Zoning Maps
The Zoning App holds high-level summaries of base zones, overlay zones, plan districts, historic and conservation districts, and natural resource management plans in the City of Portland. Interact with the map to explore zoning details or search for an address.
Use the Zoning Quarter Section Index Map to search for an address or navigate the map to find the location of the quarter section. Click/tap the square to open the quarter section map.
Explore the Zoning Quarter Section Index Map
The searchable Zoning Maps Database contains all current and previous versions of the zoning quarter section maps and zoning code maps.
Explore the Zoning Maps Database
Zoning and Land Use
Get applications, forms and helpful zoning information
Zoning Code
Full printable version of Title 33, Planning & Zoning Code (effective January 1, 2025)
Historical Zoning and Land Use Division Codes are available in eFiles:
Title 33
Title 34