City Code Chapter
32.12.010 Authority.
(Amended by Ordinances 176955 and 191736, effective July 1, 2024.)
- A. Responsibility. This Title will be administered and enforced by the Director of the Portland Permitting & Development (PP&D).
- B. Administration. The Director will administer the code as set forth under Chapters 32.60 through 32.68. The Director may implement procedures, forms, and written policies for administering the provisions of this Title.
32.12.020 Exemptions.
- The following are exempt from the regulations of this Title, but may be subject to other portions of the City Code:
- A. Signs which are not visible from a right-of-way or another property; however signs located within malls and atriums must comply with all provisions of this Title except Chapters 32.30 through 32.38;
- B. Signs inside a building. However:
- 1. In the OS, RF through RM4, RMP, CI1, CR, and IR zones, illuminated signs in windows are not exempt; and
- 2. Signs located within malls and atriums must comply with all provisions of this Title except Chapters 32.30 through 32.38;
- C. Signs carved into a building;
- D. Signs required by federal or state law if the sign is no more than 32 square feet in area or is painted directly on pavement;
- E. Flags;
- F. Signs required by city law if the sign is no more than 32 square feet in area. Such signs include building addresses, development review or construction review public notices, and commercial parking facility postings;
- G. Painted wall highlights;
- H. Illuminated wall highlights;
- I. Public Art as defined in Chapter 5.74; and
- J. Permitted Original Art Murals as defined in Title 4.
32.12.030 Prohibitions.
- The following are prohibited and existing ones must be removed:
- A. Signs containing strobe lights;
- B. Abandoned sign structures;
- C. Signs placed on or painted on a motor vehicle or trailer parked with the primary purpose of providing signs not otherwise allowed by the code;
- D. Permanent balloon signs;
- E. Outdoor, portable electric signs;
- F. Signs that imitate or resemble official traffic lights, signs or signals or signs that interfere with the effectiveness of any official traffic light, sign or signal;
- G. Signs that focus or flash a beam of light into the eyes of a driver of a motor vehicle upon a right of way within 200 feet from such sign; and
- H. Signs erected, constructed or structurally altered that are required by Section 32.62.010, Permit or Registration Required to have a permit that were erected, constructed or altered without a permit.