City Code Section
- The PHAC is delegated to carry out the following functions:
- A. Housing Policy and Planning.
- 1. Provide a sounding board on Portland housing policy issues.
- 2. Promote improvements within PHB.
- 3. Identify opportunities where PHB might influence the larger housing system to become more streamlined and to better align system resources, to support PHB’s mission.
- 4. Advise PHB on City priorities for affordable housing development.
- 5. Monitor and periodically recommend updates to PHB’s Strategic Plan.
- 6. Monitor and annually recommend updates to the Consolidated Plan Priorities for allocation of federal housing and community development resources.
- 7. Recommend annual production and performance goals to carry out PHB’s Strategic Plan and the Consolidated Plan.
- 8. Press PHB to implement its commitment to equity in all facets of its work.
- B. Budget Review and Recommendations.
- 1. Function as the Budget Advisory Committee for the Portland Housing Bureau.
- 2. Assist PHB to align its resources from all sources to its mission and priorities.
- 3. Identify opportunities for PHB to influence other public agency budgets and proposed work programs in furtherance of its mission.
- C. Resource Development. Assist PHB to identify and recommend ways to increase the resources available to maintain and expand the supply and availability of affordable housing and necessary support services through new initiatives and programs.
- D. Program Development and Evaluation.
- 1. Advise PHB on the effectiveness of housing programs at meeting PHB’s mission.
- 2. Advise on strategies for investment of public resources in furtherance of the PHB’s mission.
- E. Public-Private Partnerships.
- 1. Advise PHB on strategies to improve access to public and private sources of financing for affordable housing initiatives. Sources of financing include banks, philanthropic institutions and other socially-motivated investors, the State Housing Trust Fund, Block Grant and entitlement funders, and bond issuing agencies.
- 2. Foster housing production by identifying opportunities to streamline the regulatory process.
- 3. Actively encourage the support, personal commitment, and participation of highly respected community leaders in furthering the City’s affordable housing agenda.
- F. Community and Intergovernmental Relations.
- 1. Provide a forum for members of the community to provide comment about community needs and priorities.
- 2. Advise PHB on its legislative agenda to increase federal and state support for housing and supportive services.
- 3. Advise PHB on opportunities to coordinate regional housing policy with the Metropolitan Service District and other local governments.
- 4. Advise PHB on opportunities to coordinate policy development with local housing and social service groups.
- 5. Assist PHB to extend and deepen its community partnerships.
- 6. Assist PHB to integrate the perspectives of Urban Renewal Advisory Committees (URACs), and advise it on other ways it can engage the URACs to inform its broader agenda.
- 7. Periodically review PHB’s broader public involvement strategy and implementation to make sure that community members and stakeholders have many opportunities to participate in PHB’s work.
- 8. Advise PHB on its external communications strategy to make sure that it supports PHB’s mission.
- 9. Periodically review PHB’s information and referral strategy to make sure that it operates effectively and recommend changes.