Chapter 3.67 Performing Arts Advisory Committee

City Code Chapter

(Chapter added by Ordinance 152285, effective September 17, 1981.)

3.67.010 Creation and Organization.

(Amended by Ordinance 153332, effective June 9, 1982.)

  1. There hereby is created an Advisory Committee to the Commissioner In Charge of the Portland Center for the Performing Arts to be known as the Performing Arts Center Advisory Committee. The Committee shall consist of 13 voting members who shall serve without compensation. The Commissioner In Charge shall appoint the members and shall designate the Chairman. Each member shall serve at the pleasure of the Commissioner In Charge. Upon completion for occupancy of all the facilities composing the Portland Center for the Performing Arts, the Performing Arts Center Advisory Committee shall be disbanded. In case of vacancy by death, incapacity to serve, or resignation, the Commissioner In Charge shall appoint a successor to serve the remainder of the vacant term. The Commissioner In Charge, or that person’s representative, shall be an ex officio member of the Committee, but shall not be entitled to vote.

3.67.020 Procedure and Rules of Committee.

  1. The Performing Arts Center Advisory Committee shall establish its own rules, bylaws and provide the procedure for all matters for consideration or action by the Committee. The Committee shall hold meetings at the call of the Chairman.

3.67.030 Duties.

  1. The Performing Arts Center Advisory Committee shall be responsible for raising funds and advising the Commissioner In Charge in the planning, programming, design and construction phases of the Portland Center for the Performing Arts.