City Code Section
- Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, Portland Permitting & Development is responsible for:
- A. The operation and management of the City’s Development Services Center and all personnel assigned directly or through inter-agency agreements;
- B. The examination and checking of applications, plans, specifications, and supporting documentation required preliminary to the approval of land use actions and permits for development;
- C. The issuance of approvals and permits required for the construction, installation, repair, or alteration of land, buildings, or equipment;
- D. The inspection of sites, buildings, or other structures and equipment for compliance with plans and specifications and with applicable Code provisions and laws;
- E. The administration and enforcement of the following:
- 1. Title 4, Original Art Murals;
- 2. Title 10, Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations;
- 3. Portions of Title 11, Trees, as further specified in that title;
- 4. The following portions of Title 14, Public Order and Police: Chapter 14B.100, Liquor License Recommendations; Chapter 14B.120, Time, Place and Manner Regulations of Establishments that Sell and Serve Alcoholic Beverages; and Chapter 14B.130, Marijuana Regulatory License Procedure and Requirements;
- 5. Title 18, Noise Control;
- 6. Title 24, Building Regulations;
- 7. Title 25, Plumbing Regulations;
- 8. Title 26, Electrical Regulations;
- 9. Title 27, Heating and Ventilating Regulations;
- 10. Title 28, Floating Structures;
- 11. Title 29, Property Maintenance Regulations;
- 12. Title 32, Signs and Related Regulations;
- 13. Title 33, Planning and Zoning, except as specified in that title;
- 14. The special jurisdiction provisions in Section 3.30.050;
- 15. State of Oregon regulations regarding manufactured dwellings; and
- 16. Other regulations enacted by the State of Oregon and adopted by the Council and assigned to Portland Permitting & Development.
- F. The coordination of related permits with other bureaus and offices as required to manage the Development Services Center; and
- G. Other duties as assigned.