Chapter 32.60 General

City Code Chapter

32.60.010 Interpretations and Clarifications.

  1. A. The Director may issue interpretations on the meaning and intent of all chapters of this Title except Chapters 32.10 through 32.38. Such interpretations will conform to the purposes of this Title.
  2. B. Where language in Chapters 32.10 through 32.38 is ambiguous or unclear, the Director may issue a statement of clarification as set out in Subsection 33.700.070 B. of the Zoning Code.

32.60.020 Rulemaking.

(Amended by Ordinance 189078, effective July 18, 2018.)

  1. A.  The Director has the authority to adopt administrative rules and supplemental regulations related to the provisions of Chapters 32.40 through 32.68 of this Title.  The rules and regulations must be in conformance with the intent and purpose of this Title.  The Director has the authority to administer such rules and regulations.  Rules will be adopted according to the procedures in this section.
  2. B.  Permanent rules.
    1. 1.  Prior to the adoption of a permanent rule, the Director will:
      1. a.  Publish a notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the City.  The notice must be published not less than thirty days before the hearing.   The notice must identify the place, time and purpose for the hearing; a brief description of the subjects covered by the proposed rule; the final date for acceptance of written comments; the location to submit comments and the location where copies of the full set of the proposed rules may be obtained.  A copy of the notice will be provided to the Office of Community & Civic Life at least thirty days before the hearing.
      2. b.  At the hearing, a designee of the Director will hear testimony and receive written comments regarding the proposed rules.  The designee will provide a recommendation to the Director.  The recommendation will take into consideration the comments received.
      3. c.  The Director will review the recommendation of the designee and may either adopt the proposed rule, modify or reject it.
      4. d.  If a substantial modification is made to the proposed rule, the Director may adopt the modification as an Interim Rule or provide additional public review prior to adoption.
    2. 2.  Unless otherwise stated, all rules will be effective two weeks after adoption by the Director.
  3. C.  Interim rules.
    1. 1.  An interim rule may be adopted by the Director without prior notice upon a finding that a failure to act promptly will result in a serious threat of injury or hazard to the public health or public or private property.  The rule will include specific reasons for the finding.
    2. 2.  Interim rules will be effective for a period of not longer than 180 days.
    3. 3.  Not more than 30 days after adoption of an interim rule, public notice of interim rules must be given by publication in a newspaper of general circulation and notice sent to the Office of Community & Civic Life.  Such notice must also identify the location at which copies of the full set of the interim rules may be obtained.
  4. D.  All final and interim rules must be filed in the offices of the Director.  All final and interim rules will be available to the public at the Development Services Center.