32.10.040 Hierarchy of Regulations.

City Code Section

A. Conflicts within Chapters 32.30 through 32.38. In general, an area with base zoning, overlay zoning, or in a plan district is subject to all of the sign regulations of each. When the regulations conflict, unless specifically indicated otherwise, the regulations for a plan district supersede regulations for an overlay zone and the regulations for an overlay zone supersede regulations for base zones. The regulations for plan districts and overlay zones also supersede conflicting regulations for a specific use or development unless specifically stated otherwise.

Where there is a conflict between regulations for a specific use or development and the base zone regulations, the specific use or development regulations supersede the base zone regulations.

B. Other conflicts. Where there is a conflict between a land use regulation and a structural regulation, or other conflicts not otherwise addressed by this section, the most restrictive applies.

C. Relationship to Titles 24 and 26. Title 32 contains objective construction standards that apply to signs, sign structures, and awnings. Title 24, Building Regulations, adopts the Oregon Structural Specialty Code and Title 26, Electrical Regulations, adopts the Oregon Electrical Specialty Code, respectively, by reference. In situations where an electrical standard is used in both Titles 32 and 26, standards specific to signs and awnings contained in Title 32 supersede those in Title 26. In situations where other construction standards are used in both Titles 32 and 24, standards specific to signs, sign structures, and awnings contained in Title 32 supersede those in Title 24.

D.  Relationship to Title 33. Title 32 contains the objective land use standards and definitions that apply to signs and awnings. Signs being constructed as part of a larger development project may be subject to additional standards and discretionary reviews in Title 33. Where a discretionary land use review is required, the review procedures and criteria are contained in Title 33, Planning and Zoning, except as follows:

1.  Sign adjustments. Approval criteria for sign adjustments are in Title 32.

2. Nonconforming signs. Approval criteria for the Determination of Nonconforming Sign Status Review are in Title 32.

E.  Relationship to other City, Regional, State and Federal regulations.

1. Compliance required. In addition to the requirements of the Sign Code, signs must comply with all other applicable City, regional, state, and federal regulations. Compliance with Title 32 does not in any way imply, either directly or indirectly, compliance with any other law. Where the provisions of this Title conflict with those set forth in other regulations under the City Code or ordinance, the more restrictive will control.

2. References to other regulations. References in the sign code to other City, regional, state, or federal regulations do not constitute a complete list of such regulations. These references do not imply any responsibility by the City for enforcement of regional, state, or federal regulations.

3. Current versions and citations. All references to other City, regional, state, or federal regulations in the sign code refer to the most current version and citation for those regulations, unless specifically indicated otherwise. Where the referenced regulations have been repealed, sign code requirements for compliance are no longer in effect.