Election results

Follow along as Multnomah County shares unofficial election results at MultnomahVotes.gov

Veterans Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, November 11, in observance of Veterans Day.

Chapter 31.50 Building Inspections

City Code Chapter

31.50.010 Purpose and Scope.

  1. The Fire Marshal shall establish a program for the periodic inspection of all occupancies of commercial buildings for compliance with the fire regulations.  The Fire Marshal shall adopt a policy regarding the frequency, priority, and type of inspection of occupancies in commercial buildings subject to the availability of budgeted funds and staff.  The Fire Marshal or the Fire Marshal’s designees may, at all reasonable hours, enter into all buildings and upon all premises, except private residences, to conduct an inspection to determine if fire hazards exist.

31.50.020 Organization.

  1. The Fire Marshal shall establish minimum qualifications of individuals performing inspections.  Individuals may be members of the Fire Prevention Division, members of other Divisions within the Fire Bureau, members of other public agencies operating under an interagency agreement, or employees or individuals working under contract with the Fire Bureau.

31.50.030 Process.

  1. A.  Prior to a periodic inspection, each owner/occupant shall be sent a letter by first class mail, giving notice of the inspection and listing commonly found violations of fire regulations.  Failure to correct the common violations listed in the letter shall result in an additional fee for each class of violation.
  2. B.  When a periodic inspection reveals a violation of fire regulations, the Fire Marshal shall so notify the owner/occupant and the owner/occupant shall be responsible for immediately abating the violation.  Failure to abate the violation as prescribed by the Fire Marshal shall result in additional penalties as set forth in a fee schedule adopted by City Council.

31.50.040 Administrative Warrants.

(Amended by Ordinance 181956, effective June 25, 2008.)

  1. Where entry for the purpose of periodic inspection or investigation has been sought and refused, or an inspection or investigation may, in the opinion of the Fire Marshal, be jeopardized without an inspection warrant, the Fire Marshal may seek and execute such warrant as allowed under the provision of ORS 476.155 through 476.170.

31.50.050 Fees Authorized.

(Amended by Ordinance 181956, effective June 25, 2008.)

  1. A.   There shall be an inspection fee payable by the building owner/occupant for all periodic inspections as well as inspections requested by the owner/occupant. The building owner will be billed in situations where the occupant shows the Fire Marshal a lease agreement or some other legal arrangement with the building owner which places the responsibility for fire inspection and the payment of fees on the building owner.
    1. 1.   Exception: Inspections of primary and secondary schools and nonprofit hospitals buildings with an Oregon State Structural Code occupancy designation of I - 2 (Hospitals), shall be exempt from all fees except illegal occupancy, violation and reinspection fees.
  2. B.   Fees for periodic inspections, reinspections, violations and penalties shall be set forth in a fee schedule adopted by City Council. All fees shall be paid to the City Treasurer within 30 days of the invoice date and shall be considered delinquent after that date. A penalty shall be assessed if a person fails to pay the fee when due.