Chapter 3.36 Portland Housing Bureau

City Code Chapter

(Chapter added by Ordinance 186028; amended by Ordinance 191898, effective October 25, 2024.)

3.36.010 Purpose.

  1. The purpose of this Chapter is to describe the duties and responsibilities of the Portland Housing Bureau.

3.36.020 Organization.

(Amended by Ordinance 191898, effective October 25, 2024.)

The Portland Housing Bureau is responsible for housing policy, its implementation, and the distribution and oversight of public and other funds that address the housing interests of the City, and related programs and services. 

3.36.030 Functions.

(Amended by Ordinance 191898, effective October 25, 2024.)

  1. A. The Portland Housing Bureau: 
    1. 1. Works with the City Council, other bureaus, and the community to develop a vision for housing in the City of Portland; 
    2. 2. Convenes government, community and stakeholders to coordinate planning for addressing homelessness, housing, and related activities; 
    3. 3. Develops, modifies, evaluates and updates City policy in accordance with planning priorities; 
    4. 4. Develops, modifies and updates community programs related to housing; 
    5. 5. Distributes funds in accordance with planning, policy and program priorities to advance the City’s interests in housing; 
    6. 6. Monitors the City’s investment in Portland’s affordable housing infrastructure for compliance with funding goals and the proactive management of the assets; 
    7. 7. Monitors programs funded through the Bureau for compliance with funding goals; 
    8. 8. Identifies the resources required to support the City’s housing policies, programs, and priorities; 
    9. 9. Provides support for the Portland Advisory Committee on Housing (Chapter 3.38); 
    10. 10. Carries out other tasks and functions as required by the Mayor, City Administrator, or Council.