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Veterans Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, November 11, in observance of Veterans Day.

Chapter 32.34 Additional Regulations for Specific Uses, Overlay Zones, and Plan Districts

City Code Chapter

32.34.010 Additional Standards for Specific Uses.

  1. A. Bed and Breakfast facilities. Sites with Bed and Breakfast facilities must meet the sign regulations for Household Living.
  2. B. Short Term Housing. Sites with Short Term Housing or Mass Shelters must meet the sign regulations for Household Living.
  3. C. Temporary Activities. Permanent signs associated with Temporary Activities are prohibited. All signs associated with a Temporary Activity must be removed when the activity ends.

32.34.020 Additional Standards in Overlay Zones.

(Amended by Ordinances 176469, 178172, 179092, 185915, 188959, 190477 and 190687, effective March 1, 2022.)  

  1. Overlay zones are shown on the Official Zoning Maps.
  2. A.  Buffer Overlay Zone
    1. 1.  Where this regulation applies.  The regulation of this subsection applies to signs within the Buffer Overlay Zone.
    2. 2.  Regulation.  Signs are prohibited in the Buffer Overlay Zone.
  3. B.  Design Overlay Zone
    1. 1.  Where these regulations apply.  The regulations of this subsection apply to exterior signs in excess of 32 square feet within the Design Overlay Zone, and signs over 3 square feet if they are within 50 feet of the Halprin Open Space Sequence historic district inthe South Auditorium plan district.  However, signs are not required to go through design review if they meet one of the following standards:
      1. a.  The sign is a portable sign, lawn sign, directional sign or temporary sign; or 
      2. b.  The sign is a part of development exempt from design review under Section 33.420.045, Exempt from Design Review.
    2. 2.  Awnings.  Awnings within the Design Overlay Zone are subject to Chapter 33.420.  Awnings must also meet the requirements of Chapter 32.52 of this Title.
    3. 3.  Regulations.
      1. a.  Generally.  Signs must either meet the Design Standards in Subparagraph B.3.c., below or go through Design Review, as described in this paragraph.  The Design Standards provide an alternative process to design review for some proposals.  Where a proposal is eligible to use the Design Standards, the applicant may choose to go through the discretionary design review process set out in Chapter 33.825, Design Review, or to meet the objective standards of Subparagraph B.3.c., below.  If the proposal meets the Design Standards, no design review is required.  Proposals that are not eligible to use the Design Standards, that do not meet the Design Standards, or where the applicant prefers more flexibility, must go through the design review process. 
      2. b.  When Design Standards may be used.  See Chapter 33.420, Design Overlay Zone.
      3. c.  Design Standard for signs.  In the C, E, and I zones, signs must meet the sign regulations of the RX zone.  Signs with a sign face area of over 32 square feet may not face an abutting regional trafficway or any Environmental Protection Overlay Zone, Environmental Conservation Overlay Zone, or River Natural Greenway Overlay Zone that is within 1,000 feet of the proposed site.
  4. C.  Historic Resource Overlay Zone
    1. 1.  Where these regulations apply.  The regulations of this subsection apply to signs on sites with the historic resource overlay zone.  However, signs are not required to go through historic resource review if they meet one of the following standards:
      1. a.  The sign is a portable sign, lawn sign, or temporary sign; or
      2. b.  The sign is exempt from historic resource review under Sections 33.445.100.D., Development within a Historic Landmark boundary; 33.445.110.D., Development within a Conservation Landmark boundary; 33.445.120.D., Development within a National Register Landmark boundary; 33.445.200.D,. Development in a Historic District; 33.445.210.D., Development in a Conservation District; or 33.445.220.D., Development in a National Register District.
    2. 2.  Regulations.
      1. a.  Generally.  Signs must either meet the Community Design Standards in Subparagraph C.2.c., below, or go through historic resource review, as described in this paragraph.  The Community Design Standards provide an alternative process to historic resource review for some proposals.  Where a proposal is eligible to use the Community Design Standards, the applicant may choose to go through the discretionary historic resource review process set out in Chapter 33.846, Historic Resource Reviews, or to meet the objective standards of Subparagraph C.2.c.  If the proposal meets the Community Design Standards, no historic resource review is required.  Proposals that are not eligible to use the Community Design Standards, that do not meet the Community Design Standards, or where the applicant prefers more flexibility, must go through the historic resource review process.
      2. b.  When Community Design Standards may be used.  See Chapter 33.445, Historic Resource Overlay Zone.
      3. c.  Community Design Standard for signs.  In the C, E, and I zones, signs must meet the sign regulations of the RX zone.  Signs with a sign face area of over 32 square feet may not face an abutting regional trafficway or any Environmental Protection Overlay Zone, Environmental Conservation Overlay Zone, or River Natural Greenway Overlay Zone that is within 1,000 feet of the proposed site.
  5. D.  Scenic Resource Overlay Zone
    1. 1.  Where these regulations apply.  The regulations of this subsection apply to signs within Scenic Resource Overlay Zone.
    2. 2.  Regulations.
      1. a.  View corridors.  The standards of this subparagraph apply to signs within areas designated as view corridors in the Scenic Resources Protection Plan.  All signs within the designated view corridors are subject to the height limits of the base zone, except when a more restrictive height limit is established for the view corridor by the Scenic Resources Protection Plan.
      2. b.  Scenic corridors.  The standards of this subparagraph apply to signs within areas designated as scenic corridors in the Scenic Resources Protection Plan. The standards of this subparagraph apply within the street setback adjacent to the identified resource or within the first 20 feet from the resource if no setback exists.  The maximum height of a freestanding sign is 15 feet.  The maximum size of a freestanding sign is 100 square feet.  Changing image signs are prohibited. When they are more restrictive, the sign standards of the base zone supersede the regulations of this subparagraph.

32.34.030 Additional Standards in Plan Districts.

(Amended by Ordinances 176469, 179092, 182072, 188959, 189805 and 190477, effective August 1, 2021.)  

  1. Plan districts are shown on the Official Zoning Maps.
  2. A.  Central City plan district
    1. 1.  Purpose.  Signs in the Open Space zone are limited in keeping with the low intensity of most uses in the zone.  However, the more intense uses allowed in Central City plan district Open Space zones necessitate more visible signage.  These regulations are tailored to those uses.
    2. 2.  Sign standards.  The following regulations apply to sites in the Open Space zone.
      1. a.  The sign regulations of the CX zone apply to sites with allowed Major Event Entertainment and Commercial Outdoor Recreation uses.
      2. b.  The sign regulations of the RX zones applies to sites with allowed Retail Sales and Service uses.
  3. B.  Columbia South Shore plan district
    1. 1.  Purpose.  Signs in this plan district should not dominate the landscape or compete with views of streetscapes, view corridors and natural resources.  Sign standards are intended to allow for signs to be visible to streets that abut the site, but not to interstate freeways and locations outside the district.  Businesses are encouraged to rely on monument signs to identify and communicate their presence.
    2. 2.  Where these regulations apply.  The regulations of this subsection apply to signs in the Columbia South Shore plan district.
    3. 3.  Sign standards.
      1. a.  Signs must conform to the sign standards of the CX zone as modified by the requirements of this subsection.  When they are more restrictive, the regulations of the base zone supersede the regulations of this subsection. Adjustments to this subsection are allowed only for the sign height on sites more than 10 feet below the level of the surface of the adjacent roadway.  All other sign adjustments are prohibited.
      2. b.  The following signs are prohibited:
        1. (1)  Freestanding signs, except monument signs, temporary freestanding signs, and directional signs;
        2. (2)  Changing image signs; and
        3. (3)  Awning signs with illumination internal to the awning.
      3. c.  Monument signs.  One monument sign is allowed per street frontage.  Monument signs are allowed to a maximum height of 6 feet above the adjacent sidewalk and a maximum of 10 feet in length.  The end width of the monument structure may not exceed 2 1/2 feet.  Signage may be located on two parallel monument faces.
      4. d.  Signs along Marine Drive.  Signs are prohibited within 200 feet of the toe of the levee slope, except for directional signs.  Between 200 and 500 feet from toe of the levee slope, signs that face Marine Drive are limited to 1/2 square foot of sign face area per lineal foot of building wall, with a maximum sign area of 100 square feet.
  4. C.  Hillsdale plan district.
    1. 1.  Where this regulation applies.  The regulation of this subsection applies to signs in the Hillsdale plan district.
    2. 2.  Sign standard.  Portable signs are prohibited in the right-of-way in the Hillsdale Plan District.
  5. D.  Macadam plan district
    1. 1.  Where these regulations apply.  The regulations of this subsection apply to signs in the Macadam plan district.
    2. 2.  Standards.
      1. a.  Freestanding signs are limited to 1/2 square foot of sign face area per lineal foot of arterial street frontage.  Signs attached to buildings, marquees, or other structures are limited to 1/2 square foot of sign face area per lineal foot of primary building wall.  Maximum sign face area is 100 square feet.
      2. b.  The maximum height of a freestanding sign is 15 feet.
      3. c.  Changing image sign features are prohibited.
  6. E.  Portland International Raceway plan district
    1. 1.  Where these regulations apply.  The regulations of this subsection apply to signs in the Portland International Raceway (PIR) plan district.
    2. 2.  Standard.  Signs must conform to the sign program of an approved PIR Master Plan.  See Chapter 33.564, Portland International Raceway Plan District.
  7. F.  South Auditorium plan district
    1. 1.  Where these regulations apply.  The regulations of this subsection apply to the South Auditorium plan district.
    2. 2.  Standards.
      1. a.  Design review.  Unless exempted under Subparagraphs F.2.f. and g., below, all exterior signs are subject to the regulations of Chapter 33.420, Design Overlay Zone.
      2. b.  Projecting signs.  Projecting signs are prohibited.
      3. c.  Signs for Retail Sales And Service uses.  All signs on sites with Retail Sales And Service uses must be fascia signs.  The total square footage of signs per retail tenant space must not exceed 1 square foot of sign for each lineal foot of primary building wall of tenant space.
      4. d.  Signs for residential-only developments.  Sites developed with only residential uses are limited to one fascia sign not exceeding 10 square feet in total area.
      5. e.  Signs for other uses and developments.  The maximum total sign area allowed per frontage for uses or developments not listed in Subparagraphs F.2.c. and d., above is 1 square foot for each 3 lineal feet of primary building wall.  Only signs attached to buildings are allowed, except in a commercial zone where up to two freestanding signs per arterial street frontage are allowed.  One sign is not allowed to exceed 12 feet in height and 100 square feet in area, and the other sign is not allowed to exceed 5 feet in height and 10 square feet in area.  The regulations of the base zone supersede the regulations of this subparagraph when they are more restrictive.
      6. f.  Temporary signs, portable signs, and lawn signs.  Temporary signs, portable signs, and lawn signs are exempt from the sign regulations of Subparagraph F.2.a. through e., above.  Temporary signs and portable signs are limited to a total combined area of 25 square feet per site.
      7. g.  Directional signs.  Directional signs are exempt from the sign regulations of Subparagraph F.2.c. through e., above.
  8. G.  Cascade Station plan district.
    1. 1.  Where this regulation applies.  The regulation of this subsection applies to signs in Subdistrict A of the Cascade Station plan district.
    2. 2.  Sign standard.  When a Cascade Station Sign Program has been approved, signs are exempt from the provisions of Chapter 32.30 through 32.38 of this Code.  Until such time as a Sign Program is approved, signs will be subject to the provisions of Chapters 32.30 through 32.38.
  9. H.  Hollywood plan district.
    1. 1.  Where this regulation applies.  This regulation applies to signs associated with new development on sites with frontage on the Enhanced Pedestrian Streets shown on Map 536-3 in Chapter 33.536, Hollywood Plan District.  Alterations or exterior improvements to existing development are exempt from this regulation.
    2. 2.  Freestanding signs are prohibited.
  10. I.  North Interstate plan district.
    1. 1.  Purpose. Encouraging retention of the mid-century signs identified in this subsection will represent Interstate Avenue Corridor’s rich past as US Route 99, which was the West Coast’s major north-south highway before Interstate 5 was built. Because their current locations may preclude desired development, allowing them to move to other locations along the corridor is necessary to ensure preservation.
    2. 2.  Where these regulations apply. The regulations of this subsection apply only to signs in the North Interstate plan district listed in Paragraph I.4.
    3. 3.  Relocation allowed. The special signs listed in Paragraph I.4., below, may be relocated as follows:
      1. a.  The sign may be moved to another location on the site where it is currently located, or to another location that meets the requirements of this subsection;
      2. b.  The receiving site must have frontage on North Interstate Avenue between N. Argyle St. and N. Fremont St.;
      3. c.  The receiving site must be zoned either CI1, CI2, CM2 or CM3;
      4. d.  Signs removed from their sites may be stored elsewhere before relocation;
      5. e.  Relocated signs are subject to discretionary Design Review. Design review will consider the location of the sign on the site, the visual relationship of the sign structure to other development on the site, and the visual relationship to North Interstate Avenue; in a content-neutral manner as provided in Section 32.38.010;
      6. f.  Relocated signs that are nonconforming as to size, height, lighting, or area of changing image do not have to come into conformance with the requirements of Chapters 32.30 through 32.38. However, they may not move further out of conformance with the size, height, and lighting regulations unless an adjustment or modification is approved. Increases to the area of changing image on a relocated sign are only allowed as provided in Section 32.32.030;
      7. g.  Relocated signs do not count towards the maximum sign allocation on the receiving site; and
      8. h.  Relocated signs are subject to the other requirements of this Title.
    4. 4.  Special signs. The signs below may be relocated as specified in this subsection. The signs are:
      1. a.  Street address 4333 N. Interstate Avenue, also known as “The Westerner Motel sign.”
      2. b.  Street address 4024 N. Interstate Avenue, also known as “The Alibi sign.”
      3. c.  Street address 5226 N. Interstate Avenue, also known as “The Crown Motel sign.”
      4. d.  Street address 3801 N. Interstate Avenue #4, also known as “The Palms Motel sign.”
      5. e.  Street address 6701 N. Interstate Avenue , also known as “The Viking Motel sign.”
      6. f.  Street address 6423 N. Interstate Avenue, also known as “The Nite Hawk sign.”
      7. g.  Street address 4739 N. Interstate Avenue, also known as “The Budget Motel sign.”
      8. h.  Street address 5205 N. Interstate Avenue, also known as “The Super Value Motel sign.”
      9. i.  Street address 6049 N. Interstate Avenue, also known as “The Central Bowl sign.”

Upcoming and Recent Changes

Ordinance Number 190687

Effective Date