3.96.020 Definitions.

City Code Section

(Amended by Ordinance 189078, effective July 18, 2018.) 

  1. As used in this Chapter the following terms have the meanings given them in this Section.
  2. A.  Neighborhood: A geographically contiguous self-selected community.
  3. B.  Neighborhood Association: An autonomous organization formed by people for the purpose of considering and acting on issues affecting the livability and quality of their Neighborhood, formally recognized by the Office of Community & Civic Life, and subject to Chapter 3.96.
  4. C.  District Coalition: An organization which supports participation services for Neighborhood Associations and everyone within a geographically defined area, and is subject to Chapter 3.96.
    1. 1.  Non-Profit District Coalition: An independent non-profit corporation directed by a board which is primarily composed of representatives from its member Neighborhood Associations.
    2. 2.  City--Staffed District Coalition: An office partially or fully staffed by City personnel to provide neighborhood services as advised by the participating Neighborhood Associations.
  5. D.  Business District Association: An autonomous non-profit organization with membership guidelines in its bylaws formed by people in business within a defined geographic boundary for the purpose of promoting the general well-being of their business community.  A Business District Association is subject to Chapter 3.96.
  6. E.  Office of Community & Civic Life: An agency of the City of Portland, whose purpose is to facilitate citizen participation and improve communication among citizens, Neighborhood Associations, non-profit District Coalitions/City-staffed District Coalitions, City agencies, and other entities. The Office of Community & Civic Life is subject to these Standards.
  7. F.  City agency: Includes all departments, bureaus, offices, boards and commissions of the City of Portland.
  8. G.  Standards: Regulations adopted by City Council that govern Neighborhood Associations, District Coalitions, Business District Associations and the Office of Community & Civic Life.