City Code Section
- A. A Bureau employee is required to attend investigative interviews conducted by IPR, cooperate with and answer questions asked by IPR during an administrative investigation of a member conducted by IPR. If an employee refuses to attend an investigative interview after being notified to do so by IPR or refuses to answer a question or questions asked by IPR during an investigative interview, the Police Chief or the Mayor will direct the employee to attend the interview and answer the question or questions asked.
- B. All IPR interviews of Bureau employees will be conducted in conformance with legal requirements and collective bargaining provisions.
- C. Prior to being interviewed, a Bureau employee will be:
- 1. Notified of the time, date, and location of the interview.
- 2. Informed of the right to bring a union representative to the interview.
- 3. Read a statement, issued under the authority of the Police Chief or the Mayor, that the employee is directed to attend the interview, cooperate during the interview and answer all questions fully and truthfully and, if the employee fails to attend the interview, cooperate during the interview or answer any questions fully and truthfully, the employee will be subject to discipline or discharge
- 4. Provided with any other information or protections required by any applicable collective bargaining agreement.
- D. A representative of the Police Bureau will attend IPR interviews of Bureau employees for the purpose of reading the statement referenced in Subsection C. and to provide any assistance required by IPR.