Chapter 3.96 Office of Community & Civic Life

City Code Chapter

(Chapter replaced by Ordinance 179418; amended by Ordinance 189078 effective July 18, 2018.)

3.96.010 Purpose.

(Amended by Ordinance 189078, effective July 18, 2018.) 

  1. This chapter creates a framework by which the people of the City of Portland may effectively participate in civic affairs and work to improve the livability and character of their Neighborhoods and the City.  This Chapter sets out the basis for City recognition of Neighborhood Associations, District Coalitions, and the responsibilities and benefits accruing thereto.  This chapter also sets out the basis for city acknowledgement of Business District Associations and the responsibilities accruing thereto.  This chapter also creates the Office of Community & Civic Life and sets out its functions, duties and responsibilities.  Nothing in this Chapter shall limit the right of any person or group to participate directly in the decision making processes of the City Council or of any City agency.

3.96.020 Definitions.

(Amended by Ordinance 189078, effective July 18, 2018.) 

  1. As used in this Chapter the following terms have the meanings given them in this Section.
  2. A.  Neighborhood: A geographically contiguous self-selected community.
  3. B.  Neighborhood Association: An autonomous organization formed by people for the purpose of considering and acting on issues affecting the livability and quality of their Neighborhood, formally recognized by the Office of Community & Civic Life, and subject to Chapter 3.96.
  4. C.  District Coalition: An organization which supports participation services for Neighborhood Associations and everyone within a geographically defined area, and is subject to Chapter 3.96.
    1. 1.  Non-Profit District Coalition: An independent non-profit corporation directed by a board which is primarily composed of representatives from its member Neighborhood Associations.
    2. 2.  City--Staffed District Coalition: An office partially or fully staffed by City personnel to provide neighborhood services as advised by the participating Neighborhood Associations.
  5. D.  Business District Association: An autonomous non-profit organization with membership guidelines in its bylaws formed by people in business within a defined geographic boundary for the purpose of promoting the general well-being of their business community.  A Business District Association is subject to Chapter 3.96.
  6. E.  Office of Community & Civic Life: An agency of the City of Portland, whose purpose is to facilitate citizen participation and improve communication among citizens, Neighborhood Associations, non-profit District Coalitions/City-staffed District Coalitions, City agencies, and other entities. The Office of Community & Civic Life is subject to these Standards.
  7. F.  City agency: Includes all departments, bureaus, offices, boards and commissions of the City of Portland.
  8. G.  Standards: Regulations adopted by City Council that govern Neighborhood Associations, District Coalitions, Business District Associations and the Office of Community & Civic Life.

3.96.030 Neighborhood Associations.

(Amended by Ordinance 189078, effective July 18, 2018.) 

  1.  A.  Minimum Standards for Neighborhood Associations.  To receive and maintain formal recognition, Neighborhood Associations shall meet the Standards for neighborhood public involvement.
  2. B.  Functions of Neighborhood Associations.  A Neighborhood Association may engage in, but is not limited to the following:
    1. 1.  Make recommendation(s) concerning a particular action, policy or other matter to any City agency on any topic affecting the livability, safety and economic vitality of the Neighborhood, including but not limited to land use, housing, community facilities, human resources, social and recreational programs, traffic and transportation, environmental quality and public safety; and,
    2. 2.  Assist City agencies in determining priority needs of the Neighborhood; and,
    3. 3.  Review items for inclusion in the City budget and make recommendations relating to budget items for Neighborhood improvement; and,
    4. 4.  Undertake projects and activities deemed appropriate by the Neighborhood Association; and,
    5. 5.  Cooperate with other Neighborhood Associations and Office of Community & Civic Life to create District Coalitions.
  3. C.  Responsibilities of Neighborhood Associations.
    1. 1.  Neighborhood Associations shall abide by the Standards established by the Office of Community & Civic Life.
    2. 2.  Neighborhood Associations shall make a reasonable effort to include affected City agencies in planning activities which affect Neighborhood livability.
  4. D.  Benefits to Neighborhood Associations.
    1. 1.  Any Neighborhood Association meeting the minimum requirements established by 3.96.030, upon request, is entitled to formal recognition and benefits from the Office of Community & Civic Life pursuant to the adopted Standards.
    2. 2.  If a Neighborhood Association fails to meet the minimum requirements of 3.96.030, the Office of Community & Civic Life may, pursuant to the adopted Standards, suspend partial or all benefits to that Neighborhood Association and may ultimately revoke formal recognition of that Neighborhood Association.

3.96.040 Functions of District Coalitions.

(Amended by Ordinance 189078, effective July 18, 2018.) 

  1. A District Coalition shall:
  2. A.  Provide training and orientation, information and support services to Neighborhood Associations within the areas of Neighborhood Associations served;
  3. B.  Facilitate communication between people and government;
  4. C.  Promote public participation within the areas of Neighborhoods served on issues of livability, safety and public policy;
  5. D.  Promote, encourage and support the participation of members of diverse communities within the areas of Neighborhoods served;
  6. E.  Administer contracts or memorandums of understanding and operate the District Coalition in accordance with the adopted Standards; and
  7. F.  Abide by the Standards established by the Office of Community & Civic Life.

3.96.050 Responsibility of City Agencies.

  1. A. City agencies shall notify all Neighborhood Associations affected by planning efforts or other actions affecting the livability of the Neighborhood(s).
  2. B. City agencies shall include affected Neighborhood Associations and District Coalitions in planning efforts which affect neighborhood livability.
  3. C. Notice of pending policy decisions affecting neighborhood livability shall be given to the Neighborhood Association(s) affected at least 30 days prior to final action on the decision by a City agency. If said 30 day period may injure or harm the public health, safety, welfare, or result in a significant financial burden to the City, this notice provision shall not apply.

3.96.060 Responsibilities of the Office of Community & Civic Life.

(Amended by Ordinances 186216, 187359189078 and 191208, effective April 1, 2023.)

  1. There is hereby established and created an Office of Community & Civic Life which shall consist of a Director and such other employees as the Council may from time to time provide.  In order to facilitate participation and improved communication between the public, Neighborhood Associations, Business District Associations, District Coalitions and the City, the Office of Community & Civic Life shall:
  2. A.  Assist Neighborhood Associations, District Coalitions and others in planning and developing programs for public involvement, crime prevention, dispute resolution and budget review;
  3. B.  Act as an information clearinghouse and resource to Neighborhood and Business Associations, other groups and the public;
  4. C.  Notify interested persons of meetings, hearings, elections and other public participation events of the Office of Community & Civic Life neighborhood system;
  5. D.  Enter into, monitor, administer contracts, and memorandums of understanding for Neighborhood Associations through District Coalitions;
  6. E.  Promote and facilitate open communication and notification from City agencies to Neighborhood Associations, District Coalitions, and Business District Associations, promote and facilitate communication amongst City agencies about public involvement best practices and policy;
  7. F.  Support and promote public involvement within the Neighborhood Association framework;
  8. G.  Adopt and revise such Standards as are deemed necessary for the implementation of this Chapter and for orderly public involvement in City government through Neighborhood Associations and District Coalitions. In so doing, the Office of Community & Civic Life shall seek representation from Neighborhood Associations, District Coalitions, Business District Associations, diverse community interests, city agencies that engage in considerable public involvement activities, and other interested people as necessary;
  9. H.  Pursuant to the adopted Standards, formally recognize a Neighborhood Association and/or acknowledge a Business District Association.  If a Neighborhood Association or Business District Association fails to meet the minimum requirements of chapter 3.96, the Office of Community & Civic Life may suspend partial or all benefits and may ultimately revoke formal recognition of a Neighborhood Association or acknowledgement of a Business District Association;
  10. I.  Promote, encourage and support diverse and multicultural public involvement;
  11. J.  Establish open and fair grievance procedures for Neighborhood Associations, District Coalitions, and the Office of Community & Civic Life;
  12. K.  Establish open meetings and public records standards for Neighborhood Associations and District Coalitions;
  13. L.  Other duties as assigned to the Office by Council.

Upcoming and Recent Changes

Ordinance 191208

Effective Date