5.33.505 Qualified Products Lists.

City Code Section

(Amended by Ordinances 183445 and 185898, effective February 20, 2013.)

  1. A.  City Bureaus may develop and maintain a qualified products list when it is necessary or desirable to test or examine goods before initiating a Procurement.  “Goods” includes products that have associated or incidental service components, such as supplier warranty obligations or maintenance service programs.
  2. B.  When any Bureau begins the initial development of a qualified products list, the Chief Procurement Officer shall give public notice in accordance with Section 5.33.300 of the opportunity for potential Contractors, sellers or suppliers to submit goods for testing and examination to determine their acceptability for inclusion on the list.  
    1. 1.  The Chief Procurement Officer may also solicit in Writing representative groups of potential Contractors, sellers or suppliers to submit goods for the testing and examination.
    2. 2.  Any potential Contractor, seller, or supplier, even though not solicited, may offer its goods for consideration.
  3. C.  The determination of whether a particular good satisfies the Bureau’s needs is entirely within the Bureau’s sole discretion.