City Code Zoning Group
The 800 series describes most of the various land use reviews. Some reviews may be applied for at the discretion of the applicant, such as a conditional use or adjustment request. Other reviews are mandatory in certain situations such as design review or hazardous substance review. The 800 series contains the thresholds that state when a review is required, and the approval criteria for the land use review.
33.800 General Information on Land Use Reviews (PDF - 120.59 KB)
33.805 Adjustments (PDF - 117.56 KB)
33.806 Airport Reviews (PDF - 107.18 KB)
33.808 Central City Parking Review (PDF - 125.66 KB)
33.809 Comprehensive Natural Resource Plans (PDF - 132.24 KB)
33.810 Comprehensive Plan Map Amendments (PDF - 124.25 KB)
33.815 Conditional Uses (PDF - 358.75 KB)
33.820 Conditional Use Master Plans (PDF - 148.33 KB)
33.825 Design Review (PDF - 637.32 KB)
33.830 Extensions to Approved Land Use Reviews (PDF - 110.54 KB)
33.830 Excavations and Fills (PDF - 96.49 KB)
33.833 Gateway Master Plan Review (PDF - 112.24 KB)
33.835 Goal, Policy, and Regulation Amendments (PDF - 113.33 KB)
33.840 Hazardous Substances Review [deleted] (PDF - 94.26 KB)
33.840 Greenway Goal Exception (PDF - 110.63 KB)
33.845 Historical Landmarks (PDF - 94.91 KB)
33.846 Historic Resource Reviews (PDF - 318.7 KB)
33.848 Impact Mitigation Plans (PDF - 169.33 KB)
33.849 Marquam Hill Parking Review (PDF - 124.08 KB)
33.850 Statewide Planning Goal Exceptions (PDF - 108.88 KB)
33.851 South Waterfront Greenway Review (PDF - 149.04 KB)
33.852 Transportation Impact Review (PDF - 133.63 KB)
33.853 Tree Review (PDF - 129.45 KB)
33.854 Validation Review [deleted] (PDF - 91.68 KB)
33.854 Planned Development Review (PDF - 245.85 KB)
33.855 Zoning Map Amendments (PDF - 152.04 KB)
33.865 River Review (PDF - 236.2 KB)