Chapter 32.42 Structural and Electrical Regulations

City Code Chapter

32.42.010 Construction and Structural Requirements.

A.  Structural standards.

1. Signs, sign structures, sign foundations and methods to attach and anchor signs must be designed and constructed in accordance with applicable provisions of the Building Code. All signs and their foundations and attachments must be designed for the appropriate dead and seismic loads. Exterior signs must also be designed to support appropriate snow and wind loads.

2. Signs erected within 5 feet of an exterior wall opening must be constructed of noncombustible or other approved materials.

3. The supports and foundations used in construction for all signs and sign structures must be located outside of any rights-of-way. Portable signs may be located in the right of way if they meet the standards of Subsection 32.32.030 B, Signs extending into the right-of-way.

4. Welds of sign structures must be welded in accordance with the Building Code. Welding must be done by approved welders as provided in the Building Code.

B. Engineering standards. Signs, sign structures, sign foundations and anchorages to a building must be individually designed in accordance with the Building Code and the provisions of this Title.


1. Pre-Approved sign designs. The Director may approve structural sign designs which can be used for more than one sign at more than one site. Subsequent permit applications can reference pre-approved sign designs. Requests for pre-approved sign designs must include appropriate plans and calculations prepared and stamped by an Oregon licensed engineer. The following types of sign designs may be pre-approved:

a. Freestanding signs that are symmetrically balanced on the sign structure and sign foundation, that have a maximum of 200 square feet of sign area, and that have a maximum height from the lowest ground level below the sign to the top of sign of 25 feet.

b. Freestanding signs that are asymmetrically balanced on a sign structure and foundation, that have a maximum of 200 square feet of sign area, and that have a maximum height from the lowest level of ground below the sign to the top of the sign of 25 feet.

c. Projecting wall mounted signs that have a maximum of 200 square feet of sign area and that provide at least 8 feet below the sign to the highest ground level. Pre-approved sign designs for projecting signs will be limited to the attachment methods and materials and the wall materials specified in the request and approved by the Director.

2. Flush mounted signs. Signs that are mounted flush to a wall if the sign does not weigh more than 7 pounds per square foot or, in total, weigh more than 400pounds.

3. Temporary banners. Temporary banners less than 50 square feet in area, must be attached to a structure at least at the four corners of the banner. Temporary banners 50 square feet in area or larger must be attached the structure at least at the 4 corners and at the midpoints of the two longest sides. Temporary banners may be attached as prescribed in this paragraph along the top edge and weighted at the bottom edge.

4. Permanent banners. Permanent banners must be attached to a structure in one of the following manners:

a. Continuously along two sides of the banner for the full dimension of the banner; or

b. At each corner of the banner and at intervals no greater than 18 inches along the perimeter of the banner.

C. Clearances.

1. Vision clearance areas.

a. Vision clearance areas. Vision clearance areas are triangular-shaped areas located at the intersection of any combination of rights-of-way, alleys or driveways. The sides of the triangle extend 15 feet from the intersection of the vehicle travel areas. See Figure 15a and b. The height of the vision clearance area is from 42 inches above the ground to 10 feet above the ground immediately below the sign or awning. See Figure 15c.

b. Signs in vision clearance areas. Signs may not be located within a vision clearance area as defined in this paragraph. Support structures for a sign may only be located in a vision clearance area if the combined total width is 12 inches or less and the combined total depth is 12 inches or less.

2. Vehicle area clearances. In areas outside of rights-of-way, when a sign or awning extends over where vehicles travel or are parked, the bottom of the structure must be at least 14 feet above the ground. Vehicle areas include driveways, alleys, parking areas, and loading and maneuvering areas.

3. Pedestrian area clearances. When a sign or awning extends over a sidewalk, walkway or other space used by pedestrians, the bottom of the structure must be at least 8 feet above the ground. Free-hanging valances made of fabric or other non-rigid material hung on signs, awnings, and marquees must be at least 7 feet above of a sidewalk, walkway or other space used by pedestrians.

4. Clearances from fire escapes, means of egress or standpipes. Signs, sign structures and awnings are prohibited from being erected in any manner that interfere in any way with the free use of any fire escape, means of egress or standpipe. Attaching signs, sign structures or awnings to a fire escape is prohibited.

5. Obstruction of windows and ventilation. Signs, sign structures and awnings are prohibited from being installed in any way that obstructs any building openings to such an extent that light, ventilation or exhaust are reduced to a level below that required by either the Building Code; Title 25, Plumbing Regulations; Title 27, Heating and Ventilating Regulations or Title 29 Housing and Maintenance Regulations.

6. Access to signs. Access clear of all obstructions must be provided to all signs. The access path must be at least 3 feet wide and 4 feet high. In the case of an roof sign, the access must be provided above the roof and set back from any parapet.

32.42.020 Electrical Requirements.

A. Electrical components of signs and of lighting projected on a sign or to create a sign must comply with the requirements of the Electrical Code.

B. Horizontal and vertical clearances between power conductors and signs and sign structures must be as specified in the Electrical Code.

32.42.030 Maintenance Requirements.

A. General. Signs, sign structures and awnings, together with their supports, braces, guys, anchors and electrical components must be maintained in a proper state of repair. The Director may order the removal of any sign, sign structure or awning that is not maintained in accordance to this Title.

B. Dangerous structures and equipment.

1. Signs, sign structures or awnings that are dangerous must be taken down and removed or made safe as the Director deems necessary. Signs may be deemed dangerous for one or more of the following reasons:

a. Whenever a sign structure or its foundation, a sign’s attachments to a building, or a building to which a sign is attached is damaged by fire, earthquake, wind, flood or by any other cause, to such an extent that the structural strength or stability is materially less than it was before the catastrophe and is less than the minimum requirements of the Buildings Code;

b. Whenever any portion or member of a sign, sign structure or awning is likely to fail, or become detached or dislodged, or to collapse and thereby injure persons or property;

c. Whenever any portion or member of a sign, sign structure or awning is likely to partially or completely collapse as a result of any cause, including, dilapidation, deterioration, or decay; faulty construction or wiring; or removal, movement or instability of any portion of the ground or building necessary for supporting such structure; or

d. Whenever a sign, sign structure or awning is structurally or electrically unsafe or otherwise hazardous to human life or safety by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, obsolescence, fire hazard, disaster, damage or abandonment.

2. All signs, sign structures and awnings determined after inspection by the Director to be dangerous must be abated by repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal according to the procedures specified in Title 29, Housing and Maintenance Regulations.