City Code Chapter
32.30.010 Purpose.
- The regulations contained in Chapters 32.30 through 32.38 are land use regulations which work in combination with Title 33, Planning and Zoning, to implement Portland’s Comprehensive Plan. The standards contained in Chapters 32.32 through 32.34 encourage signs to be compatible with the distinct character of specific areas of the city by regulating the size, placement, and features of signs by base zone, overlay zone, and plan district. Chapter 32.34 includes standards that encourage signs that further the objectives of certain land use categories.
32.30.020 Official Zoning Maps.
- The boundaries and locations of all base zones, overlay zones, plan districts, and historic resource designations referenced in Chapters 32.30 through 32.38 are shown on the City’s Official Zoning Maps. See Title 33, Planning and Zoning for additional information.
32.30.030 Uses, Use Categories, and Structure Types.
- In some cases, sign regulations are applied based on the land use or use category of a site, or structure type on the site. All of these are described or defined in Title 33, Planning and Zoning.