City Code Section
- A. Any permit that sanctions a violation of this Title or any applicable law or regulations is void and any approval of plans and specifications in the issuance of such permit are likewise void.
- B. Any permit issued under this Title may, after an administrative review by the Fire Marshal, be suspended or revoked under the following conditions:
- 1. It is used by a person other than the person to whom the permit was issued;
- 2. It is used for a location other than that for which it was issued;
- 3. Approved plans, conditions or limitations set forth in the permit have been violated;
- 4. The permittee fails, refuses, or neglects to comply with any order or notice duly served under the provisions of this Title;
- 5. The permitted work was initiated without the owner's or other governmental agency's consent;
- 6. The Fire Marshal finds that a hazard other than that anticipated in the permit approval exists, or there has been a false statement, misrepresentation or omission as to a material fact, or a change in condition from that stipulated in the application or plans upon which the permit was based.
- 7. Payment for the permit has been returned or refused by the paying agent.
- C. The Fire Marshal may, as an alternative remedy, suspend the permit:
- 1. For the first offense in any two-year period, revoke the permit for one day and/or performance, or until the condition is corrected;
- 2. For the second offense in any two-year period, revoke the permit for three days and/or performances, or until the condition is corrected;
- 3. For the third offense in any two-year period, revoke the permit for 15 days and/or performances;
- 4. For the fourth and subsequent offenses in any two-year period, revoke the permit for 30 days and/or performances.
- D. The City is not responsible for any losses arising from the permit suspension or revocation.