32.32.030 Additional Standards in All Zones.

City Code Section

(Amended by Ordinance Nos. 176469, 185915, 188959 and 189805, effective March 1, 2020.)

A.  Where these regulations apply.  These regulations apply to all signs regulated by this title.

B.  Sign placement.  All signs and sign structures must be erected and attached totally within the site except when allowed to extend into the right-of-way by this Title.

C.  Signs extending into the right-of-way.  The standards of this subsection apply to permanent signs that are erected on private property and that extend into the right-of-way and portable signs that are in the right-of-way.

1.  Projecting signs.  Projecting signs that extend into the right-of-way must meet the following standards:

a.  Distance into the right-of-way.

(1)  Where allowed, signs may extend into the right-of-way 6 ½ feet or 2/3 of the distance to the roadway, whichever is less.  However, in no case may signs extend within 2 feet of the roadway.

(2)  Diagonal corner signs may extend into the right-of-way to a point that is determined by extending a line from the maximum points allowed for projecting signs on each street frontage.  See Figure 12.

b.  Maximum sign face area in the right-of-way.  No more than 30 square feet of a projecting sign face may extend into a right-of-way.

c.  Blanketing.  A projecting sign that extends into the right-of-way more than 3 feet may not be within 20 feet of another projecting or freestanding sign that extends more than 3 feet into the right-of-way if the new sign is within horizontal lines drawn from the top and bottom of the prior sign.

2.  Awnings and marquees.  Awnings and marquees that contain signs may extend into the right-of-way the same distance as awnings and marquees that do not contain signs.  See Chapter 32.52, Awnings.

Figure 12

Diagonal Corner Signs

3.  Portable signs.  Portable signs may be placed in the right-of-way if they meet the following standards:

a.  The sign is entirely outside the roadway;

b.  The sign is no larger than 8 square feet in size.  The sign face is no wider than 2 ½ feet and no taller than 4 feet;

c.  The sign is entirely outside of the area of a right-of-way corner that is between the curb and the lines created by extending the property line to the curb face.  See Figure 13a;

d.  The sign is entirely outside the area of a sidewalk that is between the lines created by extending the edges of any curb ramp across the sidewalk to the property line;

e.  The sign is within six inches of the curb.  See Figure 13b;

f.  The sign does not obstruct a continuous through pedestrian zone of at least six feet in width.  See Figure 13b; and

g.  The sign does not obstruct pedestrian and wheelchair access from the sidewalk to any of the following:

(1)  transit stop areas;

(2)  designated disabled parking spaces;

(3)  disabled access ramps; or

(4)  building exits including fire escapes.

h.  Physical attachment to public property.  Portable signs placed in the right-of-way must remain portable and may not be attached or anchored in any way to trees or to public property including utility or light poles, parking meters, the ground or pavement.

i.  Additional placement standards for temporary portable signs.  Temporary portable signs placed in the right-of-way must meet the following additional standards:

(1)  Where no curb exists, the sign must be placed outside the roadway at least five feet from the edge of the roadway.  Temporary portable signs may not be placed in medians, traffic islands, or other areas within the roadway.

(2)  Temporary portable signs must not be placed in parking spaces, pedestrian pathways, or bicycle paths.

(3)  Where the sidewalk is less than 8 feet in width, temporary portable signs may not be placed on the sidewalk.

4.  Removal of signs.  The City Engineer may require signs extending into the right-of-way to be modified or moved if streets are widened, or other improvements made in the right-of-way, which result in the creation of unsafe conditions.  The modification or moving will be at the owner’s expense.  If a nonconforming sign is moved under this requirement, it may be re-erected on the site without being brought into conformance.

Figure 13a

Placement of Portable Signs in the R-O-W

Figure 13b

Placement of Portable Signs in the R-O-W

D.  Changing image sign features.

1.  Size.  Where allowed under this Title, changing image sign features are limited to a total combined area of 20 square feet per site.  No single sign may have more than 10 square feet of changing image sign features unless those features cover less than 60 percent of the face of the sign. Each area of changing image feature on each sign face is included in the total for the site.  Section 32.24.010 B., Backed Signs, may not be applied to changing image sign features.

2.  Brightness.  Changing image sign features are subject to the glare standards of Chapter 33.262, Off-site impacts.

3.  Signs subject to the standards of the CI1, or CM1 zone.  If the sign is subject to the standards of the CI1, or CM1 zone, changing image sign features are allowed if the sign meets the standards of a. and b., below.  All other changing image sign features are prohibited.

a.  Location.  The sign must be in, or adjacent to and facing, a sports field.

b.  Duration.  The changing image sign features may be turned on no sooner than one hour before scheduled events and must be turned off no later than one hour after scheduled events.

4.  Modifications or adjustments to the size standard.  Modifications through design review or historic resource review or adjustments to this regulation are prohibited, except as stated in paragraphs 4.b. through 4.d., below:

a.  Purpose.  The character, scale and special communication needs of bright lights districts, sports fields and Major Event Entertainment uses may support the use of changing image sign features that are larger than 20 square feet.  The scale, multiple use and special communication needs of sites with major event entertainment uses may support the use of changing image sign features that are substantially larger than 20 square feet.

b.  Broadway “bright lights” district.  In the Broadway “bright lights” Unique Sign District of the Downtown Design District, a modification through design review to allow more than 20 square feet of changing image sign features on a site, or more than 10 square feet of changing image sign features on a sign, may be requested.

c.  Major Event Entertainment.  If the sign is on a site that contains a Major Event Entertainment use, an adjustment or a modification through design review to allow more than 20 square feet of changing image sign features on a site, or more than 10 square feet of changing image sign features on a sign, may be requested.

d.  Sports field.  If the sign is in, or adjacent to and facing, a sports field, an adjustment or a modification through design review to allow more than 20 square feet of changing image sign features on a site, or more than 10 square feet of changing image sign features on a sign, may be requested.

E.  Signs attached to buildings or structures.

1.  Placement.  Signs attached to buildings or structures that are based on the sign rights of a primary building wall may be placed on that primary building wall, on a secondary building wall or on another structure.  They may not be placed on another primary building wall.

2.  Awnings and marquees.  Signs attached to an awning or marquee that extends into the right-of-way must comply with the pedestrian clearance and right-of-way extension standards of Chapter 32.52. Awnings.

3.  Fascia signs.

a.  Vertical extensions.  Fascia signs may not extend more than 6 inches above the top of the building wall.  Fascia signs attached to other structures may not extend above the top of the structure.

b.  Horizontal extensions.  A fascia sign may not extend more than 18 inches out from the wall or structure to which it is attached.  Fascia signs may not extend beyond the corner of buildings or other structures.

4.  Pitched roof signs.

a.  Vertical extensions.  The face of pitched roof signs may not extend more than 6 inches above the roofline.

b.  Placement and angle.  Pitched roof signs must be parallel to the building face.  They may not extend beyond the building wall.  See Figure 14.

c.  Support structures.  Support structures must be designed so that there is no visible support structure above the sign.

Figure 14

Pitched roof sign placement

Allowed placement  Prohibited placement

5.  Projecting signs

a.  Vertical extensions.  The face of a projecting sign may not extend more than 6 inches above the roof line.

b.  Placement.  The edge of the projecting sign may not be more than 1 foot from the building wall.  Projecting signs are not allowed on rooftops or on pitched roofs.  Projecting signs that extend over the right-of-way must meet the placement standards of Subsection 32.32.030 C., Signs extending into the right-of-way.

c.  Support structures.  Support structures must be designed so that there is no visible support structure above the sign face.

F.  Freestanding signs and monument signs.

1.  Setbacks.  Freestanding signs are regulated as follows:

a.  R zones.  In R zones and the CR zone, freestanding signs are allowed in required setbacks, however, in required front setbacks they may not be more than 3-1/2 feet tall.

b.  C, CI, E, and I zones.  In C, CI, E, and I zones, freestanding signs are allowed in required setbacks for buildings and parking areas.  However, freestanding signs are prohibited in the setback between a property line abutting a residentially zoned site and the building line or parking area setback line.

2.  Frontages.  Freestanding signs must be placed on arterial street frontages unless there are none.  Freestanding signs that are allowed based on the length of one arterial street frontage may not be placed on another arterial street frontage.  Frontage on a freeway is not considered arterial street frontage.

3.  Undeveloped sites.  Permanent freestanding signs on sites without a primary use are subject to the regulations for Subdivisions shown in Table 1, Standards for Permanent Signs in the IR, OS and RF-RM4 Zones.

4.  Extensions into the right-of-way.  Freestanding signs may not extend into the right-of-way.

G.  Portable signs.

1.  General standards.  Portable signs that meet the standards of this subsection are allowed in the RX, C, CI, E and I zones and are not counted in the total square footage of permanent signage allowed on the site. Adjustments or modifications to the standards of this subsection are prohibited.

2.  Number.

a.  General.  One portable sign is allowed per public entrance to buildings.

b.  Commercial parking.  One portable sign is allowed for each vehicle entrance to a commercial parking facility, but in no case more than four portable signs for the facility.

c.  Tenant spaces without public entrances.  Where a ground floor tenant space or portable cart does not have any public entrance and only provides customer service through a window, one portable sign is allowed for each ground floor tenant space or portable cart.

3.  Size.  Portable signs may be up to 12 square feet in area.  Only one side of a portable sign will be counted.  The vertical dimension of the sign including support structure may be no greater than 42 inches.  Portable signs extending into the right of way must comply with the size standards of Subsection 32.32.030 C., Signs extending into the right-of-way.

4.  Features.  Electrical signs and changing image sign features are prohibited.

5.  Placement.  Portable signs must be entirely on private property or they must meet the placement standards of Subsection 32.32.030 B, Signs extending into the right-of-way.

6.  Portable signs that do not meet the standards of this subsection.  Portable signs that do not meet the standards of this subsection must meet the standards for freestanding signs or for temporary signs.

H.  Directional signs.

1.  General standards.  Directional signs that meet the standards of this subsection are allowed in all zones and are not counted in the total square footage of permanent signage allowed on the site.  Adjustments or modifications to the standards of this subsection are prohibited.

2.  Size.  Freestanding directional signs may be up to 6 square feet in area and 42 inches in height.  Fascia directional signs may be up to 6 square feet in area and 8 feet in height.

3.  Sign features.  Direct or indirect lighting is allowed.  Changing image sign features and extensions into the right-of-way are prohibited.

4.  Directional signs that do not meet the standards of this subsection.  Directional signs that do not meet the standards of this subsection must meet either the standards for signs attached to buildings or the standards for freestanding signs.

I.  Permanent banners.

1.  General.  Banners used as permanent signs are allowed in all zones and will be included in the total square footage of permanent signage allowed on the site.  Temporary banners are regulated under Subsection K., below.

2.  Standards.  Permanent banners are subject to the standards for either fascia signs or projecting signs depending on how the banner is supported or anchored.

J.  Lawn signs.

1.  General standards.  Lawn signs that meet the standards of this subsection are allowed in all zones and are not counted in the total square footage of permanent signage allowed on the site.  Adjustments or modifications to the standards of this subsection are prohibited.

2.  Size.  Lawn signs may be up to 3 square feet in area.

3.  Placement.  Lawn signs must be entirely outside the right-of-way.

4.  Sign features.  Illumination, electric signs, and changing image sign features are prohibited.

5.  Lawn signs that do not meet the standards of this subsection.  Lawn signs that do not meet the standards of this subsection must meet the standards for freestanding signs.

K.  Temporary signs.

1.  Relationship to permanent sign standards.  Signs that meet the standards of this subsection are exempt from the standards for permanent signs and are not counted in the total square footage of signage allowed on the site.  Signs that do not meet the standards of this subsection are subject to the standards for permanent signs.  Adjustments or modifications to this subsection are prohibited.

2.  Sign features.  Temporary signs may not have direct or internal illumination.  Changing image sign features and electronic elements are prohibited.

3.  Temporary banners.  Temporary banners are subject to the following regulations:

a.  Banners on lots with houses, duplexes, and attached houses.  In all zones, temporary banners are not allowed on sites with houses, duplexes, and attached houses.

b.  OS, R, CR, CM1 and CI1 zones.  In OS, R, CR, CM1 and CI1 zones, up to three banners no larger than 32 square feet in size are allowed per site.  Only one of these banners may be hung on each building wall or on each separate structure.  Additional banners, or banners larger than 32 square feet in size, must meet the standards for permanent signs.

c.  CM2, CI2, CM3, and CX zones.  In the CM2, CI2, CM3, and CX zones, up to three banners no larger than 32 square feet in size are allowed per site.  Only one of these banners may be hung on each building wall or on each separate structure.  Additional banners, or banners larger than 32 square feet in size, must meet the following standards: 

(1)  In no case may a site have more than four temporary banners.

(2)  Up to one temporary banner larger than 32 square feet in size is allowed per site.  This banner may be no larger than 50 square feet in size.

(3)  Banners larger than 32 square feet in size, or in excess of three banners, may be hung for up to 180 days per calendar year.

(4)  Banners that do not meet the regulations of this subparagraph, must meet the standards for permanent signs.

d.  CE, E, and I zones.  In the CE, E, and I zones, up to three banners no larger than 32 square feet in size are allowed per site.  Only one of these banners may be hung on each building wall or on each separate structure.  Additional banners, or banners larger than 32 square feet in size, must meet the following standards:

(1)  In no case may a site have more than four temporary banners.

(2)  Up to one temporary banner larger than 32 square feet in size is allowed per site.  This banner may be no larger than 100 square feet in size.

(3)  Banners larger than 32 square feet in size, or in excess of three banners may be hung for up to 180 days per calendar year.

(4)  Banners that do not meet the regulations of this subparagraph, must meet the standards for permanent signs.

4.  Balloon signs.  One balloon sign is allowed per site for a maximum of one week per calendar year in the RX, C, CI, E, and I zones.  Temporary balloon signs may be located on a building rooftop. The vertical dimension of the balloon may not exceed 25 feet.

5.  Temporary fascia signs.  One temporary fascia sign is allowed per street frontage in the RX, C, CI, E, and I zones.  Temporary fascia signs may be up to 32 square feet in area.  Temporary fascia signs may not extend above roof lines.  Extensions into the right-of-way are prohibited.  A temporary fascia sign may be hung for two continuous periods of up to 180 days per year.  A temporary fascia sign may be installed for an additional 360 days if it meets the registration requirements of 32.62.010.

6.  Temporary freestanding signs.  One temporary freestanding sign is allowed per site in the RX, C, CI, E, and I zones.  However, larger sites may install one temporary freestanding sign per 300 feet of arterial street frontage.  Temporary freestanding signs may be up to 32 square feet in area.  Temporary freestanding signs may have an additional face up to 32 square feet in size if the angle between the sign faces is less than 90 degrees.  Extensions into the right-of-way are prohibited.  A temporary freestanding sign may be up for two continuous periods of up to 180 days per year.  A temporary freestanding sign may be installed for an additional 360 days if it meets the registration requirements of 32.62.010.

7.  Temporary portable signs.

a.  Temporary portable signs are allowed in all zones.

b.  Size.  Temporary portable signs may be up to 4 square feet in area.  Only one side of a temporary portable sign will be counted.  The vertical dimension of the sign including support structure may be no greater than 24 inches.

c.  Placement.  Temporary portable signs must be entirely on private property or they must meet the placement standards of Subsection 32.32.030 C., Signs extending into the right-of-way.

d.  Hours of use.  Temporary portable signs are allowed only between the hours of six (6) p.m. Friday and eight (8) p.m. Sunday, and the hours of six (6) a.m. and one (1) p.m. on Tuesdays.