract shall clearly identify whether an Owner Controlled or Contractor Controlled Insurance Program is anticipated or allowable. If so, the Contract shall clearly identify:
      1. a.  anticipated cost savings from reduced premiums, claims reductions and other factors;
      2. b.  the allocation of cost savings; and
      3. c.  safety responsibilities, incentives or both safety responsibilities and incentives.
    10. 10.  Early Work. The RFP shall clearly identify, whenever feasible, the circumstances under which any Early Work may be authorized and undertaken for compensation prior to establishing the GMP, fixed Contract price or other maximum Contract price.
    11. 11.  Subcontractor Selection.  Subcontracts under the Contract are not Public Contracts within the meaning of the Code.   However, the Contract must include provisions that clearly meet the requirements of ORS 279C.337(3) and other City requirements.  Within the scope of ORS 279C.337(3), the CM/GC’s subcontractor selection process must meet the following parameters:
      1. a.  Absent a written justification prepared by the CM/GC and approved by the City as more particularly provided for in this section, the CM/GC’s Subcontractor selection process must be “competitive”, meaning that the process should include publicly advertised subcontractor solicitations and be based on a low-bid competitive method, a low-quote competitive method for contracts in a specified dollar range agreeable to the City, or a method whereby both price and qualifications of the subcontractors are evaluated in a competitive environment, consistent with the RFP and Contract requirements;  
      2. b.  When the Subcontractor selection process for a particular Work package will not be “competitive” as provided for in this section, the process must meet the following requirements:
        1. (1)  The CM/GC must prepare and submit a written justification to the City, explaining the project circumstances that support a non-competitive Subcontractor selection process for a particular Work package, including, but not limited to, Emergency circumstances, the CM/GC’s need to utilize a key Subcontractor member of the CM/GC’s project team consistent with the CM/GC’s project proposal, the need to meet other specified Contract requirements, the continuation or expansion of an existing Subcontractor agreement that was awarded through a “competitive process” along with facts supporting the continuation or expansion of the Subcontractor agreement, or a “sole source” justification;
        2. (2)  For a “sole source” selection of a subcontractor to proceed, the City must evaluate the written justification provided by the CM/GC and must find that critical project efficiencies require utilization of labor, services or materials from one subcontractor; that technical compatibility issues on the project require labor, services or materials from one subcontractor; that particular labor, services or materials are needed as part of an experimental or pilot project or as part of an experimental or pilot aspect of the project; or that other project circumstances exist to support the conclusion that the labor, services or materials are available from only one subcontractor;
        3. (3)  The CM/GC must provide an independent cost estimate for the Work package that will be subject to the non-competitive process, if required by the City;
        4. (4)   The CM/GC must fully respond to any questions or comments submitted to the CM/GC by the City; and
        5. (5)   The City must approve the CM/GC’s use of the non-competitive Subcontractor selection process prior to the CM/GC’s pursuit of the non-competitive process.
      3. c.  A competitive selection process may be preceded by a publicly advertised subcontractor pre-qualification process, with only those subcontractors meeting the pre-qualification requirements being invited to participate in the later competitive process through which the CM/GC will select the subcontractor to perform the construction Work described in the selection process; 
      4. d.  If the CM/GC or an Affiliate or subsidiary of the CM/GC will be included in the subcontractor selection process to perform particular construction Work on the project, the CM/GC must disclose that fact in the selection process documents and announcements.  The Contract must also identify the conditions, processes and procedures the CM/GC will utilize in that competitive process in order to make the process impartial, competitive and fair, including but not limited to objective, independent review and opening of bids or proposals for the elements of Work involved, by a representative of the City or another independent third party.
    12. 12.  Subcontractor Approvals and Protests. The Contract shall clearly establish whether the City must approve subcontract Awards, and to what extent, if any, the City will resolve or be involved in the resolution of protests of the CM/GC’s selection of Subcontractors and suppliers. The procedures and reporting mechanisms related to the resolution of Subcontractor and supplier protests shall be established in the Contract with certainty, including the CM/GC’s roles and responsibilities in this process and whether the CM/GC's subcontracting records are considered to be public records. In any event, the City must retain the right to monitor the subcontracting process in order to protect City’s interests and to confirm the CM/GC’s compliance with the contract and with applicable statutes, administrative rules and other legal requirements.
    13. 13.  CM/GC Self-Performance or Performance by CM/GC Affiliates or Subsidiaries Without Competition.  Consistent with the requirements of ORS 279C.3337(3)(c), the Contract must establish the conditions under which the CM/GC or an Affiliate or subsidiary of the CM/GC may perform elements of the Work without competition from subcontractors.   In order for the CM/GC or an Affiliate or subsidiary of the CM/GC to perform elements of the construction Work without competition from subcontractors, the CM/GC must provide, or must have included in the CM/GC’s RFP proposal to perform CM/GC Services for the project, a detailed proposal for performance of the Work by the CM/GC or an Affiliate or subsidiary of the CM/GC.  If required by the City, the CM/GC’s proposal to perform the construction Work must be supported by at least one independent cost estimate prior to the Work being included in the Contract.
    14. 14.  Unsuccessful Subcontractor Briefing.  ORS 279C.337(3)(e) is designed to allow a subcontractor who was not selected by the CM/GC to perform a particular element of the construction Work to obtain specific information from the CM/GC, and meet with the CM/GC to discuss the subcontractor qualification and selection process involved and the CM/GC’s subcontractor selection decisions, in order to better understand why the subcontractor was not successful in being selected to perform the particular element of the Work and to improve the subcontractor’s substantive qualifications or the subcontractor’s methods in competing for elements of the Work for the particular project involved, or for future projects.  The briefing meetings may be held with individual subcontractors or, if the subcontractors agree, in groups of subcontractors, with those groups established by bid package or other designation agreed to by the City and the CM/GC.  Nevertheless, the CM/GC is not obligated to provide this briefing opportunity unless the CM/GC receives a written request from a subcontractor to discuss the subcontractor qualification and selection process involved.  Unless the City and the CM/GC agree on a different schedule, the CM/GC Contract should include provisions:
      1. a.  Allowing a Subcontractor 60 days from the CM/GC’s notice of award of a subcontract for a particular Work package to request, in writing, a post-selection meeting with the CM/GC under this section; and
      2. b.  Requiring the CM/GC to set a meeting with the subcontractor under this section within 45 days of the Subcontractor’s written request.
    15. 15.  Performance and Payment Bonds.   Provided no construction Work is included with the preconstruction services to be performed under the initial form of the CM/GC Contract, no performance bond or payment bond is required to be provided by the CM/GC at the time of Contract signing, consistent with ORS 279C.380.  Once construction Work is included in the Contract and authorized by the City to be performed by the CM/GC, however, the CM/GC must provide a performance bond and payment bond in the full amount of any Early Work to be performed by the CM/GC, or the full amount of the amount of the GMP, fixed price or other maximum Contract Amount, as applicable.  Furthermore, in the event additional Early Work is added to the CM/GC Contract after the initial Early Work or in the event an amendment to the CM/GC Contract is made so that the GMP, fixed price or other maximum Contract Amount must be increased, the performance bond and the payment bond must be increased in an amount equal to the additional Early Work or the increased GMP, fixed price or other maximum Contract Amount. 
    16. 16.  Independent Review of CM/GC Performance: Conflicts of Interest. If the City requires independent review, monitoring, inspection or other oversight of a CM/GC’s performance of pre-construction Professional, Technical and Expert Services, construction Work or both pre-construction and construction Work, the City must obtain those independent review services from a Contractor independent of the CM/GC, the CM/GC’s Affiliates and the CM/GC’s Subcontractors, pursuant to the requirements of ORS 279C.307.  However, ORS 279C.307 does not prohibit the following:
      1. a.  The CM/GC’s performance of both pre-construction Professional, Technical and Expert Services and construction Work that are included within the definition of CM/GC Services, consistent with ORS 279C.307(2); or
      2. b.  The CM/GC’s performance of internal quality control services, quality assurance services or other internal peer review of CM/GC work product that is intended to confirm the CM/GC’s performance of the CM/GC Contract according to its terms.
    17. 17.  Socio-Economic Programs. The Contract shall clearly identify conditions relating to any required socio-economic programs, including the manner in which such programs affect the CM/GC's subcontracting requirements, the enforcement mechanisms available, and the respective responsibilities of the CM/GC and City.
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