City Code Section
- A. It is the policy of the City to dispose of surplus property in the most efficient and cost-effective manner possible in accordance with the guidelines, administrative rules, and policies established or amended by the City Administrator. City officials (including elected officials, employees, and volunteers), persons acting on the City official’s behalf, and any business with which a City official is associated, may not purchase or receive surplus property unless offered for public sale or as may be authorized by the City Administrator.
- 1. The City Administrator may adopt administrative rules for implementing this Chapter as authorized by the Charter.
- 2. Disposition of capital asset will comply with City Accounting administrative rules regarding that type of property.
- 3. Disposition of property that was procured with the proceeds of bonds, short-term borrowing, or the use of any revenue derived from the disposition will comply with applicable limitations of the federal internal revenue code, state law or governing bond documents associated with these types of property and the respective borrowing.