City Code Chapter
(Chapter replaced by Ordinance 190172, effective November 20, 2020.)
3.54.010 Definitions.
- Unless the context indicates otherwise, words used in this Chapter shall have the following meanings:
- A. "Bureau" means all City bureaus or offices, including the offices of elected officials.
- B. "Loss Prevention Policy" and "Policy" mean a Citywide policy for bureaus to identify risks related to occupational health and safety, including workers’ compensation exposures, achieve regulatory compliance, and promote a culture of safety.
3.54.020 OMF Risk Management Division Responsibility and Authority.
- The OMF Risk Management Division shall have the following responsibility and authority in the area of City loss control and prevention:
- A. Develop a Loss Prevention Policy that outlines expectations and create a template to assist bureaus in developing a Loss Prevention Plan;
- B. Review bureau Loss Prevention Plans based on the Loss Prevention Policy and template;
- C. Advise and assist bureaus in the completion and implementation of their Loss Prevention Plans; and
- D. Monitor bureau loss prevention efforts and report information on City accomplishments to City leadership.
3.54.030 Bureau Responsibility and Authority.
- Each City bureau shall have the following responsibility and authority:
- A. Develop a written Loss Prevention Plan using Risk Management’s template. Utilize Risk Management’s consulting services to assist with plan development, as necessary. Provide the proposed plan to Risk Management for review;
- B. Implement the bureau’s Loss Prevention Plan and track bureau loss prevention effort accomplishments using Risk Management’s reporting form; and
- C. Annually review the bureau’s Loss Prevention Plan. Consult with Risk Management to update the Plan in accordance with the Loss Prevention Policy.