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33.100 Open Space Zone
Upcoming and Recent Changes
Zoning Code Update Packet #202
Effective Date
This Zoning Code is the result of the Fossil Fuels Terminal Zoning Code (Ord. No. 190978), effective at 11:59 p.m. on August 31, 2022, as well as minimal typo fixes.
Zoning Code Update Packet #199
Effective Date
This final Zoning Code update packet of 2021 fixes outstanding typos.
Zoning Code Update Packet #198
Effective Date
These Zoning Code updates are the result of the Residential Infill Project part 1, Shelter to Housing Continuum Project, Design Overlay Zone Amendments, and the River Plan / South Reach (Macadam Plan changes). All are effective August 1, 2021.
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