City Code Section
- A. Temporary permits and associated fees are required for:
- 1. Festivals, celebrations and special events of a temporary nature where occupant load of 500 or more people as calculated by the Fire Marshal, in an assembly building without fixed seating;
- 2. Gatherings of 50 or more people for civic, social, recreational or religious functions in structures not approved for assembly use;
- 3. Use of tents or membrane structures with sides and/or fencing on greater than 75 percent of the perimeter with a calculated occupant load of 50 or more;
- 4. Gatherings of 50 or more people that are fenced on four sides;
- 5. Trade shows with gatherings of fewer than 500 people when, in the opinion of the Fire Marshal, conditions warrant additional safety precautions;
- 6. Display of four or more motorized vehicles in a building when not associated with a permitted event;
- 7. Fire performance and theatrical firearms, including but not limited to use of blanks or use of open flame associated with a live performance;
- 8. Storage or use of liquid propane (LP) gas in excess of 17 ounces;
- 9. Temporary use of LP gas within buildings in excess of the amounts allowed by this Title;
- 10. Storage or use of LP gas in outdoor markets with gatherings of 50 or more people;
- 11. Use of lasers that require a Federal variance;
- 12. Pyrotechnic special effects, other than fireworks;
- 13. Public fireworks display;
- 14. Retail sales of fireworks;
- 15. Blasting;
- 16. Transportation of explosives;
- 17. When cutting or welding is performed in restricted areas, including:
- a. Where the sprinkler system is impaired;
- b. Where there exists the potential of an explosive atmosphere, such as locations where flammable gasses, liquids or vapors are present;
- c. Areas with readily ignitable materials, such as storage of large quantities of bulk sulfur, baled paper, cotton, lint, dust or loose combustible materials;
- d. On board ships at dock or ships under construction or repair;
- e. At other locations as specified by the Fire Marshal.
- 18. To place and use roofing kettles on any surface above grade;
- 19. To conduct a spraying or dipping operation using flammable or combustible liquids or the application of combustible powders regulated by the Fire Code outside of a permitted spray booth or room.
- B. Annual permits.
- 1. An annual permit and associated fee is required for permanent installation of 90 days or more of LP gas containers greater than 25 gallons WC or 100 lbs.
- 2. Any commercial occupancy that allows fire performance art must obtain an annual permit.
- 3. Any assembly occupancy with an occupant load of 500 or greater and a maximum floor space of 20,000 square feet may apply for an annual permit for up to four pre-approved floor plans. The floor plan(s) must include detailed information regarding exiting, stage set-up and set-up of fixtures and furnishings. If approved, the annual permit may substitute for individual permits providing there is no deviation from the approved plan.
- Exceptions:
- a. Any exiting, stage or floor plan that deviates from a pre-approved plan requires an individual permit with associated fee.
- b. Any plan that includes booths or vendors requires an individual permit with associated fee.
- c. Any annual permit may, at the discretion of the Fire Marshal, be revoked for cause.