Winter weather: office closure, emergency shelters and city services
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Chapter 32.52 Awnings

City Code Chapter

32.52.010 Structural Standards.

  1. A. Exterior awnings, including those not located over a public right-of-way and interior awnings located within malls and atriums, must comply with the provisions of Chapter 32 of the Building Code and this Title. Awnings may be fixed or retractable.
  2. B. Exterior awnings must be designed to support appropriate snow and wind loads, including drifting.
  3. C. Awnings and methods to attach and anchor awnings to buildings must be designed and constructed in accordance with applicable provisions of the Building Code. All awnings and attachments must be designed for the appropriate dead and seismic loads. The awning framework must be capable of supporting not less than 15 pounds per square foot of uniform load over the entire horizontal projection without consideration of snow drifting.
  4. D. The supports for all awnings must be located outside of any right-of-way.
  5. E. Welds of awning frames must be welded in accordance with the Building Code. Welding must be done by approved welders as provided in the Building Code.
  6. F. Awning structures and anchorages to a building must be individually designed in accordance with the Building Code and the provisions of this Title, except as provided in Section 32.52.020, Pre-Approved Designs.

32.52.020 Pre-Approved Designs.

(Amended by Ordinance 178172, effective March 5, 2004.) 

  1. The Director may approve structural awning designs which can be used for more than one awning at more than one site. Subsequent permit applications can reference pre-approved awning designs. Requests for pre-approved awning designs must include appropriate plans and calculations prepared and stamped by an Oregon licensed engineer. Pre-approved awning designs will be subject to the following limitations:
  2. A. Pre-approved designs are limited to awnings that are no more than 40 feet from the lowest ground level to the maximum height of the awning; and such awnings must comply with the pedestrian clearance requirements of Subsection 32.42.010 C, Clearances.
  3. B. Pre-approved designs for awnings will be limited to the attachment methods and materials and the wall materials specified in the request and approved by the Director.
  4. C. In the Design Overlay Zone, awnings using pre-approved designs are subject to Chapter 33.420, Design Review.

32.52.030 Clearances.

  1. Awnings must be installed in accordance to the clearances specified in Subsection 32.42.010 C., Clearances.

32.52.040 Awnings and Signs on Awnings.

(Amended by Ordinance 178172, effective March 5, 2004.) 

  1. Awnings and signs attached to or incorporated into awnings must comply with all applicable standards of Chapters 32.30 through 32.38.3

32.52.050 Electrical Requirements.

  1. A. Electrical components of awnings must comply with the requirements of the Electrical Code.
  2. B. Horizontal and vertical clearances between power conductors and any awning must be as required in the Electrical Code.

32.52.060 Maintenance.

  1. Awnings must be maintained according to Section 32.42.030, Maintenance.  The Director may determine an awning is dangerous according to Subsection 32.42.030 B, Dangerous structures and equipment.
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